Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

This woman is very restless these days, and upon inspection, she is not a Witch.

There are others who are watching his throne. How can he feel relieved in his heart? He specially arranged this woman to let her die here, which can reduce many troubles.

I have to say that Junlin Tian now sees the situation very clearly.

In the psychedelic forest, the towering ancient trees are vast and boundless.

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan have been walking cautiously.

Warcraft rarely comes to the surrounding area unless it is chased by a higher-level Warcraft.

Entering the forest, Su Zimo took out the four-color brocade.

Seeing the four-color brocade again, Mu Yunxuan was slightly surprised!

"Mo Er, can the four-color brocade show you what you are looking for?" The low, dumb, magnetic voice fell into my ears, which made me addicted.

"This is what Shishi said, let's try it."

Su Zimo looked at the four-color brocade silently. The gold thread above it would emit light when approaching Jiuqu Taiyi.

The Jiuqu Taiyi Shigong did not say what mystery was, but just made her sure to find it.

It was getting dark.

The psychedelic forest at night is dangerous, and the Warcraft tide does not know when it will come.

In order not to waste time, Mu Yunxuan found a cave to stay.

After a hastily dinner, the two sat and talked.

It was just that the roar of uneasy wows from outside of WoW made people feel very upset.

Su Zimo glanced out of the hole, a pair of clear and beautiful eyes squinted slightly, and opened sharply, as if he could see everything.

And Mu Yunxuan looked out of the cave, reflecting the cold eyes, going deep into the sea, making it unpredictable.

"Mor, why don't we go to the Ring of Space? It's very disturbing outside tonight."

Su Zimo's beautiful eyes looked at him. Microwaves flowed, as beautiful as current, and could make people's hearts tremble.

"No, Yunxuan, Geng Leyu's people will definitely not miss this good opportunity. If we hide, it will not make them easy to find."

Su Zimo listened to the movement outside, how could she not know that there was a lot of movement outside? Her eyes were full of interest.

After being busy for a few days, she suddenly felt a bit boring on this day.

It's just that tonight, they don't necessarily shoot.

Mu Yunxuan set up an enchantment at the entrance of the cave.

Take a large cushion from the ring of space and a quilt.

"Then I can only be wronged tonight."

He looked at her with a grin, and that smile was quite profound.

"Sleeping here is indeed a bit grieved." Su Zimo looked cheerful, she cherished the time with him alone.

"Mo Er, come by my side."

Mu Yunxuan's dark eyes were watching her gently.

Su Zimo's mouth rose slightly, and he sat beside him.

There was a playful smile in the corner of his mouth, and the warm and nice voice was low and evil. "I also feel wronged, but Mo Er is willing, and this grievance can only go away in the stomach."

The implication is that both are willing to aggravate themselves.

The two smiled at each other, and the affection in their eyes smiled.

However, the atmosphere that was finally created was destroyed by the mysterious waves outside.

Mu Yunxuan glanced out of the hole, and the intention of killing passed by.

Looking back, his white big hand gently raised her radiant chin, smiling with an evil charm.

Whispered, "Mor, people outside are disturbing the interest of this seat. Moer, take a break and come back for your husband."

Mu Yunxuan bowed her head, and the dragonfly lightened on the seductive red lips, and the shadow flickered, and the person had already reached the cave.

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