Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Yes, Patriarch."

The man in black got up and Su Qi looked at the blood on the corner of his mouth.

This woman is so cruel, even her own coercion is so powerful.

The woman looked around. When she looked back, Su Qi could see her looks clearly. The woman's looks were not so beautiful. The dark hair was randomly covered behind her head, and a sapphire bead was adorned in her eyebrows.

A big red dress lined her fair skin.

I saw her raise her hand slightly, the skulls were under her control, and quickly turned back into the sea of ​​blood.

Su Qi looked, her eyes narrowed into a seam.

He originally thought that there would be an enchantment or something here, but he did not expect that there really was a sea of ​​blood.

Those white bones and skulls are actually raised by that sea of ​​blood.

"Brother, do you think there are any secrets hidden here?"

Su Qi's eyes stared at the movement of the woman in red.

Watching her go back on WoW, he quickly urged the Qianlong Sapphire Bottle to follow the woman with mysterious energy.

"I don't know," Su Li answered coldly, but by looking at his expression, he found that he was very interested in it.

"Qi'er, what secret do you think?" Yongyi is also looking forward to it. Since coming out with the two of them, he can always encounter strange things, which filled his dull life before. And passion.

"Uncle Yongyi, according to Qier, this place, like your Maple Leaf City, is not on the map of Shikoku."

Su Qi's eyes are dotted with Ambilight, the more such places, the more treasures can be collected.

While talking, the three followed the woman to a city built with bluestone slabs.

On that gate, a pair of white Warcraft skeletons stood on top of the gate in horror.

The city gate stacked with blue slate did not have the name of the city written on it, only a dustpan made of bamboo was hung.

As soon as he entered the city gate, a wave of cold spread across his body.

Su Qi shook quickly, "What the **** is it so cold?"

Yong Yi looked at it and smiled, "Qier, did you enter Maple Leaf City in this way?"

Su Qi glanced at him and smiled embarrassedly.

"Uncle Yong Yi, your enchantment in Maple Leaf City is very special, but it has made me discover the special usefulness of my baby, so I can follow people silently."

"The two of you don't talk, just look outside." Su Li looked at the scene in front of him and felt very incredible.

Humans here live in peace with Warcraft.

On the streets where people come and go, there are humans and Warcraft, and there are some stalls standing next to Warcraft that are selling some wild fruits. Those Warcraft are obviously selling things.

Seeing the red woman back, both humans and Warcraft respectfully respected the patriarch.

Su Qi glanced in surprise.

"No! Can humans and Warcraft live together? The woman in red is obviously human!"

Su Qi did not feel that he had entered a City of Warcraft.

These humans are humans, without the breath of Warcraft.

On the street, an old man in a black robe with a skull crutch in his hand, leaning on his body, looks like a candlestick, but his dark eyes are full of light.

"Patriarch, I heard someone from the outside broke in. Did anyone catch it?"

"No, it disappeared for no reason, **** they are looking."

Look at the woman's expression, and be extra vigilant to the old lady in front of her.

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