Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Brother, you see, their speed is fast, especially the one named Mu Yunxuan. The repair is amazing, and the people are very gentle."

Not far away, Xiang Ning stared at Mu Yunxuan without squinting. In his mind was Mu Yunxuan's gentle eyes just now.

The spirit grass and medicinal herbs on the ground are not as bright as Mu Yunxuan at this moment.

Mo Bai gazed at her with a faint expression: "It seems to be emotional to see you like this?"

Xiang Ning looked up at him, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"Looking at Su Zimo's eyes just now, it seems to be emotional. Although these two are male and female, you must have seen Su Zimo. Her life is short."

"Really? I didn't expect you to see it, Shimei, but the outsider's heart is so terrible. Hurry up and collect the herbs! If you go back late, you will be scolded by the patriarch.

Mo Bai glanced over the elated Su Zimo.

Looking down, the bottom of his eyes was flashing with an unknown light.

"Brother, we are not going back."

Ning Xiangxi looked at Mo Bai.

"Do you know that they are husband and wife, if you are persistent and not hiccup, and you and he have not even said two words, do not understand his character, do you fall in love like this without hesitation? ! "

Mo Bai stared at her, hoping he wouldn't do what he imagined.

"Brother, for us, do you need to know it? He is a very nice man."

Mo Bai's lips squirmed and didn't talk.

Turn around and collect the surrounding spirit grass with mystery.

Although Su Zimo was collecting medicinal materials, she was also very vigilant. A sigh of breath passed behind her, and her figure moved back to reflect!

It was just that there was nothing behind her.

She frowned and looked around, all this was just a blink of an eye! As if that suffocation was just an illusion!

No, not an illusion, someone was just behind her.

At this time, another powerful force struck and hit her chest directly.

Su Zimo's red figure instantly turned into a sharp backflip, and the air around her quickly tightened!

A huge pit appeared where she was standing!

"Mo, what's going on?"

Not far away, Mu Yunxuan quickly moved to her side, and watched vigilantly.

"Someone attacked me!" Su Zimo looked frosty.

Geng Leyu's people came here.

Behind them, Li Yun looked at Su Zimo with a convergent breath, but did not expect Su Zimo to be so sensitive.

Humph! Su Zimo, today I won't let you go out alive.

Li Yun closed her eyes and set an enchantment instantly, so Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan stood in two different enchantments instantly.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Wu tribe.

Geng Leyu looked at what happened in Tian Wuli, squinting his eyes.

"Looks like I have to help Liyun."

"Patriarch, the wound on your body is just right. You can't do this. If you are borrowing the power of Tianwu, I'm afraid the patriarch will be hurt more.

Hong Yan advised, after all, Su Zimo was really hard to deal with.

"There is the last **** spirit flower in this seat. If Su Zimo's sperm can be met, she will die. There is no doubt that only **** spirit flower can kill her. You help Liyun hold Mu Yunxuan, listen Are you there? "

"Yes, Patriarch."

Geng Leyu turned into a black light and injected it into Tianwuli, and the person instantly came to the enchantment where Su Zimo was.

Su Zimo watched the changes in the surrounding scenes. Instantly, the lifeless earth grew, and everything grew at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Su Zimo closed her eyes, and it was the enchantment set by the Wu tribe.

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