Before I could finish my sentence, the huge monster reached out its hands towards us. There was no choice but to dodge.

I was worried that Zhang Ziyuan wouldn't be able to see or hide and that it would be more troublesome. I didn't think that his teasing speed would be faster than mine and that he would even know where the monster was coming from. Damn, his ears and sixth senses are really too scary now!

"My wife, I will hold him back. You go in first, Li Li will save him first!"

"Are you sure it's okay to be alone? Can you see them? "

"Don't worry, I don't think much of this gigantic fellow!" Hurry up and save them! "

I nodded my head. Originally, it was impossible for him to see me nod my head. However, I didn't expect the expression on her face to appear as though she had seen it.

I rushed into the bedroom under his protection and untied Li Li from the bed.

"Are you alright? You can even get up now. Why were you captured here? Who the hell are they? "

There were too many questions in my mind. I reckoned that she was the only one who knew about it, so I couldn't help but ask all of them.

"There's nothing wrong with me right now. I can still move my body! "We'll go help first. I'll tell you everything later."

Li Li's skills are also not bad, with his help, we are like tigers adding wings, three people will be able to deal with those two with much more ease.

While fighting, Li Li took his own spear from the living room and shot it towards the monster.

Li Li shot the monster squarely in the chest. It was very obvious that this kind of severe injury could cause a fatal blow to the monster. The monster that was injured didn't seem to move as fast as before.

Li Li shot twice in a row towards the monster's head and abdomen, but the inward part of its head seemed to really be fatal. It sat down on the ground and struggled non-stop, but was unable to stand up again.

The transparent man seemed to be taken aback by the sight. He pulled out a gun from behind his back and pointed it at us.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you all with one shot!" "I'm about to succeed, but you guys are here to cause trouble. We didn't want to get into trouble, so why are you guys bothering me?"

"We don't want to go against you, but you have captured my friend. We are here to find someone!"

Zhang Ziyuan sighed lightly, "There are three of us, and you are the only one. Furthermore, I believe that Li Li's spear arts should be more accurate than yours, why don't we spread the word, perhaps there is a way to resolve this peacefully."

The translucent man revealed a frustrated expression, "A peaceful solution. I know you all treat us like monsters, but there is no peaceful solution. We are now mortal enemies, unless you die, I will live!"

Don't make it sound so bad. Actually, we didn't treat you like a monster. I already noticed when I fought with you guys just now. You guys aren't one of the scary creatures we dealt with.

Zhang Ziyuan's words made me exclaim more and more, what kind of failed scientific experiment is this? How come I've never heard of it? How did he figure out the identities of these two people?

The transparent person sighed, "I could already tell that even though you can't see, your heart is clear. Yes, we are part of an international experimental company, some experiments in the Great Forest. The Great Forest was a transnational criminal group, an organization under its command that had gathered together the world's top scientists to study strange things for them. They had even conducted living experiments to mop up the strongest food in the world, but what they did not expect was that it all ended in failure. "Some experiments fail, and the products will naturally die or be completely destroyed. Yet, when they weren't paying attention, we managed to escape …"

I think I sort of understand who they really are. I've never heard of such a terrible gang in the world.

That is to say, you are all humans like me. You were just captured for experiments, and when the experiment failed, you became like this?

In reality, when I accepted this setting, my heart was still in a mess. I didn't think that a Spirit Master like myself would encounter such a sci-fi situation.

Yes, science has developed to the point where humans can do whatever they want. Although I am not very familiar with the profession of Spirit Master, but I can understand that all of you have met strange creatures just like us. What I want to say is, I did not want to become like this in the first place! The monster you guys dealt with just now is my biological brother, we think that both of them were sold to the Great Forest Company. Luckily, I became a semi-transparent person and he completely lost consciousness, and became a monster!

Zhang Ziyuan nodded his head, so these test subjects who escaped would definitely be chased by the Great Forest Company, right? They didn't want their experiments to be made public. So one of the main reasons why you kidnapped Li Li is because you want to obtain the qualifications to enter the Netherworld Valley?

