Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 22 - Ch 20 Battle for a Kingdom

(Why do people put a chapter that is literally just bullshit? A word count? Fucking write your goddamn story! AAAAAAAHH!!!

For the record, in my story everything and everyone is realistic. Though I still see it animated because it's easier.

Are you no longer allowed to swear in the comments or something? Every comment that has words like: fuċk, pussƴ, shit, sėx and even harem, seem to get deleted.)

Leo followed Kureha to a room that had a bed, a table and a couple chairs, cabinets containing medicine and some surgical equipment.

Kureha - "Put her on the bed."

He did as she said, placed Nami on the bed, carefully took off her coat and then wrapped her up lightly.

Leo - "We were just on Little Garden when she got sick and found there was an insect bite on her stomach."

Kureha checked her Nami's temperature, lifted the blanket and looked under her shirt to see the bite. She then took a syringe out of one of the cabinets with some antibiotics in it and injected it in her arm.

Kureha - "The insect she was bitten by is called a Casha, it's extremely poisonous and its victims will die in five days of being bitten. It would usually take 10 days to treat, but with my medicine, it'll only take 3."

With that done, Kureha went and sat down, pulling out a bottle of booze, and Leo sat on the edge of the bed, stroking Nami's head.

Kureha - "You really care for her, don't you?"

He looked down at Nami.

Leo - "... I guess... She's helped me a lot... It means a lot to me."

He then looked up at Kureha.

Leo - "So, that reindeer ate a Devil fruit, right?"

Kureha - "Yup. His name is Chopper, he ate the Human fruit. I'm teaching him my medical knowledge."

Leo - "Hm."

Luffy - "Come on meat, stay still!"

He tried to take a bite out of Chopper.

Sanji - "I told you Luffy, he needs to be cooked first."

Chopper - "I hate you humans!"

Luffy then shot his arm forward and grabbed hold of Chopper.

Chopper then started to grow in size, taking a more human-like appearance.

Chopper - "I AM NOT FOOD!"

He punched the two idiots in the head, knocking them to the floor and ran away again.

Luffy got up and looked around, he saw Kureha and asked who she was.

She then told Luffy that she had no interest in being a pirate or in the ocean, but he ignored her and still tried to get her to join.

Then he spotted Chopper, who was reverse hiding and the chase began again.

Luffy - "Hey! Reindeer, why don't you give up and let us eat you!?"

Chopper - "AAAAAAAH!"

Kureha - "Stop it, you little brats!"

Kureha also started chasing after Luffy and Sanji, while wielding knives.

Nami - "Those idiots..."

Leo looked at her with a small grin.

Leo - "So, you finally stopped pretending to be asleep."

Nami - "When did you realise?"

His grin grew wider.

Leo - "When I was carrying you to the room."

She hid her face in the blanket.

Nami - "Uww. How did you realise?"

He started to pat her head.

Leo - "*Chuckles* It was hard not to, when you were nuzzling into my ċhėst."

She dug her face deeper into the blanket.

After a while of getting head pats, she took her head out the blanket and looked at Leo.

Leo - "Nope. You heard what the Doctor said, you'll take 3 days to get better. At the very least, we can spare a day."

She was going to argue, but she stopped when she saw his serious face.

Nami - "*sigh* Fine..."


A chilling wind came into the room from the door that was left open.

Leo was about to get up and shut it, but Chopper came in instead and shut it behind him.

Chopper - "Are they around here?"

Nami - "No, it's fine."

He sighed in relief.

Chopper - "You still need to rest anyways. Because Doctorine's medicine is very strong, your fever has gone down. However, you still need another injection and more rest."

Nami - "Thanks."

Chopper - "Huh?"

Nami - "Thanks for taking care of me."

There was silence for a moment as he looked at her.

Chopper - "SHUT UP! I don't want any gratitude from humans!"

Although he said that, his tone didn't match his words at all and he was doing a little dance, which caused Nami and Leo to sweat drop.

After his dance was over, he hesitantly made his way over to her and started checking on her current condition.

Chopper - "Are you pirates?"

Chopper - "Really?"

Nami - "Really."

Chopper - "Do you have a pirate's flag?"

Nami - "Yes. It's on our ship."

With all his questions about being a pirate, Nami came to a realization.

Nami - "Do you want to be a pirate?"

He then dramatically jumped back, into a cabinet.

Chopper - "DON'T BE STUPID! Who told you that?"

She then gained a bit of a tired expression.

Nami - "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

Changing to a cheerful expression.

