Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1517: : Despicable, you actually poison

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Qi hit with a mystery.

Lu Ning flashed quickly, and on the wall of the cave, a crystal crack cracked instantly.

At first glance, the beautiful woman did not expect that Su Qi's cultivation was already a master of the first stage of the Holy Age.

"Boy, I killed you today to vent my hatred!"

Lu Ning's shot was accurate and fierce, and Xuanguang was green, which was strange.

After a few tricks, Su Qi was actually struggling to deal with, and the mysterious energy in the body was difficult to condense.

His eyes were slightly surprised! The woman was poisoned.

"Oh!" Su Qi spit out blood.

"Little boy." The beautiful woman held Su Qi in horror.

"Despicable, are you poisoned?"

Su Qi quickly wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, and a slight smile on the corner of his lips, he would not let his blood be watched by the enemy all the time, and he would not make his enemy happy.

Lu Ning's eyes flashed a proud light, staring at Su Qi penetratingly, looking at Su Qi sublimely: "It's the fastest way to deal with what is better than me? Just like Shen Lan behind you Similarly, if I had not poisoned her so that everyone would know that she was dead, she would not have been hiding here for 20 years and had not been found because the entire Bing people knew she was dead. Now. "

Lu Ning looked at Shen Lan who was shaking violently.

Brow a chuckle, his eyes suddenly cold again.

He bowed his head and smiled proudly, "Shen Lan, if you blame, you were so kind. If it weren't for your being so kind, I wouldn't be able to climb up on the patriarch's bed easily, but you are here, staying Almost twenty years, all the pain, loneliness, separation of flesh and blood, separation of husband and wife, in fact you should thank me! If it were not for me, how would you have the chance to taste the six sufferings in this world? "

Shen Lan was so angry that her lips were trembling, and she looked at Lv Ning distressedly.

"At that time, I was thinking of changing my sister's true feelings with my sincerity. I didn't expect you to trample my sincerity under your feet. Not only that, but you were also plagued by disaster."

"Hehe!" Lv Ning smiled coldly, with a bit of sarcasm, and then said disdainfully: "What sisters love you? You just have pity on me Lv Ning, I have been your skinny girl since I was a child, you have no light Everywhere, your beauty makes this Bing man crazy. I watch you happy every day, and even marry the first beautiful man like a god. From then on, I will step by step. Is planning to take everything you have. Unexpectedly, a few years later, this wish was fulfilled. "

After that, Lu Ning's eyes flashed with pleasure.

When Shen Lan heard it, she felt that the coldness of the bones was better than the icy snow.

She never thought that Yahuan Luning, who grew up with her, would have such a vicious mind. If she could detect it at an early date, she would not be separated from her lover and children for so many years.

Lu Ning walked into Shen Lan and looked down at Shen Lan.

At a glance, Shen Lan quickly protected Su Qi in her arms.

Lu Ning looked at it, and smiled disdainfully.

"You yourself can't protect yourself, and you want to protect this human who came out of nowhere, do you know why I didn't kill you? I just want you to see with my own eyes how I take away all you have step by step Everything? "

Shen Lan raised her eyes and smiled softly.

"Lu Ning, don't I know you yet? You haven't gotten it in twenty years, and now you don't even want to think about it, it's just you who dreams."

Shen Lan said, but his hand quietly stretched out to the ice pond behind him.

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