Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Tweety, what's wrong with you? Don't you let you cry in confinement?"

Su Zimo dropped what was in his hand.

Hurrying towards Tweety.

Upon seeing her mother-in-law, she hurried to pick it up.

"Oh! Don't break it."

Mother Tzu's face was distressed.

"Sister Zimo, Tweety is fine!"

Tweety is small and exquisite, with a cloth towel on her head. Although she is only seventeen years old, she is also a bit of a mother.

"What do you say, Tweety?"

Su Zimo looked at Jiang Yu on one side.

Her condensed expression made Jiang Yu panic.

"Nothing? The child didn't drink milk. The child cried all day. Tweety was anxious and followed her."

Granny Tweety said busyly with a smile.

Tweety quickly narrowed her eyes.

A look of grievance.

"Tweety, let's go inside and say."

Su Zimo felt nasty at the sight of Twee's expression.


Tweety took Su Zimo to the main house.

"Yuer, you follow me too, don't let your daughter-in-law talk nonsense."

Tweety's mother-in-law looked at Tweety's back.

"You did too much."

Jiang Yu waved angrily and followed.

Tsui's mother-in-law didn't take it seriously, and soon took inventory of what Su Zimo brought.

Su Zimo walked into Twee's room for the first time.

At first, she was taken aback. Living in a cave is better than living in a broken house!

Even the door was not tightly closed because the ground was humid and the walls were moldy. There was nothing but a bed and two wooden boxes inside.

The child on the bed did not sleep well.

"Tweety, do you have a lot of dowry? What's wrong with your house?"

Su Zimo knew that Uncle Bai and Aunt Bai had always loved Tweety. Tweety would get married, but he even took out the family.

"Sister Zimo, my mother-in-law was back because of this incident yesterday."

Tweety choked and said.

"so serious?"

Squeak! The door was pushed open.

Jiang Yu walked in with a look of guilt.

Tweety saw Jiang Yu, but turned her face away from Jiang Yu.

"Tweety ..."

Facing Tweeer, Jiang Yu kept talking.

"Jiang Yu, your mother gave me your dowry to your sister and I will not say anything, but she also gave your sister the money they gave Zi Mo to your sister. A chicken, she also passed it. Our family is poor. I ca n’t drink soup and do n’t have milk for children. Do you want to be so silent? Is n’t our child important?

Tweety whispered to Jiang Yu.

It seemed that all the anger was spilled out.

Su Zimo heard, the anger came up instantly.

This Tsui Er has always been indisputable, how much grievance it takes to be so angry!

"Are you biological? This is too much?"

"Not biological, but she also pulled me big."


A group of crows flew over Su Zimo's head.

Mother, it's really not natural.

"Jiang Yu ’s mother went after he gave birth. Jiang Yu was raised by her. When her mother-in-law married, she also brought her aunt, but her mother only cared for her, and Jiang Yu kept remembering this. Well, she never did it with her mother, but she did too much in this matter, and we want to live after all. "

Tweety was always pressed by Jiang Yu and didn't speak. This would be really unbearable. Her own son also had to eat to live.

When Su Zimo heard it, she couldn't be hungry!

"Tweety, hold the child and go back to the city with me. How about you as a confinement?

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