Nami - "Anyways, do you want to come with us?"

Chopper - "WHAT!?"

Nami - "Just come and join us, how about that? If you are interested, that would be a whole lot better for me. If I have a doctor on board, I don't have to stay here for 3 days. Besides, we dont have a doctor yet."

He then started to shout some more.

Chopper - "Don't be ridiculous! I'm a reindeer. How could I live with humans!?"

Leo - "Don't you live with Kureha?"

Chopper - "But aren't you scared of me? I'm a reindeer, but I can talk and I walk on two legs."

Nami - "Hahaha. You want me to be scared of you?"

Leo - "Heh, I'm way scarier than you and they're okay with me."

Leo showed Chopper his GR form and then went back to normal, leaving a shocked reindeer standing there.


Luffy and Sanji burst into the room.

Luffy - "You're over there, reindeer!?"

Chopper - "AAH!"

And so, Chopper was back to running.

Kureha - "*sigh* Those brats sure run fast."

She then retook the seat she was on before running after the others.

Kureha - "You're not a cute little girl after all. While I'm not here, you try to take my reindeer without my permission, right?"

Nami - "Eh? Do I have to ask you if we can take him with us?"

Kureha - "Kakakaka! No. Just take him with you." (witch laugh)

She then took on a more solemn tone.

Kureha - "But it's not gonna be easy to convince him, because he has a wound inside his heart that even a doctor can't heal."

She then told them about Choppers past. About how when he was born, he was rejected by his parents. Because of his blue nose, he was left to walk alone in the back of his tribe. And then he ate the Devil fruit, so he was treated as a freak and chased away.

With nowhere to go, he tried changing into a human and going into a town, but he was treat as a monster and hunted down.

Kureha - "He was no longer a normal reindeer, but he wasn't a human either. Chopper's been alone his whole life. Do you really think you people...can heal his heart?"

She then told them about how he met one man, Dr. Hiriluk, a 'quack doctor' who took care of him when he was injured, adopted him and gave Chopper his name, then died when he walked into a trap set by the previous King of Drum Kingdom, Wapol. And that was how she came to look after Chopper.


Chopper came charging into the room in his normal reindeer form.

Chopper - "Doctor!! Terrible news! Wapol's back!!!"

Leo - 'Guess we're not the only ones to arrive early.'

Kureha - "... I see."

She stood up, ready to go 'welcome' her uninvited guests.

Then Luffy came running in while shouting. And missing his coat?

Leo - 'Where did his coat go...?'

Luffy - "Come on, reindeer! Join our crew!!"

Everyone looked at him, while he looked around confused.

Luffy - "Wait... What's going on?"

Leo - "You wanted to have a fight, right?"

Luffy nodded in response.

Leo - "Well then, follow these two outside and give them a hand, someone has come to cause trouble."

Luffy grinned and threw his arms up in the air.

Luffy - "Alright!! And then you'll join our crew, right reindeer?"

Chopper - "Huh?

Luffy - "Let's go!"

He then turned around and started running.

Chopper - "Huh??"

Kureha - "That brats got a lot of energy. Well, let's go Chopper."

Chopper nodded and then the two of them ran after Luffy, leaving Leo and Nami alone.

Leo - "Well that should keep Luffy happy."

Nami - "Haha! That was pretty smart."

Leo looked at her and grinned.

Leo - "Of course. I'm one of the smartest people around."

She laughed a bit.

They went quiet, with Leo patting Nami's head while she rested in bed.

A thought then occurred to Leo. He could do the same thing he did on Little Garden, recreate Drum island in his dimension and then relocate some animals.

So, he made a few clones and sent them out. They would get to work remaking the island in his dimension, moving some trees to his island and speeding up time to let them grow around, relocating some animal and speeding up the time too 5 years inside for 1 day outside.

He wasn't going to leave Nami's side while she was still sick. He was still feeling guilty for letting her get sick.

He also sent a clone outside, so that he could take care of Wapol and his men, once Luffy was done with them. There was little reason to leave them alive.

(A/N: I don't know if I've mentioned it, but his clones work like shadow clones. They don't have the exact same strength as him, but are no weaker than his original 25 tons.) (Yes, I know about Wapometal, but that isn't a problem.)

His actions obviously caught Nami's attention.

Nami - "What was that? Why'd you make clones."

He turned to her with a smile.

Leo - "It's a secret for now."

She pouted at him in response, making him chuckle and pinch her cheek.

