Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1616: : You are her last pawn

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"She is a spoiled child. She is fierce to outsiders and cares about her own."

Mu Yunxuan smiled and pulled her to a clean place.

"It's not a good thing to be spoiled. Outside, there is always a loss."

After sitting down, Mu Yunxuan gave her some messy blue silk for her.

The warm scene just happened to be seen by Junlin Tian.

With a somber face, his heart rose with jealousy, and a pair of dark eyes gradually fainted into a red light.

Tao Zixu was very close to him, and she was shocked to see the red light in his eyes, and she naturally knew where the red light came from.

Is that person already in control of King's Landing?

Knowing that they were King Lintian, Su Zimo looked up at him and saw the red light in her eyes, and her eyes flashed a little surprise!

She bowed her head. Is Geng Leyu using Junlin Tian?

If this is the case, Junlin Tian is likely to finish playing Haoyue Guojing.

Mu Yunxuan also noticed, but ...

Su Zimo suddenly had an idea in her heart. If she and Jun Lintian are enemies, she will lose both. She looked up at Mu Yunxuan and bit her lip gently.

"King Lintian, can you talk to me?"

Junlin Tian nodded, she was willing to talk more with herself, which is naturally good.

"it is good!"

Looking back at Tao Zixu and Lvyun.

Commanded: "You two go and find food first."

Tao Zixu glanced at them, and Su Zimo also saw it.

"Yes, my queen!" Tao Zixu resigned unwillingly with a green cloud.

Mu Yunxuan knew what she wanted to say, and quickly set up a barrier around her.

When King Lin looked at it, what they were about to say was serious.

"Mor, you say it!"

"Jun Lintian, haven't you found out that you have been controlled by Geng Leyu? As soon as you are angry, the magic in your body will radiate. If I guess correctly, you are her last pawn."

Junlin Tian was a little surprised. Looking at her, she didn't expect that she was going to tell him about it.

"He wants to use you to deal with you. That's impossible. He will hurt people all over the world, and he won't hurt you!" Jun Lintian looked firm.

Su Zimo shook her head quickly.

Mu Yunxuan spoke before her.

"This is not a question you want? Geng Leyu wants to control your purpose. He wants to use your demon army to win the whole world, so as to pave the way for her to let her sit down and enjoy it. If you don't want to pave the way for him, you The spirit must be defeated. "

"Conquer the demon!" Jun Lintian bowed his head and thought.

"I have no memory of the demon, let alone know how to defeat him."

King Lintian is proud, and the Wu tribe has helped him to the throne. It is another matter to use him.

He has also considered this matter for a long time.

Does it matter if he unifies the four nations? But it must not pave the way for the Wu people.

Otherwise, even if he died, he did not face to see the ancestors of the monarchs.

"You don't have to do anything else. You just need to get rid of Geng Leyu's control over you."

Su Zimo hadn't taken it seriously before, thinking back, but if he went to the Wu tribe himself, if King Lin Tian was controlled by Geng Leyu, then Mingyue Villa would definitely be peaceful in the future.

"As long as you don't want to be controlled by her, there must be a way."

Jun Lintian's sharp eyes looked at Su Zimo with a human touch.

He didn't want to be controlled by Geng Leyu before, so he went to her for cooperation, but did not expect her to reject it.

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