Originally, Zi Lang was happy to be able to find his lover without a hitch, but who would have thought that something bad would happen to Ling Long after just a few days.

That night, the night was dark and the wind was strong. Everyone should have already gone to sleep. The Ling family also went to bed early. After all, they were a rural family with no entertainment.

In front of her house, there was a very strange sound. Everyone thought that the wind was too strong and had blown on something outside, so they didn't pay much attention and continued sleeping. However, they didn't expect that on the second day, something shocking happened.

Linglong was actually gone. Last night, she was still peacefully sleeping in her room, but why did she disappear the next morning when she woke up?

What made her even more suspicious was that there was actually a string of strange wind chimes hanging by her window. The wind chimes were reddish brown in color, as if half their blood had been dyed red. It was extremely eye-catching.

Thinking about the strange noises that happened the night before, Ling Long's family members went limp with fear. They invited the most famous divine rod in all of China to come over and see what was going on.

When Zi Lang heard about this, his face immediately turned green. Linglong was not even an adult, yet she was being watched by such a strange person.

When I saw how anxious he looked, I couldn't help but comfort him, "Don't worry, let's go and take a look. Rumors are just rumors, it's better to see with our own eyes." "Rest assured, no matter who kidnapped her, we are confident that we can find her for you!"

Everyone had already gone to the Ling Long family. This matter had already shocked all the villagers. They felt that this matter was too strange. Amongst them were many divine rod who came to cheat money. In a short period of time, the Ling Long family had surrounded the people who came from the inner and outer layers to watch the excitement.

It took a great deal of effort to squeeze through, but we saw the strange sound of the reddish-brown wind chimes in front of the windows.

"Uncle, aunt, what happened?" Tell me in detail if I may be able to help! "

She was already in tears. After all, she was so old and only had such a daughter. When she gave birth to her daughter in the hospital, it was still difficult for her to bear the child, so she treated her daughter like a darling.

"Little Su Su girl, I don't know why, but this girl has always been very well-behaved and rarely interacted with outsiders. I never thought that someone would think of her and take his away at night. Look, that wind chime on the window scared me to death! "

Then she continued to cry, and her aunt's husband sighed.

With just this little bit of information, he was completely unable to figure out who took Linglong away and where …

"Aunt!" Don't cry yet. From what I see, your daughter shouldn't be in any great danger. The problem is that you have to cooperate, so that we can find our daughter! "

"Lass Su, the problem is, you are all normal people, how can you help me get it back? "Don't put yourself in there. I heard that there's a famous Warlock in the neighboring village. I've already sent someone to invite him. When he comes, things might even change!"

My aunt and uncle didn't seem to believe me. After all, I grew up in this village, and they definitely wouldn't believe that I'm a very powerful Spirit Master. Since he's unwilling to tell me about any suspicious clues during this period of time? Then I'll have to find it myself.

I walked over to the bell, which still made that weird sound in the wind. It was very unpleasant to hear.

"Aunt, the voice you heard last night should be this Feng Ling, right?"

She nodded. "That's right, that's the voice of Feng Ling. I truly regret it. If it had happened yesterday and she had come in to take a look, perhaps she wouldn't have been captured …"

"Oh uncle and aunt, actually, if that person really wanted to take your daughter away, why would he let out such a sound in front of your house? In that case, won't they draw your attention? "

"Little girl, what you said makes sense. But, such a mysterious matter?" How can we tell? "Perhaps, the one who took our daughter away was not the robbers, but …"

Aunt did not dare to continue. She had probably thought about what had happened, but she did not have the courage to say it.

I walked into the bellows and felt there was no ghost on them, so I suspected it was a huge trap.

I secretly went over to Yue Feng and whispered a few words into his ear, "You're fast, I'll trouble you to help me with something. If you have any news, come back and tell me immediately."

Yue Feng nodded, "No problem, leave this matter to me!"

I m afraid that the conspiracy at the center of this matter is not small. Maybe I need to ask him about some things before Zi Lang can come to a conclusion.

"Zi Lang, do you think that Linglong's disappearance has anything to do with her previous life, Wan Er?"

Zi Lang shook his head, "That's hard to say. According to logic, only we should know about her reincarnation, and only when the seal on my palm detected her will we know where and when she was born. If there really was someone watching her, how did they find out about it?"

"It's hard to say. Perhaps the other party also has a bargaining chip that can help me find her. Right now, the key is to carefully think about it.

