Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2058: : A beautiful and bitter dream

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

This dream will wake up whenever I want to explore further.

This is a dream that has been entangled with him for a long time. It is a beautiful and bitter dream. The beauty is that the dream is really beautiful. The bitterness is that the woman in the dream has never seen it clearly. She always wears a big red dress. Dress, sitting in that beautiful anemone.

She seems to like this anemone very much, so he has made it into a world of anemone, that is, she believes that one day she will appear.

He hoped that in the world of anemone, she would be recognized at a glance.

This big red anemone was his wish. If she appeared, she would drop a petal.

Now that the petals are falling, does it prove that his dream has come true?

"Ink dye, you said, you have seen a woman in a big red dress, she is very beautiful, but she already has a husband?" Mo Yan asked lightly, the person he was waiting for should not be married yet. ?

Mo Yan smiled bitterly in his heart, he was just waiting for a woman in a dream.

Speaking of which, although it would be ridiculous, he always thought she would show up.

"Yeah! Brother, you finally believe what Muran said."

Ink dye saw the elder brother believe it, very happy, a pair of eyes with a big smile so confused.

"Brother never said that I didn't believe you, ink dye, go and rest!"

Mo Yan said lightly, he wanted to be alone.

Mo Ran looked something wrong with his brother. He asked with a look of concern: "Brother, you look very bad, are you all right?"

Mo Yan looked up and looked at his brother with a faint glance. He smiled, "Big brother stays in this Qianning city every day. What can he do?"

"Oh!" Ink Ran didn't believe what he said. He had never seen his brother look so dignified.

He was an expressionless, mysterious elder brother, and there seemed to be no anger or sorrow on his face.

But my brother just looked like ...

Ink dye slowly went out, looking back one step at a time, it seemed very uneasy like Mo Yan.

Mo Yan stood up and stared at the anchovies whose petals had fallen.

"Have you really appeared? I seem to have been waiting for you?" There was a deep hope in the sound of natural sound.

It was night, the bright moonlight draped the soft veil quietly on this beautiful Qianning city.

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan are now in the hiding place of the city's main government.

"Yunxuan, let's break up. If we can see the owner, we will pay more attention."

"Huh!" Mu Yunxuan nodded.

"Mo Er, if you are in danger, you call me aloud, I will not be too far away from you." Mu Yunxuan explained seriously.

"You! Rest assured! We and Qian Ningcheng are not enemies, we should not be able to fight." Su Zimo said confidently, a slight smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go!"

They quickly flew into the city's main mansion.

Mu Yunxuan headed for the first floor, and Su Zimo directly transformed the wings of Rose and flew to the fourth floor.

Su Zimo fell into a large patch of anemone flowers on the fourth floor.

Seeing the garden's anemone flower, Su Zimo was extremely surprised!

"It turns out that there are people in the world who like anemone more than she does." Su Zimo smiled slightly, bent down slightly, smelling the flower of the anemone.

Mo Yan's right ear moved slightly in the lobby, his eyes flickered, and the figure quickly moved to the garden.

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