Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Early the next morning, Su Zimo was hungry as usual.

She opened her eyes and stared blankly at Mu Yunxuan, who was petting her, and the two were very close to each other.

"Wake up." He rubbed her head petulantly, gently, very gently, for fear that it would hurt her a little bit.

"I'm hungry!" Su Zimo looked at him coquettishly.

"Get up and wash. I'll pick you apples."

Su Zimo suddenly pursed her lips, "I just want to pass me off with a few apples, don't you, go and cook."

"Cooking." Mu Yunxuan's face was embarrassed. He really didn't know how to cook. Pots and pans.

Ke Muxuan watched her nose and her heart, and a woman's face was brewing an anger.

He thought back, and made her so tired last night! It is indeed necessary to make up for Mo Er!

He got up and kissed her gently on her fair forehead.

"Wait for me, I'll be right back."

He quickly got up and dressed, and covered her with a quilt before coming out of the space to sign the ring.

Out of the space ring, Mu Yunxuan summoned the nine-winged golden dragon.

"Master." The nine-winged Golden Dragon turned into a human figure, fluttering in white clothes, Yushu was facing the wind, Junyi's face had a faint smile.

"You go back to the city right away and buy some delicious and healthy meals."

"Yes, master." Jiuyi quickly turned into the original shape, and flew towards the direction of the city. Jiuyi Golden Dragon was fast, Mu Yunxuan was waiting for Jiuyi Golden Dragon.

He looked around sharply, his shirt swaying in the cold wind, and a ‘Gliu’ sound in the cold wind. With only one back view, it gave people a sharp attitude that was not close to others.

Not far away, Ning Xiang, who got up early, suddenly saw his back.

He was dressed in black and rimmed black robes, and had dark black hair as a bundle, floating freely behind his head.

In an instant!

Ningxiang has moved to Mu Yunxuan.

Ningxiang wears a white plain dress with exquisite makeup. The facial features are three-dimensionally visible, which is also very beautiful. This is her most confident and satisfied place. As long as she dresses a little, she can achieve the effect she wants.

"Mu son!" Ningxiang looked at him with a gentle smile.

When Mu Yunxuan saw her, her good mood was instantly affected.

He ignored it and looked at the distant woods.

When Ningxiang looked at his cold and arrogant attitude, Xiu's eyebrows were lightly frowned, and a strong desire to conquer swallowed her heart. She was beautiful, and Mu Yunxuan would recognize her one day.

"Mr. Mu, if we don't have breakfast, it's better to be with us!"

Ningxiang tried to walk into her, but what she didn't expect was that he had fortified himself, and beyond three feet, she couldn't be close to him by an inch.

The same practice, how did she feel that her practice was not as powerful as hiss.

Ning Xiang knew that in front of him, the only thing that could prove himself was his ability.

Ningxiang was not reconciled, his hands clasped, and the cultivation of a peak of the mysterious soul stepped up gradually.

Mu Yunxuan frowned slightly, never seen such a shameless woman.

Feeling an invisible pressure on himself, Mu Yunxuan's black eyes flashed a killing swiftness, and the two mysterious spirits hit each other severely, and the momentum emanating from his body was already The air secretly confronted.

"You can't help it!"

In the **** thin lips, the four words came out coldly and coldly. Instantly, a terrifying atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

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