Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 10 - Ch 8 Are Long Gone

As Luffy and the rest started making their way towards Arlong park, they came across Leo, who was standing in their path with his hood up.

Leo - "I know you want to beat Arlong up, but I'm taking him."

Luffy - "Huh, why? He made Nami cry, I'm gonna do it!"

Luffy raised a hand up in front of his ċhėst and clenched it into a fist as he was talking.

Leo - "I know, but I'm not going to beat him up..."

Luffy - "Wha? Why, he..."

Leo - "I'm going to kill him. Slowly."

Leo's red eyes started to glow ominously, as he released a small amount of killing intent that he had only just started to cultivate.

His proclamation made the 4 of them have different reactions, Luffy was dissatisfied with not getting to fight Arlong himself, Zoro instinctively grabbed his sword when he felt the killing intent, Sanji slightly gulped and remembered the previous slaughter, and Usopp was shaking in fear because he couldn't handle a little killing intent.

Leo - "Haah... Fine, how about this, you can throw the first punch, but after that he's mine?"

Luffy thought about it, grumbled a bit, but finally agreed.

Leo - "Alright then, we should hurry up before those villagers get themselves killed."

After that, they quickly made their way to Arlong park and when they got there they saw a crowd in front of the gate, the villagers were being kept out by Johnny and Yosaku.

Now that they had arrived, Leo stepped to the side and turned to Luffy.

Leo - "After you."

Luffy then walked forward and with a single punch destroyed the gate, sending the pieces flying.

Luffy - "Who's the one, called Arlong?"

Arlong looked angrily at the intruder that was looking for him.

Arlong - "That would be me."

Luffy - "I'm Luffy."

Arlong - "Luffy? I see... And just what the hell are you?"

Luffy - "A pirate."

As he was making his way towards Arlong, two goons got in his way and tried to stop him, but he just smashed their heads together and kept walking.

This got Arlong's attention, and the rest of the fishmen goons were alarmed.

Arlong - "What does a pirate want with me?"

Right as he finished his sentence, he was punched right in the face and sent flying into the wall.

Luffy was looking at him with a seriously pissed off face.

Luffy - "Dont you dare, make my navigator cry!"

Sanji then started berating Luffy for running in all alone and that he doesn't want to be left out of the fight.

Then Zoro and Usopp walked to their side, with Usopp being cowardly and saying he doesn't mind, and Zoro sarcastically calling Usopp brave.

The fishmen were all were all commenting on Zoro being there and how Usopp was actually alive.

And the villagers, who were watching from the destroyed gate, were all talking about how Luffy had just sent Arlong flying and how that no normal human could do that. Nojiko, who was among(Imposter!!!) them, was looking at Luffy and the rest with shock.

Johnny and Yosaku were talking about how if they couldn't defeat the fishmen, then the east blue would have no future, and continued to guard the entrance with their lives. When Genzo asked why they were going this far, they answered that it was their apology for doubting Nami.

It was at this point that Arlong started talking, he started with questioning that their motive was simply to get Nami. And then asked what four measly humans could do.

Then the octopus fishman, Hatchan, spoke out and basically said that they were too weak for Arlong to fight, then he made a calling noise for something.

The villagers, who knew what was coming started to panic and were shouting about how the beast from the Grand Line was coming.

As they were all making a bunch of noise, the water started rise up with emergence or the beast, and when the water fell away, a huge sea cow was presented.

Arlong - "Mohmoo... The hell do you think you're doing..."

Arlong was looking at Mohmoo with an angry expression and when Mohmoo heard him, he stopped in place from fear.

Arlong - "Well if you are going to run away, I ain't gonna stop you but... Well Mohmoo?"

Because of his fear for what Arlong might do, Mohmoo quickly turned around and went to attack the group.


At the same moment that Mohmoo started his attack, the fishmen goons also decided to attack while shouting about how humans are inferior.

It was at this point that Leo appeared next to Luffy and the rest.

Leo - "Crouch." (a/n: would have said duck, but I kept thinking of an actual duck and it felt weird.)

The four of them didn't understand at first, but followed his instructions.

As he swung his chain, Leo held his left hand out towards Mohmoo, placing his hand in the path of the cows nose and stopped him in his tracks.

It all happened so fast, no one there could even see what had happened, but after a few seconds they all could see the result of his attack.

All at once, several fishmen fell to the ground with their bodies split in half and the two halves having been burnt.

Then a deep, chilling voice, that sound like it came from Hell, sounded out.

GR Leo - "Go back Mohmoo."

His voice sent a shiver down everyones spine and they couldn't help but to gulp down what little saliva they had, in nervousness.

Mohmoo who was just as scared, but also relieved that he wouldn't have to follow the order, nodded his head, and quickly turned around and fled.

When the fishmen saw him the started chattering.

Fishman 1 - "M-monster!"

Fishman 2 - "H-he must have eaten a d-devil fruit!"

After Mohmoo left, Leo lowered his hand and then stared straight into Arlongs eyes.

GR Leo - "Now that I've held up my end of the deal..."

He stopped short, raised his hand and pointed with his index finger.

GR L - "You're mine!"

Every word Leo spoke made people feel even more afraid, even Arlong wasn't an exception and that enraged him.


Leo didn't answer, he just started walking towards him. As he was walking he had to go past Hatchan, who was stuck in place from fear.

Leo didn't really want to kill Hatchan, as he understood that he was just simple minded and easily manipulated, also he wasn't so bad in the future.

So as he was passing by, Leo backhanded Hatchan and sent him flying out into the sea. He didn't want to kill Hatchan, but that didn't doesn't mean that he was just going to let him off the hook after all that he'd done as a pirate. (Pun wasn't intended)

After dealing with Hatchan, he continued his way towards Arlong.

