Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2052: : Are you from Qianning City?

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan looked at him. He was a boy riding a unicorn **** beast, probably about 16 or 7 years old.

He and the unicorn spirit rushed over like arrows.

"Nine wings, fast, flying high." Mu Yunxuan shouted quickly.

But it was too late, and the unicorn beasts were about to hit them.

"Ah ...!" The boy thought he was about to run into a scream.

Jiuyi tried his best to make himself a few meters too high, and it was too much for the past.

The boy's voice kept chanting, and he himself felt the whirlwind.

"Kirin, stop, stop, I'm going to die, stop!"

The teenager shouted loudly.

And their sprints gradually formed a strong wind storm with a radius of two meters.

"Roar!" The unicorn yelled and stopped quickly, in a short breath, the surroundings became weird, and a dangerous breath shrouded the heart of the unicorn **** and beast.

The unicorn **** beast looked back and saw that it was a super-beast period dragon, and could not help but be nervous.

"Ah!" The boy was lying on the body of the unicorn **** beast like a collapse, panting heavily.

"Oh! I'm scared to death, Kirin, how many times have I told you, told you not to be so fast, you just didn't listen and almost killed me."

The boy stood up sharply and suddenly thought of what happened just now, but there was nothing in front of him. He had just seen two people riding a dragon. Why was he gone?

"Are you looking for us?" Su Zimo Qingling's beautiful voice made the teenager's heart tremble and looked back quickly.

"It seems that you can't even distinguish between southeast and northwest." Su Zimo looked at the young man with ignorance.

This boy, if Jiuyi is slowing down a bit today, his life should be sad.

The teenager stared blankly at Su Zimo.

Wow! So pretty woman.

The young man looked at the beautiful and unparalleled Su Zimo and instantly committed the idiot. The deepest darkness in his heart seemed to be illuminated, as if all the secrets were spread out in front of her.

"You look so beautiful!" The young man blurted out, only Su Zimo could be seen in his eyes.

Mu Yunxuan looked at the teenager's expression, looking sharply at the teenager's eyes.

The teenager soon felt like he was in an ice cellar, and a chill rushed up from the soles of his feet, spreading to his limbs, making his whole body stiff.

The young man asked in emptiness, "Who are you? Why are you here in Qianning City?"

The boy knew that they were not from Qian Ningcheng. He was very familiar with the people in Qian Ningcheng, and they were so amazing in life.

"Are you from Qianning City?" Su Zimo knew that he guessed it right.

Only the talents of Qian Ningcheng have the ability to contract to the beast.

This kind of strength is comparable to the unicorn beast of the Holy Beast period, which is more difficult for ordinary people to contract, and the youth exudes mystery. He has already cultivated to the second stage of Jin Xuan period.

"Yeah! I'm from Qianning City." The young man answered truthfully, and between the cold eyes of Mu Yunxuan, he didn't dare to look at Su Zimo freely.

"It seems that we are not far away from Qianning City."

Su Zimo frowned slightly, they had just left for more than a day.

"Are they far away? It will take half a day to arrive, and the sea will go further."

The boy never said these things to strangers, but when he faced Su Zimo, he always felt that she was a good person.

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