I didn't expect him to actually know these things … I had always wanted to hide it from him, but I didn't expect that Big Brother Fu had already told me everything.

"What do you think now? The doctor was poisoned from the start. You didn't even tell me, this is the place with the heaviest poison aura. Let's quickly leave, otherwise you'll be in danger! "

Zhang Ziyuan shook his head, "Relax, I still have some understanding of my body, so the current situation isn't that bad. Since we are already here, we can only return after settling the matter!"

I hastily returned the treasure to him. "Then, quickly take this item!"

Zhang Ziyuan panicked, "Are you crazy? You have a baby in your belly, and if you don't think about it for yourself, you have to think about it for him. "You must take this thing. If you really can't do it, then give me the lotus flower sachet …"

The current situation is indeed not a matter of two people, but a third person. As I thought this, I took out the seven-step lotus flower's scented sachet and stuffed it into his hands.

But I know, this thing, to the center of the Constellation Sea, is basically no longer useful.

Forget it, now that the situation had been resolved so quickly, the most important thing was to get out of here as soon as possible!

The other two monsters are still fighting fiercely. We can't interfere in this situation and we can't leave. What should we do?

Zhang Ziyuan said to me in a low voice, "Don't be anxious, let's wait for them to suffer heavy injuries before making a move, I can still hold on."

He probably already knew that all of his mana would have been reduced to half, but neither of us mentioned it. As he said, the only thing we can do now is to wait until both of us are wounded before we fight.

But in my heart, I was extremely anxious. Just by waiting for one more minute, he would become even more dangerous. At this moment, a fundamental change occurred in the battle situation.

The poison king swooped down onto the Ghost King's body and carried him into the poison pond beside them. No one knew what kind of thing was in the pond, but the splashes of the cistern water caused them to feel uncomfortable.

At this point, the outcome of the battle was clear, the Ghost King that had fallen into the pond was definitely not a match for the poison king, furthermore, the water in the pond seemed to be very harmful to his body, and at this rate, the only one who would come out would be the poison king.

The two of us quietly waited for the result, but who would have thought that the cistern water would suddenly burst out, and the one who came up was actually Ghost King? At this time, Ghost King's entire body was already festering and the rotten stench from his body made me want to vomit.

However, it was as if he couldn't feel the pain. Even though his entire body was festering, he still remained unmoving.

"How can this be? Where did poison king go? " Zhang Ziyuan exclaimed.

"Hahahaha, that perfidious fellow has already died below. What, why are you still so concerned about him? Right now, just focus on yourself! "

"That's impossible. The Constellation Sea belongs to the lone wolf. Especially if the poison pond goes down, other people have no chance of surviving. How come you came up instead of him dying?"

Ghost King laughed very arrogantly, "Actually, I already had a plan. I had felt that this monster had evil intentions towards me a long time ago, even though I looked like I was on the surface and was on friendly terms with it, but I had already planted a trap here, and was waiting for it to fall into my trap!"

Damn, the Ghost King is even more terrifying than the intelligence of humans. He actually schemed against his own comrades. But this situation seems to be extremely disadvantageous for us, poison king has already disappeared, and Ghost King is definitely our biggest rival. Right now, one of us is poisoned, and the other one is pregnant, so we are probably not his match.

"Zhang Ziyuan, what should we do now?" I whispered.

Don't panic, at least he's already used 80 of his physical strength, and he's already seriously injured, so the poison is not shallow. Also, he has a lot of things to deal with, he doesn't have any poison qi on his body, so we don't have to worry about killing him directly!

That's true, if we meet on a narrow path and win the battle, even if the two of us joined hands, we wouldn't be able to defeat this trash who only has 20 left in his cultivation.

"What about you? Can you still make a move? " I looked at him again with concern. After all, he had been bleeding from his orifices for so long.

"Don't worry, but we need to finish this quickly. I feel like my vision is already starting to blur, or maybe it won't be long before I go blind!"

Without saying anything else, the two of us took our weapons and waved towards Ghost King.

In fact, both of us are half a kilogram to eight taels of silver. That side is exhausted of their physical strength and is seriously injured, and the two of us aren't in the best condition to fight.

At this time, the most important thing was to see whose will was stronger.

Ghost King was like a ferocious beast that had reached the end of its road as he pounced towards us. If they met face to face, they would win. If they won, they would gain a chance at survival, but if they failed, they would only die.

