Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1492: : This is what you asked for

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Penalistic, who tells you that a woman must be married to her husband at home?" Su Zimo's eyes smiled, and the bright eyes of the bright eyes were ironic.

"Women should abide by three virtues and four virtues."

Fake Mu Yunxuan looked suzily at Su Zimo. He liked smart women, but he didn't like clever women.

"Going to your uncle's Sancongde, you are worthy to talk to your old lady about Sancongde. You have the ability to let go of the old lady, and the old lady will teach you what Sancongde is."

Su Zimo roared, this man hated her so much that he couldn't wait to swallow her.

Why did he hate her so much? Why did you bring her here?

"To lead you out today, I have no intention to let you go back. If you want to go back, you can break away from my cultivation by your own ability." The man was proud, and his dark eyes were full of sinister colors.

"Okay! What the **** are you, my aunt and grandmother just want to die, and they won't die in the hands of people like you who don't see the light."

Su Zimo quickly released the power of the Rosewing.

She didn't believe she couldn't fight the bastard.

The repair of the peak of Xuanhunjie was released instantly, and the wings of Rosemary recovered a lot.

It's just that there is still a lot of black pressure.

The other party ’s cultivation was too strange, and Su Zimo didn't dare to care for a moment.

But struggled several times, still being tightly held by the other side.

And the shadow of the beast soul faintly appeared around him.

Su Zimo scolded himself despicably!

"Fire Phoenix, all come out."

Su Zimo's voice just fell, and all her contracted beasts and Warcrafts appeared around her.

"Roar!" Soul Beast snarled towards Su Zimo.

The white tigers looked at them and instantly greeted them. In an instant, the discolored world was filled with the angry roar of beasts!

"Is this all your strength? It's just the same." Fake Mu Yunxuan looked at Su Zimo ironically.

Does not seem to want to kill her so happily, but wants to torture her to death slowly.

Su Zimo's eyes flickered, but he couldn't guess the other party's purpose today.

She always knew very quickly what the enemy wanted from her. But this man is a little strange today, and she just said her strength ...

Su Zimo moved slightly, and looked carefully at the man who was exactly the same as Yun Xuan.

His eyes were deep, and his eyebrows were a little sharp. At first glance, those deep eyes were very familiar, wouldn't this person be Mu Lang?

"You are no more than that. You are not only a mean villain who likes to put cold arrows behind you. You have the ability to kill me? In the case of Mingyue Villa, you did not kill me. You cannot kill me today. "

When Fake Mu Yunxuan heard it, he quickly released more black gas, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

"This is what you asked for."

Su Zimo suddenly felt that the power of the Rosewing on her body was a lot heavier, as if to tear her body.

"Huh!" Su Zimo groaned, sighing in her heart, after all, her cultivation was too weak, Su Zimo only felt that the soul was about to get out of the body, and the red wings of rosemary flew in the air, slowly slowly She surrounded her.

Fake Mu Yunxuan was staring at Su Zimo's changes. Impossible, she couldn't cultivate to such a degree.

"Bang!" A dazzling golden light struck.

Su Zimo's cold eyes instantly became moist and flowing, with a faint glow.

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