Leo - "When you're fully recovered, I'll show you. How about that?"

She rubbed her pinched cheek and mock glared at him.

Nami - "Hmph! You better!"

Leo 'Cute.'


- Outside the castle -

Present there, were Luffy, Sanji, Chopper and Kureha, facing Wapol and two of his Lackeys.

When Leo's clone arrived, Luffy had just punched Wapol in the face in the face with a Gum Gum Bullet, because Wapol had claimed to have killed Dalton.

Wapol almost went off the side of the mountain, but his two lackeys saved him, while shouting about how he just punched the King.

Kuromarimo - "How dare you attack the exalted ruler of Drum Kingdom!!!"

Chess - "He is the King!!! The absolute ruler of this entire island!!! You'll pay for your insolence!!!"

Luffy stuck his tongue out in response.

Luffy - "A King? Who cares!? You guys stink!"

Sanji then asked him if he was cold, because he wasn't wearing a coat. Luffy then seemed to come to a sudden realization and started to shiver.

Luffy - "Hey! It's cold!"

Sanji - "You just realized!?"

While Luffy and Sanji were doing their little skit, their enemies were irritatedly watching.

Chess - "They're ignoring us!!!"

Wapol - "Graaah!"

Wapol suddenly shot up from the ground.

Wapol - "You maggots have incurred my wrath, I'll eat you alive!"

Sanji - "Can you wait a minute? He went to get some warmer clothing."

Wapol - "HE DID WHAT!?"

While he had a tantrum, Chopper talked to Sanji.

Chopper - "Can I ask you something?

Sanji - "Huh?"

Chopper - "That boy can stretch, right?"

Sanji - "That's right. He's a rubber man."

Chopper - "Wh-what's that!?"

Sanji then grinned.

Sanji - "Basically, he's a monster."

Chopper then just stared at him.

Then, Wapol and his lackeys were spouting nonsense about his rule almost being restored and that they only needed to get rid of Kureha and the others. Even questioning what she was thinking when she moved into the castle.

Kureha - "Hee hee... I have no interest in this heap of rock, but this fellow insisted on erecting a memorial to Hiriluk here."

At that, Chopper began growing into his humanoid form, causing the enemies to start freaking out about him being a monster that once attacked them before, years ago.

Chopper - "Dr. Hiriluk just wanted to save this country! I won't let you set one foot in this castle! And I won't let you take down his banner of faith!!!"

He briefly looked at the pirate flag with sakura petals on it.

Wapol - "Anyone who defies the King will die! Show no mercy! Kill them all!!!"

Sanji wasn't all that interested.

Sanji - "Hmph, I don't really care about these guys. Are you gonna fight with them old lady?"


He got a wack on the head.

Kureha - "I suppose, if you can't handle it."

Sanji rubbed his head and started walking towards them.

Sanji - "Thanks a lot..."

Kuromarimo shouted that Kureha would be the first to die, for turning the castle into a memorial for Hiriluk, then threw an afro at her.

Sanji blocked the hair with his leg, saying 'that was no way to treat a lady.' That was when he realized that the hair was stuck to his leg thanks to static cling and started swinging his leg, trying to get it off.

Kuromarimo then laughed and threw more afros at him.

Sanji - "Hey, reindeer! Don't just stand there! Help!!! Get these off me, quick! They're just hair, but they're grossing me out!!"

Chopper - "Right... Huh?"

Thanks to the static, the hair started sticking to Chopper as well. They then started a back and forth, trying to get the hair off of themselves and onto the other.

Kureha - "What are you two doing?"

She sweat dropped while watching them.

Chess then took his bow and aimed a flaming arrow at them, while announcing himself... And the fact that the hair was extremely flammable.

They realized what was about to happen, Chopper ran and dodged the arrow, but the hair on Sanji still caught fire.

Sanji - "HOT! SNOW, SNOW!!!"

Chopper then ran at Chess, surprising him, and just as Chopper was about to hit him, Wapol appeared with his mouth wide open, ready to eat Chopper.

Sanji - "Blast!"

Kureha - "CHOPPER!!!"

Sanji, who saw Luffy coming, now with his coat, shouted for him to stretch out and grab his leg. Luffy did as he was told and then Sanji used that to shoot Luffy forward, into Wapol, who was almost finished swallowing Chopper.

Luffy added some spin into his propulsion and slammed into Wapols stomach, making him spit Chopper out and go flying back.

Fortunately for Wapol, his woolly hippo(?) was in his trajectory, so it went blasting off instead of him.

