Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Mingyue Mountain Villa.

Under the Octagonal Pavilion in Mingyue Xuan.

Su Zimo has drawn the drawings.

Su Zimo is explaining drawings to both of them.

"Yun Ting, you see, this is a manual hoist. There is no need to move large coal blocks. You can use this directly. There are also some tools to use. You take these to the blacksmith first. The process is complicated. It may take a while, and this is the mold of the bricks. You will also make it. When it is installed, I will go there in person. "

He Yunting swallowed sharply.

"Momo, I can say, it's not complicated, it's too complicated, and it can't be done in a short while, especially these gears, ratchets, etc. are really difficult to do."

He Yunting really wanted to break her head to see what was inside, she could think of such strange things.

"Yun Ting, this is not difficult. It only takes time. I only know this. The others cannot know and cannot do it, and this is the only thing that can be done under the conditions here."

This is Su Zimo's most familiar hoist. She doesn't know the others.

"Okay! I'll take a look at the best iron shop."

He Yunting grabbed his head as he walked.

Murong Shao Feng looked at her with a smile, her eyes were all deeply indulged.

"You can think of such complicated things. I really don't know what constitutes your head?"

Su Zimo smiled a little embarrassed.

She borrowed it from her ancestors, and she couldn't think of the complicated structure with her head.

"Shao Feng! Don't brag about me, you're so happy to fly to the sky without seeing me, you're bragging, my face is even redder than an apple?"

Su Zimo laughed, she was so panicked!

"You! So humble, yes, Momo, this is for you."

Murong Shao Feng handed a red brocade box to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo took a look at it and was a pair of amethyst earrings.

"Wow! That's beautiful!"

Su Zimo's eyes looked brightly at the amethyst earrings in the brocade box.

Murong Shao Feng knew at first sight that she liked it.

She likes purple things, so he also does what he wants, and prepares a lot of amethyst jewelry for her, especially amethyst matches her very well, making her look noble and fairy.

"Wow! Shao Feng, I just said it casually, amethyst earrings, this is too expensive."

Su Zimo smiled and smiled, Shao Feng was so masterful every time.

"Oh! Since Momo is too expensive, I have a pair of sheep fat jade earrings here, or we should change it."

Murong Shao Feng said deliberately, knowing that a woman was just polite.

"Shao Feng, there is no reason to take it back, thank you, thank you!"

Murong Shao Feng shook his head and knew that she would say so.

He lifted the tea cup gracefully and took a sip of tea lightly.

"By the way, Momo, after Zhu Yan left last night, the few Wu people in Linxi Inn were killed."


Su Zimo's face was serious. It seems that some people don't want them to solve the gentleman's magic.

"Mo Er!"

Mu Yunxuan shouted outside the door.

Seeing Murong Shao Feng and seeing the amethyst earrings in Su Zimo's hands, Mu Yunxuan frowned.

This Murong Shao Feng is always attentive to nothing.

"Yunxuan, are you back?"

Su Zimo got up to meet him.

"Right, how's Madam?"

"My mother ’s mood has stabilized a lot today, but I still have to quarrel with Mingyue Villa to accompany Qier. There is no way. My father can only knock her out. Jincheng is now trying to find a way.

Mu Yunxuan's expression of helplessness, if not for that year's appointment, he would have left for the Wu tribe.

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