As expected, poisonous gas permeates the Starry Sky Sea. Even though we have antidotes on us, we still feel as though we are blinded by the poisonous gas and are coughing non-stop.

In the end we had to stop and go no further.

This isn't a solution at all. Even if we have the Lotus Fragrance Sack on us, we probably won't even be able to reach the poison pond. I coughed so hard that tears were about to fall from my eyes. The poison gas here isn't something that the smog in the city can compare to.

Actually, what I was most worried about was still the baby in my stomach. He hadn't fully formed yet, so if I were to be poisoned here, it would probably affect the fetus and it might not even be preserved.

But since they were already here, they couldn't just give up halfway right?

Li Jun and Yue Yue had just been injured and hadn't recovered yet, and now they were poisoned as well. I can't open my eyes. The symptoms of poisoning are different for all of us, but if we can't see it, there's no way we can continue on.

However, the only one among us who didn't have any symptoms of severe poisoning was actually Zhang Ziyuan. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, then the treasures from the ancient times would actually work, even some seven-step lotus flower would be weak.

Zhang Ziyuan frowned, the situation right now is better to end this quickly, if possible, follow me, if you can't leave right now, leave here, if not, the poison will become deeper and deeper, and no one will be able to take care of you, it will be dangerous.

Zhang Shaowu coughed severely, as though he could not go any further, I knew that since he was young, his lungs and windpipe have always been in a bad state.

Zi Yuan, let the two of them go back. I think it's alright if the two of us walk forward, but you don't have any symptoms right now. Most likely, it's because the treasure that Zi Lang gave you was of great use.

But you need to recognize a fact, just with our strength alone, I'm afraid we aren't a match for the Ghost King. Furthermore, you have the extremely poisonous poison king.

How could I not know that our strength is limited, but since we are already here, there is no reason for us to leave.

Actually, I feel more conflicted than anyone, but I can't tell anyone about this contradiction. I'm currently poisoned, so I don't know what kind of harm it will bring to my baby if I let it down.

Li Jun and Yue Yue Yu advised us, it would be fine if the four of us go out together, but it would be too dangerous for the two of us to fight Ghost King.

I feel that this is our last chance, giving our biggest enemy time to recover from his wounds. When he comes back, we won't be able to deal with him.

Li He Yue was really worried that I would be in danger, but there was nothing she could do. He couldn't see with his own eyes, so he followed Zhang Shaowu and left.

Zhang Ziyuan stuck close to him. Stay close to me, that way, the treasures on me will be affected by you. That way, you won't be poisoned.

I felt that what he said made sense, so I tried to get closer to him. I didn't expect that after so long, I really felt that the symptoms of my poisoning had lessened a lot. I was overjoyed, because this way, I wouldn't have to worry about the baby in my stomach anymore.

In front of him should be the poison pool, the most poisonous place in the entire Constellation Sea. His eyes were filled with green mist, and he couldn't see the scene before him clearly.

Zhang Ziyuan said to me softly. Right now, we are only two people, we cannot go head to head against each other. My plan is to provoke them and make them kill each other.

This plan was not bad, but it would probably be very difficult to implement. I heard that the two of them have quite a good relationship and both of them have great ambitions.

Ambitious people are easier to control. I think they definitely don't want the other side to differentiate between the two of them. They have no other choice but to cooperate. Both sides are the biggest enemies.

Zhang Ziyuan seemed to have guessed their thoughts. Since he already had a plan in mind, then he might as well give it a try. In any case, the worst outcome would be two people fighting against each other at the same time, and giving it their all.

If we go any further, we won't be able to see anything, we might fall into the poison pond, so we can only slowly grope our way forward, probably reaching someone else's territory.

At this time, he heard heavy breathing not too far away. It seemed that there was a living creature here!

Be careful, the goods in this place are definitely not good stuff, they are all extremely poisonous, maybe, poison king is nearby. Zhang Ziyuan warned me in a low voice and quietly hid me behind him.

Sure enough, that heavy breathing sound was getting closer and closer. Through the layers of green mist, they saw a bright eye. It was coming towards us, and it was also getting closer and closer.

It should be a monster, but I couldn't help but be puzzled in my heart. What kind of monster is this with only one eye? Could it be a single-eyed beast?