Chopper - "Th-thank you! You guys are amazing."

Luffy - "Hmm... Look! That guy's still alive! The hippo flew off somewhere though."

Sanji- "You could have helped, Leo."

C.Leo - "Hey, I told Luffy he could have this fight. Besides, they're weak as hell, but I'll help if you're gonna die."

Sanji - "Tch. I know they're weak! I was just caught off guard is all, I don't need help!!"

Leo then gave a mocking grin.

C.Leo - "Sure, sure. I can't wait to tell Zoro about how you were 'caught off guard.'"


Luffy - "Shishishishi!"

While Leo messed with Sanji and Luffy laughed, Chopper and Kureha were looking at them, wondering what the hell was happening.

Their attention was then drawn to Wapol, who had Chess announce what he ate for breakfast, which was stuff like a house, cannons, cannonballs, bombs and an 'explosive salad'...whatever that is.

Wapol - "Now, you'll see the power the Munch Munch fruit!"

Wapol then transformed into a house with cannon arms and then ate his lackeys.

Wapol - "Munch Munch Factory!"

Sanji - "He's eating his own men!!?"

Luffy - "CANNIBAL!!!"

Then the door of the house, that was Wapol, opened and out walked a fusion of Chess and Kuromarimo. Chessmarimo.

Sanji - "Are they serious? He's just riding piggy-back."

Luffy - "That's cool!"


Dr. Kureha - "Don't underestimate them. If they were weak, the citizens would've risen up and stopped them from taking all the doctors."

Wapol then arrogantly shouted.

Wapol - "The first article of Drum Kingdoms constitution states, "Whosoever defies the Kings wishes shall die"!!! This is the foremost law of the land!! This is my kingdom and this is my castle! THAT QUACK DOCTOR'S FLAG MUST COME DOWN!!! IT RUINS THE WHOLE LOOK!!"

Wapol aimed his cannon arm at the flag pole and fired.



Seeing as he knew how much the flag meant to Chopper, C.Leo decide to stop it from actually hitting. But they had yet to see that thanks to the smoke of the shot.

Chopper, enraged by Wapol shooting at the flag, he charged at Wapol, going under Chessmarimo in his small form and jumped at Wapol in his muscular form. He had his arm reared back, ready to punch him, but didn't.

Chopper - "I won't hurt you, but leave this kingdom forever!!!"

Kureha - "What are you saying, Chopper!? You can't reason with him!"

He looked at her with a hesitant expression.

Chopper - " least..."

Wapol sneer at Choppers naive kindness.

Wapol - "Humph..."


Kureha - "CHOPPER!!!"

Chopper was shot point blank with the cannon.


C.Leo - "You got it, Captain!"

Luffy had notice that Leo protected the flag and was now staring intensely at Wapol.

Luffy - "You're a bunch of frauds!! You pretend to be pirates but aren't willing to risk your live!! YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF THAT FLAG!!!"

Chopper stared emotionally at them.

Wapol - "What? The meaning of that flag you say? MWA HA HA HA!! There's no meaning to a stupid pirate flag!!"

Luffy - "That shows how much you know! That flag isn't something you fly on a whim!!"

Wapol - "Fool!! I'm the King!! I'd never fly a pirate flag, except as a joke!!! I TOLD YOU, THIS IS MY KINGDOM!!!! I'LL KEEP SHOOTING THAT SILLY RAG DOWN UNTIL IT STAYS DOWN!!!"


Wapol fired his cannon again.

When they saw this, Luffy and Sanji grinned with confidence.

Chopper - "GET AWAY!!!"


Kureha - "That was a direct hit..."

The smoke cleared and show Leo, still standing there.

Leo held his chin high, with eyes glowing, looked down at Wapol in contempt.

C.Leo - "Then each of your attempts will fail!"

Luffy - "That flag is a person's pledge to risk their life. It's not raised as a joke! THAT FLAG IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN BREAK WHILE LAUGHING FOOLISHLY!!!"

When he finished, his words seemed to shake Wapol and his men.

C.Leo - 'Is that related to his Conquerors Haki...?'

Chopper stood there in awe at Luffy and Leo's presentation of what a pirate is.

Luffy - "Hey, reindeer! I'm gonna clobber these guys now. What are you gonna do?"

Chopper - "Me...?"

Wapol was obviously angry at being challenged.

Wapol - "Fools! If you're so determined to protect that flag, I'll destroy you along with it!!"

