Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 28 - Ch 26 DATE!!!

(Sorry for being gone, I had a medical issue and my Internet was out for a bit.)

- The next day -

After resting for the night, not that he needed it, Leo got up and decided to go outside, where he sat cross legged and thought.

Yesterday, he got five new Devil Fruit abilities. The Sand Sand Fruit, a Logia type. The Dice Dice Fruit and Spike Spike Fruit, both Paramecia types. And a couple of new additions, the Mole Mole Fruit and Inu Inu no Mi: Model Dachshund, Zoan types. (He may have gotten the Copy Copy fruit from Mr.2 aswell, but whatever...)

Something unique about the Zaon types that he had found, was that they possessed a bit of consciousness, an instinct. This lead him to believe that there may be more to the Devil Fruits than people realize.

The Devil Fruits possess a soul, he can sense that, but they also have a curse which is foreign them, evident by how said curse is burnt away when he takes the Devil Fruits for himself, otherwise he would receive less because he would be burning part of the soul/power itself.

From what he has seen, only the Zoan types have the addition of instinct, similar to how humans and animals are.

If they were converted to cultivation terms, the Zoan types would be Bloodlines, Logia would be Elementals or Laws and the Paramecia would be Concepts.

Hell, the world is practically based upon Body cultivation and Soul cultivation, they just lack Energy, but that is because it is replaced by the unique abilities that Devil Fruits grant.

You may wonder what brought about the sudden contemplation of how this world works, well it is because Leo, a being capable of having all the Devil Fruits and wants to have a large amount of them, also wants to be able to use them. Though some would be pretty useless...

Take the two Zoans he has now, a Mole and a Dachshund. While it might be funny to turn into a Mole and then use his own ability to grow in size, then start destroying his enemy as a Godzilla sized Mole, it is nonetheless pretty useless. The only other use would be that it would be easier to maneuver underground...

With that thought, Leo remembered that he still had to find the Poneglyph that is buried in the desert.

Leo quickly made a couple dozen clones and had them run out to go search for it.

The main problem with all this is, he won't be able to train much when he is on the ship and they won't always be on land. Even if they were, he would probably end up causing mass destruction when he trains.

There also isn't anyone around that could provide a real challenge... Other than himself, but he still wouldn't be able to train properly... Unless he did it in his dimension...

Leo - *Smack* "I'm a fuċkɨnġ idiot..."

With a facepalm, backed by a fair amount of power, creating a very loud sound, he sat there wondering why his head never seemed to work properly.

He could have been using clones and his dimension this entire time. While the clones are spending years training, he would only be waiting a few days... And he never gets physically exhausted(except for that one time), so they would be able to train 24/7. This doesn't help him gain physical strength, but he would have the skills to use what he has.

Who said that you can't be a master of everything? All you need is clones and endless stamina!...

With a sigh, Leo got up and dusted of his pants and stretched a bit. Then he made a massive isolated island in his dimension and a couple hundred clones, that went straight to that island. It is completely flat, but the clones can change it to whatever they want and can choose what to train, though the Ghost Rider abilities are the main focus.

With a blank expression he walked back to his room to wallow in self-pity from his own idiocy.

When he got to his room, he flopped onto his bed, with his head in his pillow and screamed.

*Knock Knock*

Leo - *Muffled* "Come in..."

Leo heard the door open and waited for the person to talk, but got nothing came, so he turned his head towards the person and found Nami looking at him in confusion.

Nami - "What's wrong with you?"

He looked her blankly before sighing and sitting up.

Leo - "Nothing... What's up?"

Nami - "Oookay? Well, I came to check on you, because I heard what sounded like you screaming into a pillow...?"

Leo - "Oh... Well, yeah... Sorry about that, just a bit frustrated about something."

Nami - "It's fine. Well, if you're okay, then I'll go back to my room."

Leo - "Hm. Hey, Nami?"

She stopped and looked at him curiously.

Leo - "Would you like go out with me?"