Zi Lang carefully recalled, this was a long time ago after all.

"In the past, Wan Er had once worshiped a famous person, and she was the sole disciple passed down from master to master for nine generations. Therefore, his wits and skill are not any weaker than mine. "

Zi Lang seemed to have slowly recalled some of the details that had to do with this matter. I listened quietly, wondering if I could capture some useful information from his words.

"A famous man, and then what? In that case, Miss Wan Er should be an extraordinary person, right? "

"That's right, he is indeed an extraordinary person. I have never seen his master before, so I have heard him mention it before. He is an unworldly expert who knows the geography of heaven and earth, and his skills in magic are all very strong. He also has a legendary glazed fan, which was once fought over by people everywhere. "

The glazed fan had never heard of such a thing. If it was said that it was just a priceless fan, then it would not be able to attract the attention of people from all over the place. Could it be that this fan had some sort of miraculous function that would make people unable to stop themselves from obtaining it?

But, what did Wan Er's master have to do with this? This doesn't seem to be connected at all...

I looked at Zi Lang suspiciously, hoping he would give me an explanation.

Zi Lang quietly lowered his voice, "The reason I wanted to mention this matter is because Wan Er's master once had a mortal enemy, and that is his fellow sect disciple. "This person's favorite object is the reddish-brown wind chimes. It's said that her house is filled with such wind chimes that are dyed red with human blood …"

He said it with such horror that I trembled.

"So you suspect that the person who kidnapped Linglong already knew that Linglong was the reincarnation of Miss Wan Er? And his goal is that glazed fan? "

"I think it's very possible that the glazed fan is Master Wan Er's sect's, a treasure passed down from generation to generation, and it was only passed down to the next generation's leader. Even though I don't understand Wan Er's sect very well and she didn't tell me much due to various reasons, I still remember this matter very clearly. "

"But this matter is too strange. If it was by chance that you were sealed in the ancient tomb, and if Miss Wan Er was stubborn enough to stay in the Fengdu Ghost City and never left, then this mysterious person who likes the blood-colored wind chimes, what method did he use?" After so many years … Or could it be that the person causing trouble now was the descendant of the mysterious person? "Could it be that from generation to generation, the final goal of their clan was to obtain the glazed fan? This is too scary …"

Everything is unknown, but when I saw that string of wind chimes, the first thing I thought of was Master Wan Er's junior brother.

"The problem is, Linglong is already Wan Er's reincarnation, and that's impossible. When he was reincarnated, he must have been carrying that glazed fan with him the entire time, so what's the use of capturing a little girl if he wants to take something?"

"I'm not too sure about the whereabouts of that fan anymore. At first, it was indeed on Wan Er's body. However, after the two of us had fallen out, the two countries started to fight. For a long time, they met again, and it was not as close as it was before. I don't even know where I sent that fan to. "

I lowered my head in thought. "So I guess the person who took Linglong must have wanted to do everything in his power to awaken her memories and make her tell me where the fan was. Do you think that is possible?"

"Awakening memories? You mean, the other party already knows about the seal that you have placed on both of our palms, sealing our memories from our previous lives? "

I nodded. "Of course. When an ordinary person is reincarnated, they must drink Grandma Meng's Elixir and walk on the Bridge of Helplessness. They have completely forgotten their memories from their previous life. There aren't many people who have this kind of lucky chance." If that person wants to get information from Linglong, he will definitely know the truth of the matter. "

Zi Lang seemed to be able to clear up the situation, but the only thing he did not know was who this person was.

I reached out to pat him on the shoulder. "So I said, before this, someone must have approached Linglong and checked that her palm was sealed. That's why they dared to do such a thing." All these years, we have never been here, so we do not know who it is that is intentionally getting close to Linglong. Now, all of this is due to his parents. "

"But his parents don't seem to be able to do it, as if they're deliberately hiding something. Maybe we should go and ask them."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't be anxious, we will know the information we want very soon. It's said that the very powerful divine rod is about to arrive." These few years, his parents would definitely tell that divine rod what was weird about his daughter. We'll know when the time comes. "

Zi Lang felt that it made sense, so we waited near the Ling Long family residence for the appearance of the divine rod.

To be honest, there are still many doubts in my heart regarding the divine rod. After all, I have never heard of such a person in the Ten Thousand Mile Region. Coincidentally, his name appeared after this incident …

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