The fire phoenix is currently hovering in the air, occasionally disturbing Ghost King's attention. If the three of us go together to deal with him, the exhausted Ghost King will obviously not be his match.

The Kong Ming treasure sword is the best counter to the Ghost King, I saw the opportunity and stabbed him in the back of the heart, where she died.

The Ghost King screamed as he prepared to struggle in death. He swung his claws towards me and saw that it was about to grab my stomach. I didn't have time to dodge.

My heart sank. This was bad. If it was any other place that had suffered injuries, there would still be a sliver of hope. But this claw actually attacked my stomach. If I was hit by it, I would probably die.

I tightly shut my eyes, waiting for this palm to land. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyuan, who was tightly held in front of me, forcibly blocked this claw.

The claw ruthlessly scratched his heart, and five bloody marks immediately appeared on it. Zhang Ziyuan also slashed his blade at the opponent's chest, kicking him down the poison pond, completely exterminating Ghost King.

"Zhang Ziyuan! Are you alright? "

I didn't expect him to protect me this time. I couldn't remember how many times he had been injured in order to protect me. The guilt in my heart grew even stronger.

Zhang Ziyuan was already deeply poisoned, when the five blood marks seemed to have deep wounds, blood could no longer be stopped and flowed out.

"Relax, I won't die. You are clearly two people now, why aren't you paying attention to me?" If anything happens to my son, I won't forgive you! "

"Why are you still so poor at this time?" How do you know I'm carrying a boy, just in case it's a daughter? "

Zhang Ziyuan panted heavily, as if he was already very uncomfortable. "Don't worry, I like both boys and girls … "Help me up, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. If this goes on for too long, I'm afraid I'll really die from the poison …"

He was severely injured, and he had lost too much blood to see. I supported him as we walked forward step by step. We were like a couple who were in trouble as we supported each other, neither of us giving up on the other.

Although it was very difficult, in the end we still walked out of the sea of stars, but at this time, Zhang Ziyuan could no longer hold on and finally fainted on the ground.

Since Li He Yue and Zhang Shaowu didn't leave, they said that they were at the shore of Constellation Sea, when they saw the two of us walk out, they hurriedly went to welcome us.

"Amitabha, the two of you finally came out, but you've made us so anxious. How about it?"

Li He Yue was really worried for both of us, so she quickly squatted down to check on Zhang Ziyuan's injuries.

"After we went in, we encountered a lot of things, but don't worry, poison king and Ghost King have already been settled by us. No matter what, we have achieved our goal in this Constellation Sea trip!"

"Damn, the two of you are really amazing …" This way, the rain house will become even more famous, and I believe that you will become the number one person in the The Psychic World in the future! "

"What I am concerned about right now is not the number one person in The Psychic World, quickly take a look at how Zhang Ziyuan is doing. Is there any danger to your life? "

Li He Yue carefully examined him, "Since he has such a deep poison, then doesn't that mean that he has the treasure Zi Lang gave him?"

"He secretly gave me that thing. I didn't even know that at the beginning, but he didn't get any protection from anything even after such a long time! So is his injury a problem or not? "

Li He Yue frowned, "Although he has lost a lot of blood, it's not a big deal. I have already applied some medicine on his wounds. They will be healed soon enough." The most troublesome thing for him is the poison in his body. I have some ordinary healing medicine and antidotes with me, I've already given them to him, I don't know if it will work. How about this, I am afraid I am powerless, let us go back and consult Fu Junqing. "

As he said that, he carried Zhang Ziyuan onto his back, where Zhang Shaowu helped out from the side.

At this time, my tears had already anxiously dripped. I didn't think that Zhang Ziyuan's poisoning would be so severe. Why am I so careless? He quietly gave me the treasure, but I didn't notice at all!

"Right, there's nothing wrong with the two of you, right?"

"Don't worry, the two of us weren't deeply poisoned. After coming out, we ate some antidotes and circulated our energy to heal our wounds, feeling much better already." The two of us waited anxiously outside, wondering what would happen if the two of you went in. We planned to enter the Constellation Sea once more, but was blown back by the poisonous gas halfway through our journey … I really did not expect that the one who would be able to last until the end would be a weak girl like you.

I shook my head. If Zhang Ziyuan had not secretly given me the treasure, I probably would not have been able to hold on …

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