"This big brother here, you've been standing in front of my door for quite some time, I think you're tired too. How about this, I'll invite you in and we can have a nice chat?"

The person still had a cold expression, "What?" You've thought it through. You're going to call the vampire out? "

"I just feel that you've been walking around here for so many days, so you must be tired, thirsty, and hungry. I've prepared a good feast and a very warm bed for you. You should rest for a while, and then we can talk, okay?"

You have to be courteous before you attack. You have to be polite when you speak to him, but he will definitely attack me later on.

The man was still expressionless and cool, and I thought he was going to reject me. I didn't expect him to turn around and walk in the direction of my invitation.

Looks like this plan of mine is quite successful. As long as he is an ordinary person, he will feel happy, angry, and sad. I don't believe that he won't feel tired even if he doesn't eat or drink for so many days.

As I had specially prepared it for him, he didn't hold back when we were facing a table full of dishes. The steak and red wine are all Western cuisines, so he would probably like them.

As expected, the entire banquet table was swept clean in a moment.

"I heard that you are the legendary Spirit Master. I think your job is pretty much the same as mine. Thank you for your hospitality. I won't disturb you any longer. I'll leave now. "

"Cough cough, we are indeed Spirit Master, but there is still a big difference between us and you. Our first task is to maintain the balance between the yin and yang. We are not going to kill all the demons and ghosts in one blow. Because there are good and bad ones among them, and we need to distinguish between those who are incurable, those who must be eliminated, and those who are not, and we will send him to be reincarnated. But it was said that in Vampire Hunter, as long as one met a vampire, regardless of whether the other party was good or evil, they would immediately kill them! I don't think it's quite right... "

"What do you mean? Are you blaming me for recklessly killing the innocent? Let me tell you, all the vampires are damned. They also drink the blood of humans for a living, and none of them are good people. Maybe your profession is really different from mine! "

Why is this person still talking to me so confidently after eating my food? Just listen to me, what's so difficult about that?

"But I feel that there are both good and evil in this world. You can't kill them all with a single blow. Maybe there are also vampires in this world that don't drink human blood?"

That Vampire Hunter seemed to be a bit impatient, "It's useless for me to argue with you about this. You won't understand me. But what I want to tell you is, vampires can't survive without drinking human blood, so humans and vampires are like natural enemies like mice. I hope you can understand all of this! "

I am afraid none of us can convince anyone of this. After all, he is a Vampire Hunter who has had the mindset of killing vampires since he was young. No matter what I say, I really do know a vampire who doesn't consume human blood.

"Since you and I have nothing in common, then please go back. It's still the same old saying, 'I don't have any vampires'. Since I've already eaten and drank to my heart's content, then you can leave."

The attitude of the Vampire Hunter became more and more arrogant. He really did not know what it meant to eat other people, as if I owed him a lot of money.

"Since you invited me in, I have no reason to go out. I must find that vampire today, that vampire I've violated for so many years! If I don't rip him to shreds and turn him into stone, I won't be a descendant of the Vampire Knight! "

"Alright, I knew that it might be you. It's been a long time since I last saw you, your old rival!"

Ah Sang actually showed up. I glared at him. Why did you come out at such a critical moment? He didn't even know that this fellow was after you. Isn't he courting death?

And from what they said, they actually knew each other?

"It's really you!" Many years ago, I was a thousand miles away from you and you ran away. In the end, you ran away, and I have been searching for you for so many years, but I didn't find you. I really don't know where you went to hide. Fortunately, our fates are not shallow, and now, under the witness of God, we meet again! "

"Ah Sang was also beaming with joy, feeling like he had just met the only great enemy in his life." You definitely won't be able to guess where I've been hiding all these years. If I didn't take the initiative to come out, you won't be able to see me again for the rest of your life! "

As I listened, I felt the conversation between the two get weirder and weirder. Could it be that there was something fishy going on between the two of them? Would they put on a gossipy and despicable show about love and hate?

I think I think it's too much, maybe I read novels to see the sense of substitution.

"It's a pity that you didn't endure to the end. You were still found by me today. Or we have to have a fight to see who wins. "I swear before God, if you are much stronger than me today, I will let you live!"

