Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo looked coldly at the alchemist.

"Are you so sure?"

Su Zimo's voice was extremely ironic.

The alchemist shuddered when he heard it.

"The blood was spotted on the scene, and it was impossible for the child to ... still be."

"Go away, useless stuff."

King Lin's anger is endless.

"Su Qi, you are a god-level Sanpin Alchemist, and He orders you to keep your child."

Su Qi listened, sitting still.

He knew that Mother had plans in person.

"I don't need my son. My son doesn't look at everyone. Some people just dirty their hands."

Su Zimo's words even shocked the people at the scene.

At this moment, she was calm and complacent, and dazzled among the crowd.

When Mu Yunxuan heard it, he had a faint smile on his face, and it seemed that Moer had mastered everything.

All he needs to do is watch the show quietly.

"Su Zimo, you are too bullying."

Although Yafu was born in Qinglou, she never suffered such an insult under the shelter of King Lintian.

"Is it because the owner is bullying you too much, or is your flowery intestines too much?"

Yafu's face was a little dazed, and his face became more and more ugly.

Did she see it?

How could it be impossible? Yafu comforted herself in the heart, calmed herself down, and didn't mess around.

"Mo, you are really too much."

Jun Lintian's stern black eyes flashed a bit of shock.

Does she really want such a heart of stone?

Medical ethics and medical ethics are the responsibility of every alchemist.

"Excessive? Why doesn't the owner think?"

As soon as Su Zi's words came out, everyone took a breath, and she dared to speak to the king of a country like this.

"My lord! What about our children? He hasn't had time to look at his father and mother!"

Yafu sobbed with fear and pain, and in her heart she hated Su Zimo's broken body.

Su Zimo glanced at Yafu. Indeed, she felt sorry for the child. She had such a mother.

Used before being born.

Tao Zixu looked at them coldly. This evening, she didn't figure it out.

Su Zimo is waiting, as long as the woman is eating and talking, the scene can end.

"My queen! This woman's heart is poisonous, not even my queen's only child, so a poisonous woman should be divided into five horses and killed one hundred.

Geng Sangyao spoke optimistically.

When Su Zimo heard it, a few invisible smiles flickered around the corners of her lips, and she really thought what came.

"The queen mother-in-law said that people who would kill even unborn children should indeed be divided into five horses and killed a hundred."

When Geng Sangyao heard it, she fisted slightly. What did she mean?

However, she still believed in her mind that Su Zimo could not find any clues.

"Mo, save your uncle, he won't embarrass you."

From the bottom of his heart, Junlin Tian did not want to hurt Su Zimo.

"He lives well, why should he be rescued by the owner?"

Su Zimo's voice became fierce.

"Yara, you asked for it."

After that, Su Zimo quickly raised the white Xuan Bingxue behind him.

Just when Areum thought she was going to kill herself.

Suddenly she felt coldness on her leg.

Looking down, she widened her eyes in disbelief.

I saw Ya Fu's skirt was cut into pieces by Xu Zimo in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye.

How could she know, how could it be?

The white legs were bare, the deep inside of the left thigh, and a deep wound appeared in front of everyone.

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