Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"It's him, Moer. I've been following him from Yuncheng to Chengnan, but he just disappeared after Chengnan broke. It's very likely that there will be an enchantment near Chengnan.

Su Zimo bowed his head and thought for a while.

"The cinnabar paper records that he loves his mother so much, but why should he bother me and Qier?"

Su Zimo couldn't figure out, what exactly was he doing this for?

"Mo Er, the person he loves is Mu Xinyan after all, and you are Mo Yuntian's woman. He is likely to hate because of love."

Mu Yunxuan can't think of it, it will really be Mu Langyu.

"Then why did he sleep for a hundred years? Don't you think it doesn't make sense before and after? If he really hates his father, he should have gone to his father that year."

Su Zimo felt that this was not a straight line.

"Maybe what happened that year, what else we don't know."

Mu Yunxuan took her to the chair and sat down.

Thinking of what Mo Yuntian said, he felt inexplicably happy.

Some things, between him and Mo Er, it might be better to talk about it.

"Mo Er, when we went to Mingyue Valley last time, do you remember that my father-in-law asked me to talk alone?"


Su Zimo nodded quickly.

"Not two of you big men said anything."

"The number of lives between them has changed, ..."


Mu Yunxuan's words were interrupted by the gentleman.

Su Zimo looked at the people, gentleman Xi and Yu Waner.

Yu Waner was obviously well-dressed. A small cherry mouth was rosy, and her skin was whiter.

"My dear."

Mu Yunxuan got up and called.

"Do you know I'm your mother?"

The gentleman had a bad tone, crossed Mu Yunxuan and glared at Su Zimo.

"It's not a few days before my birthday, wouldn't you prepare for Yuncheng?"

"My dear, there is still more than a month to go."

Mu Yunxuan endured as much as possible, if she was not her mother, he would not allow her to make troubles like this.

"Cousin, there is no such thing as a birthday feast. It must be carefully prepared. Waner also prepared several birthdays for her father. She is quite experienced. If cousin needs it, Waner can help.


Mu Yunxuan quickly refused.

Yu Waner's face was hard to look at instantly.

Is this Mu Yunxuan soft and hard?

"Xuan'er, my mother's birthday is about the same every year. It's better to let Wan'er help you this year and let my mother have a different birthday!"

When Yu Waner heard it, she was instantly happy, and to be honest, gentleman Xi is a soft and not hard, she likes a good daughter-in-law.

And Su Zimo, too strong, there are too many claims.

Once, gentleman Xi is the long princess of Haoyue Kingdom, and secondly is the only lady of the Lord in Yuncheng.

If Yuncheng suddenly has a new daughter-in-law who competes with her, who is it? Her status and identity are threatened. No one can bear it.

"No need!"

Mu Yunxuan's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Even so, it is still beautiful enough to cause crime.

"Why would my cousin reject Wan'er's intentions? Wan'er also wanted to make the grandmother happy to have a special birthday feast."

Yu Waner bowed her head, her tears were falling in the misty beautiful eyes, and her pitiful appearance was a man who would be tempted to look at it.

But Mu Yunxuan didn't eat this set, and he even frowned at Yu Wan'er.

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