"Sure, actually, I don't want to hide here and be a turtle for the rest of my life. Since I've already revealed myself today, I naturally have a ending with you, but this is their territory after all, so they still need to do business. How about this, we're going out to play!"

I'll go? What did it mean to fight when they saw each other? Although they felt that the two of them should have known each other before, they didn't expect that their hatred was as deep as the seas.

I should not have questioned the grudges between the Vampires and Vampire Hunter. After all, they have their own circle.

But Ah Sang was brought out by me, if he really lost, and was turned into a stone statue by the Vampire Hunter, wouldn't I be harming him then?

"I say, can you listen to what I have to say before you go out and fight? I'm also the owner of this place, don't you have the right to say something? This Vampire Hunter, no matter what, I still have to tell you this. Ah Sang really doesn't drink human blood anymore, I don't believe that you can't even look at his teeth anymore! And he hated vampires the most in his life! I think it's better for all of you to check it out. Some vampires really don't cause any harm to humans! "

Ah Sang laughed bitterly, "Girl, I know that you mean well, but a creature like the Vampire Hunter, is like a cat seeing a mouse. Who knows if this is a bad mouse or a good mouse, of course cats would bite at it! Alright, you don't have to worry about me anymore. What should come will never come. I had already made this kind of preparation the moment Netherworld Valley came out, just that I didn't expect that the day would come so quickly. Oh right, Li Li just went out a moment ago. If she comes back, don't tell her that you don't know where I went, so as to not make her worry! "

He decided he was no match for the Vampire Knight.

I felt that this matter was very complicated, but from the looks of it, even Sang didn't want me to get involved anymore.

I watched helplessly as the two of them walked out. My heart was burning with anxiety, how am I supposed to explain to Li Li when she comes back …

Asan had once mentioned that a vampire had the most power at night, ten times as much as during the day. As the sun gradually set, it would soon be night, and perhaps he still had a sliver of life left in him.

I waited anxiously in the hall while Zhang Ziyuan accompanied me by my side. Even though he couldn't see my expression, he could understand how anxious I was at that very moment.

"I think it's better this way, they should be at the construction site behind rain house, why don't you go and take a look? If either side is truly unlucky and martyred, you can still help them collect their corpses … "

"Don't be so unlucky, I think it shouldn't be …"

That was what I said, but I wasn't sure. After five minutes, I couldn't sit still any longer, so I got up and ran out into the open at the back of the house.

The sight of the clearing startled me. It was terrible, and I had never seen anything so cruel in my life.

A'Sang was nailed to the ground by a wooden stake. His expression was twisted in pain. Blood flowed all over the ground, but because it was night and there was no sunlight, he had yet become a stone statue.

The empty ground was covered in blood. There must have been a terrible battle between the two of them, but it was not bad. Ah Sang should still have a chance to save him, and that Vampire Hunter had gone missing.

I immediately brought him into the big house and asked for Fu Junqing's help.

"Hurry up and help me take a look. This wooden stake has already fiercely pierced his heart. Does that mean he won't be able to survive?"

Fu Junqing frowned, "To be honest, ever since I met you, all of the patients I have treated were all difficult cases and were extremely difficult to treat. This is my thanks to all of you, allowing my medical skills to reach a whole new level. "

Fu Junqing was just teasing himself, I smiled bitterly, "There's no other way, I'll have to trouble you with this!"

"This is not a problem, how do you know he has the physique of a vampire? It should be understood that once a vampire has a wooden stake pierced into his heart, if he doesn't get a good treatment, once he sees the next day, the sun will turn into a stone statue. "

I nodded. "I know. It's night time now, so I think he should still be able to be saved."

"That's right. There is indeed a way to save him, but do you know of any way to save him?"

I shook my head. "Didn't you just take out the wooden stake and it will be fine?" If you lose too much blood, do you need a blood transfusion? "

"You're right. He needs fresh blood, but what he needs is fresh blood. In other words, if he doesn't get the fresh blood, he will just die after dawn," Luo Yuan said.

"That means he now has to drink human blood to keep his life, but isn't that how he became a vampire?" I don't think he wants to be like this himself! "

Fu Junqing shrugged his shoulders, "Then I have no other choice. There is nothing perfect in this world. I mean, save him first? "

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