It was only after hearing his words that I completely settled this matter from start to finish. So it turns out that they kidnapped Li Li to go to the Netherworld Valley.

Li Li suddenly put away her gun, "Actually, we were originally acquainted with each other. We all belonged to a spy company, and that company was like a bridge that was destroyed after crossing the river. All of their subordinates were silenced because they knew too many of their secrets. I was lucky enough to make it to Netherworld Valley, but the two people in front of me were sold to there. "

"Actually, when we found out that you entered a place called Netherworld Valley, we were also very surprised. I felt as if God had given us a way out, and in this world we had nowhere to run to, and there was only one way out. Why can't you show us the way? If we go to Netherworld Valley, I think my brother and I will still have a chance of survival. "

Li Li also did not seem to think that the final goal behind capturing him was this.

"When I first saw you two, I was also shocked. I didn't even think that you two were really captured for experiments. I thought you guys were really here to capture me and bring me back to the spy agency. If you had told me beforehand, we wouldn't have such a conflict."

"In other words, you can tell us the way to go to the Netherworld Valley?" The translucent man seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and his expression was very different from his face just now.

Of course I can tell you the way to the Netherworld Valley, but I have to remind you that that place is also quite terrifying. Back then, I was very lucky, and met someone willing to protect me.

"Don't worry, we definitely won't regret this decision. This world is too scary, I think that the Netherworld Valley will not make us lose hope like this world." Furthermore, staying in this world will only result in death, I am afraid that Great Forest Company will not let this happen. "

I sighed in my heart, What Great Forest Company? This is just like a terrorist organization. There are still many dark sides to the world, but I haven't come into contact with them yet.

"Your brother is injured now. Can you help us?"

The translucent man shook his head, "His physique is very strong. In fact, he should be considered a qualified product for experiments. But he's completely unconscious now, and he's on my own, so it gives the scientists a headache. If not for that reason, we would have been destroyed long ago. "

In the end, Li Li still told them the method to go to Netherworld Valley and gave them a piece of her keepsake.

"After all, I've been there for a long time. You guys take my keepsake and go find that Lady Boss. Then, they won't take the treasures from you."

The translucent person seemed to be surprised, "Li Li, I remember that you weren't this kind of person before. Before, you were extremely cold, and could even be described as cold-blooded. Your personality has changed so much? "

"If you didn't mention it, I really would have forgotten what kind of person he was. Unfortunately, right now, I met someone in the Netherworld Valley and that's when I realized that there were actually true feelings existing in this world. And these two friends of mine, who could come to our aid even when we were in the most difficult times, even when I was kidnapped and my life was at stake. "Perhaps, they are the ones who let me know that there is still a need for more trust between people …"

The matter was resolved, and the two of them brought Li Li's keepsake to the Netherworld Valley. I hope they can start a new life here in Netherworld Valley.

Li Li packed up her gun, "This time, I really have to thank all of you. Otherwise, I would really be no match for that big monster. "By the way, did something happen to Sang?"

"How do you know something happened to him?"

These two people truly shared the same thoughts. If one of them didn't return, the other would know that something had happened to him. The other was the same.

"Tell me, how is he? I knew that if he can still move right now, the first person who would rush over to save me will definitely be him! "

"Don't worry, there's nothing much to worry about right now. But a few days ago, he was targeted by a Vampire Hunter …"

"As expected, if something were to happen to both of us, it seems that our future days will not be peaceful either …"

Bringing Li Li back safely, Ah Sang is extremely grateful to us.

"I can't get out right now, but you guys actually went to save him for me. I really can't thank you enough!"

"Ah Sang, I'm afraid both of us have our eyes on the current situation. You were attacked by the Vampire Hunter, and I was attacked by a spy company. I feel that if we stay here, it will only bring them trouble. How about we find a place to hide?"

Actually, I didn't expect that bringing two people out would cause such a big problem. Moreover, this was their personal matter, and I couldn't help or interfere in it. If they had a better place to hide, then that would be great.

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