Then there was another interruption, this time in the form of the stingray fishman Kuroobi and Japanese Whiting fish fishman Chuu.

They both attacked at the same time, Kuroobi used his fishman karate, while Chuu used his water gun attack. (I shit you not, that is what it's called)

Both of their attacks hit him, but he didn't even flinch, he grabbed hold of both of them and threw them behind him. Kuroobi went Sanji and Chuu went to Luffy.

Leo slightly turned his head, but it was enough for the people who were behind him and hadn't seen his fiery skeleton appearance, to catch a glimpse.

GR Leo - "You can play with them."

And he continued his walk.

It was only a few step and he was now standing over a shaking Arlong. He grabbed hold of and picked him up by the head, bring him to eye level.

GR Leo - "Tell me something... Do you fear death?"

And with that, he slammed Arlong into the ground, creating a small dust cloud, then he let go of him and backed up a few step to let him get up.

After a couple of second, while Leo was busy wondering if Arlong was weaker than he thought and was already down for the count, the dust settled and Arlong was standing there with an enraged expression.


GR Leo - "Good luck with that."

Leo's remark sounded like he was looking down on him, so Arlong got even angrier, but Leo cant be blamed for that, he is immortal after all...

In his enraged state, Arlong shot towards Leo, head first intending to bite him, and Leo of course, let him bite his shoulder.

The reason for him letting Arlong have so many chances and not just taking him out is that he wanted to play with him, show him that he is weak and all his attempts are useless, slowly whittling away at him, and then he will start to physically rip him apart.

As soon as Arlong felt his teeth make contact, he was overjoyed at the thought that he would be able to tear apart the arrogant human infront of him. All the people watching were also alarmed and shouted for Leo to get away from Arlong.

But, he was quickly confused when his teeth didn't pierce his opponent, heck even his clothes were okay.

Arlong was about to pull away, but suddenly felt something grab him by the jaw.

GR Leo - "Was that supposed to accomplish something?"

Leo then clenched his hand on Arlongs jaw, which started to make a sickening crunching sound.

Arlong couldn't handle having his jaw literally crushed and start to yell in pain. Fortunately for him, Leo didn't completely destroy his jaw, he stopped after listening to his screams for about 30 seconds and instead threw him into the tower, where he wanted him to pick up his weapon.

After throwing Arlong, Leo started walking towards the tower and made his way inside.

Waiting for him was Arlong, who was, as expected, holding his saw like sword, and without wasting time, Arlong attacked with ferocious swings. And just like before, Leo simply stood there and let it happen.

After Arlong had taken about fifty swings, Leo decided that was enough and caught the blade, then crushing it with one hand.

At this point, Arlong was becoming scared, but Leo wasn't done.

He for a third time, grabbed Arlong by the head and threw him, this time upwards and with a lot of force behind it, sending him through multiple floors, all the way to the top.

Following behind him, Leo jumped through the holes that were made. When Leo got to the top, he saw the room that belonged to Nami, her prison, and it made him angry! There were stacks upon stacks of papers with maps drawn on them, a single desk with drawing utensils that had dried blood on them.

As someone who can feel emotions, it made him sick and enraged. He could feel the sorrow, the helplessness, the loneliness, anger and hate that Nami had felt whenever she was in the room, and the fact that a she had felt this for 8 years, he felt all of it, it made him almost go into a frenzy.

He released a deafening roar that made the air tremble and everyone who heard it, to feel a primal fear and dread the likes of which they'd never felt before, not even from Arlong.

After releasing his roar, Leo didn't waste time, he set the room on fire, and then created chains and started to destroy the whole building. He kicked Arlong through a wall and sent him plummeting into the courtyard down below, then he walked over to the newly created hole and stared down at Arlong.

Everyone else was looking at him, the villagers, Johnny and Yosaku, Luffy and his crew who had finished their battles, And also Nami who was crying from happiness when she saw her prison was no more.

Leo jumped down, infront of the panting Arlong, who was looking at him with a mix of hatred and fear.

GR Leo - "I'm done playing with you."

Leo then proceeded to grab Arlong by the neck with one hand and with the other one, he started to rip him apart starting with his right arm, then his leg, then he switched the hand that was holding him with his other and ripped his other arm and leg off.

Arlong was screaming in pain the entire time and even begged for him to stop at the end, Leo just looked at him with his hollow eyes.

GR Leo - "Look at you, defeated by a 'mere human' and left in this pathetic state. Tell me, how do you feel right now?"

Arlong only had fear in his eyes now, he was completely played with, he never stood a chance.

Arlong - "Y-you're a m-monster!"

GR Leo - "...I know..."


Leo snapped his neck and then dropped him, he then went on to kill the rest of the fishmen, all the way from the weakest goon to the two officers, and then he consumed their souls, but he left one that he determined to be the weakest as he had a something to check. He got quite a good boost as well, he went from 35 tonnes to 67 tonnes.

Finished with dealing with them, Leo reverted back to his normal appearance, but with brightly glowing red eyes.

(I broke 2000 word, wohoo!

Yeah, so I was asked why I didn't have Leo stop Nami whe she was stabbing herself, honestly I dont really want Nami in the harem all that much, she's a bit of a gold digger and I dont think that is the type of girl he would go for after what happened with his ex. Sure I could change her character a bit, but I feel like that would be too strange and I'm not confident in pulling it off.)

(quick question, I want to revive Bellemere. Should I do it now or later? Now would make it likely that Nami wouldn't leave, though I would still make it happen(unlimited power!). Later makes it seem more manipulative and I dont like that, but i can still work around it. So what do you think?

I wont upload anything for a couple days.)

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