Zhang Ziyuan stood firmly in front of my body to protect me while holding my hand behind me. I have heard that poison king had once received a heavy injury, but no one knew exactly who it was that injured him. But it was said that ever since then, the poison king only had one eye left …

I'll go? That means, the monster that is walking towards us is the poison king? I truly feel that the poison king is a humanoid monster. Would it be a good thing to deal with them like this? What he didn't expect was that he was actually a 2 meter tall monster!

Wife, step back. I'll deal with him …

What are you talking about? How can I let you fight alone? Since the two of us are here, let's deal with him together!

Zhang Ziyuan shook his head. This kind of monster's body is full of poison, once I get close to it, it will be very troublesome, and I cannot predict what kind of consequences it will produce. The treasures in my body can guarantee that I won't be harmed by its poison at all.

On second thought, it was indeed true. Although he didn't know that I was carrying a baby, I couldn't completely ignore it. After all, the lotus flower scented sachet couldn't completely block the invasion of the highly toxic poison.

Be careful then. Although the poison emitted by the monster may not be able to hurt you, it doesn't feel easy to deal with.

Zhang Ziyuan nodded, indicating that he understood, and ran towards the monster. Only later on did I find out, that it was trying to prevent the monster from getting too close to me, and that the poison was affecting my body.

But what surprised me was that Zhang Ziyuan actually took out a short knife from his bosom. I was very familiar with this short knife, it was back when I was in Gaochang's labyrinth, the treasures he chose were all clearly given to the Persian beauty as a gift. Why did it appear on him again?

Thinking about that beautiful woman, who had his eyes on her and seemed to really have some interest in him, I felt uncomfortable in my heart. Could it be that when Zhang Ziyuan left that time, he was with a Persian beautiful woman? That beauty gave the short knife to him again?

Just as he was thinking about that, Zhang Ziyuan had already started fighting with the one-eyed monster.

As the monster neared, I could clearly see that it was also a humanoid monster. However, its body was extremely tall, at least 2.56 meters, and its breathing was heavy. Even those who weren't poisoned would feel uncomfortable from the poison.

Element! Must be careful? I couldn't help but remind him.

Zhang Ziyuan is indeed fast and nimble, I suspect that he found someone to teach him a specific knife technique. Before this, I didn't notice that he had studied sabresmanship extremely well, but today, he is truly adept at using this King of Persia.

My doubts grew deeper and deeper, but now was not the time to ask him. I only hoped that he would not get hurt.

I raised my claws and clawed down onto Zhang Ziyuan's body. Thinking about what he said, I couldn't help but to rejoice in my heart. If it wasn't for Zi Lang's protection, this level of injury would have most definitely poisoned him.

Gently pressing the hand ring on my wrist, I summoned it. I heard that the phoenix is the king of birds and also immune to poisons. He had been sleeping in Shaohua for too long, today was finally the time for her to show off her skills.

The fire phoenix's flapping wings carried a burst of gorgeous light as it flew towards poison king. It appeared as though a brilliant light had appeared in the gloomy green mist.

Due to my high mental stress, even though I didn't make a move, due to my pregnancy, my body felt extremely uncomfortable. My dizziness swelled and I felt like I was going to faint.

No, he couldn't get sick at this time. If he fainted now, Zhang Ziyuan would definitely have his energy dragged away. That way, it would be very difficult for him to win.

Maybe it was because the pregnancy and vomiting were too severe and I didn't eat much nutritious food, which caused the nutrition in my body to rapidly drain. However, apart from being dizzy, I was surprised to find that I wasn't affected by the mist in the slightest. The poisoning that had just occurred was gone in an instant.

If I were to say that I was too close with Zhang Ziyuan just now to talk about the effects of the treasure on his body, then now that he is so far away from me, why am I completely immune to poison?

If I can really verify that I am immune to poisons, then would that mean I can help kill poison king? The chances of two people winning were definitely higher than one person.

I quietly pulled out my sword. I was able to stabilize my mind. I felt that my dizziness had gradually recovered.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with my body, I brandished my sword and charged forward. I wanted to give him a chance to catch him off guard and kill that monster.

After I joined the Battle, things became much easier, but Zhang Ziyuan started to get anxious with me. Didn't he tell you to just stand there and not move? Why did he rush over? Hurry back? Don't forget that you are unable to compare yourself to the poison of this monster. If you were to be injured by it, the consequences would be unimaginable!

He really is unhappy, I thought in my heart. His attitude seems to be different from usual …

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to be careful. You will be the main attacker while I support you from the side. That way, he won't attack me."

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