Chopper was angry that Wapol was still trying to destroy the flag and that others were doing more to protect than he was. He charged at Wapol to punch him but was blocked by Chessmarimo.


From there, the battles went, mostly, according to canon. Chopper faced off against Chessmarimo after eating a rumble ball to increase his number of transformations for 3 minutes. But, he also explained all about his abilities, leaving Leo to wonder why people do that? Fair enough shouting an attack name, it helps them form an image better and attack faster, but why the hell would you give your enemies key information? Chopper told them that it would run out in 3 minutes, so they only needed to stall. It's stupid...

Anyways... Luffy got distracted and went all gaga over Chopper's seven transformations and Wapol tried to sneak away, but Leo shout at Luffy and got him to focus on his opponent.

When Luffy saw that Wapol was trying to sneak away, he got pissed off. So, needless to say, he didn't hold back against him and like he said, he 'clobbered' him. There was a bit of running around, Wapol tried to eat Luffy and shot at him a few times, but in the end, Luffy beat him up and finished it with a Gum Gum Battle-Axe. Just in time for some citizens, who came with Zoro, Usopp, Vivi and an injured Dalton, to witness.

So, there was now a defeated and weakened Wapol on the ground, staring at them with hatred and fear.

Wapol - "H-how dare you do this to me!? THE KING!! Drum Kingdom is a member of the World Government! YOU'VE COMMITTED AN INTERNATIONAL CRIME!!! THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE AFTER YOU MONSTER!!!!"

They were silent. Some were fearful of the World Government. And some didn't really care about what he said. But one person wasn't so silent...


He jumped down from the roof and started walking towards him, in slow, steady steps.

C.Leo - "The World Government? We're pirates, we don't give a fuċk if they're after us!"

He closed in on him and released his killing intent.

C.Leo - "You call them monsters? They're not monsters..."

He was positioned right in front of Wapol, lifted him up by the neck.

C.Leo - "But I'll show you one!"

He shifted into his GR form and sent waves of blistering heat out.

GR C.Leo - "*ROAR*"

Wapol was beyond scared and pissed himself.

GR C.Leo - "HAH HAH HAH HAH!!! Do you fear me? Good!"

He then started to his favourite method of punishment. Ripping him limb from limb!

And then before Wapol was dead, Leo made him look in his eyes and used his Penance stare. And, oh boy, was there a lot of punishment for him to go though. Drowning, torture, sickness, freezing, etc.

When Leo was done with him, he burn the body, along with Chess and Kuromarimo, who were still alive at the time... So that was painful.

He consumed the souls and shifted to his normal form, with a feral grin and the usual glowing eyes.

(436 tons)

And a Devil fruit to top it off.

When he turned around, he saw the group of citizens shaking in fear. Dalton, Chopper and Vivi in shock. And Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Kureha didn't really react.

Chopper - "W-why did y-you do t-that? He was already defeated!?"

Leo looked at him, which caused him to flinch.

C.Leo - "Listen here, showing kindness to an enemy, can be the same as causing suffering to those you care about. I don't care if you kill your enemies, but I will ALWAY kill mine! You're not made a monster by your appearance, you're made one by your actions! I already am one, so I don't mind doing the dirty work for my crew mates in their stead."

With that said, the clone dispelled with an incineration effect, the memories and souls transferring to the real Leo.

Left behind were a group of still shocked people, but mostly for different reasons. Chopper was contemplating his word. And Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp had small smiles on their faces. While Kureha was looking at Chopper, knowing how much Leo's words must mean to him.


In Nami's patient room, Leo was sitting there talking with Nami about nothing in particular, when the clones memories and the souls came to him, making his eyes glow. He then had a small self-mocking smile on his face, which Nami noticed.

Nami - "What's wrong?"

He looked at her with his glowing eyes.

Leo - "Nothing. Just that I might have done something unnecessary. But don't worry about it."

He gave her smile to reassure her. She didn't really buy it, but didn't say anything and just held his hand to comfort him.

Giving her a grateful smile, he went back to talking with her and waiting for his other clones to finish their jobs.

(As I have said a few times before, I am also reading the manga while I write. So when it is basically the same scene, this is because I either like that particular scene or I want to fill a few hundred words when I cant think of anything, as that helps me think of what to write afterwards, if you get what I mean? So, if anything seems sought of 'copy and paste', it may actually be.

I know some of you are gonna be like 'Don't simp Luffy. Blah blah..' But this battle had little purpose for my story other than to fill some gaps, but I still included Leo, so chill.)

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