Nami stood there frozen for a moment, then her mind seemed to fix itself and she blushed heavily. She quickly turned around, so that Leo couldn't see her face.

Nami - "YES! Ahem, I mean yeah. Just give me a few minutes to get ready."

She then ran off, covering her face which had a huge smile present.

Leo smiled seeing her reaction.

Leo - 'So cute.'

- 1 Hour later -

He hadn't actually changed into anything yet, because he can change in a moment.

Leo walked over to Nami's door and knocked on it.

Leo - "Hey, Nami, it's me."

When he announced that he was there, he started hearing some rustling and hurried foot steps, then the door swung open.

Standing in the doorway was Nami, wearing a long sleeved white shirt, black leggings and a pair of white trainers. (A/N: I have Zero fashion sense and don't even know if one piece has these thing...)

Leo - "Wow... You look amazing as always. So, I guess you want something casual then."

Guessing that she didn't want something fancy for their date, he changed his clothes to a red shirt, black jeans and black army boots.

Leo - "Well, would you like to start our date?"

He offered her his hand with a charming smile. Nami blushed with a smile and happily took his hand into her own.

The both of them walked out of the portal and arrived in an alleyway.

Nami started looking around.

Nami - "So, where are we?"

Leo - "Back at Rainbase. There should be a fair few Marines in Alubarna right now. Plus, I remember seeing a nice looking cafe on our first outing together. Hopefully, we won't have to cut our date short like last time." 'I'll probably kill anyone who bothers us.'

Nami - "Haha. Hopefully."

Leo - "Let's get going then."

Leo smiled and then started to walk, still holding Nami's hand. Nami was practically beaming with joy and it made Leo feel happy in turn.

It didn't take long to locate the cafe, where they ordered some food and beverages, then sat and talked with each other.

After spending some time at the cafe, they left and look around at some attractions.

They were both looking around, seeing if there was anything that would be interesting.

Suddenly, a scantily dress woman sauntered over to Leo's side and wrapped her arms around his right arm, pressing it into her brėȧsts.

Woman - "Hey, handsome! Wanna come have some fun~?"

Leo answer expressionlessly.

Leo - "No thanks."

He then removed his arm from her grasp, but she immediately grabbed it again and looked at him with an overly sweet smile.

Woman - "Come on~ You'll enjoy yourself, I promise~!"

Now she was getting on his nerves and he was considering burning her.

Nami had also realized what was happening and was equally annoyed that this woman was interrupting their date. She also saw that Leo was ready to kill the woman.

She over and grabbed Leo's other arm and glared at the woman.

Nami - "Can you get off my boyfriend!?"

She was releasing a murderous aura that made the people in the surroundings move away.

The woman immediately let go of Leo.

Woman - "Sorry, I didn't know he was taken!"

She then turned around and practically ran away.

Nami - "Hmph!"

Nami started walking and angrily grumbling while pulling Leo along with her.

Nami - "Stupid hussy! I can accept that I might not be the only one... But I'll be damned if some random bitch gets to try something..."

(A/N: Accept my bullshit or else!)

(It's normal to threaten your readers, right?)

Not wanting their date to be completely ruined, Leo decided to take her mind off it and spoke with a teasing tone.

Leo - "So, I'm your "boyfriend" then?"

This made her freeze and turn red when she realized what she had said, but she wasn't one to back down. So, she started walking again, though somewhat mechanically.

Nami - "Mhm. That's right!"

She then stopped in place, swivelled around and looked him right in the eye with an intense expression.

Nami - "Or what? Do you not want to be with me or something? Hm?"

She put on a confident facade, but Leo could feel how anxious she really was.

He started thinking about how he feels about her. He definitely likes her. He cares about her well-being and like to make her happy... He would definitely kill anyone who hurts her, in as painful a manner he could...

Without realizing, he had stayed silent for too long and had made Nami feel even more anxious than she was.

Taking notice of her rapidly growing anxiety, he quickly put the bags he was carrying into his inventory, then pulled her into his ċhėst with his left arm and started to stroke her head with his right hand.

This seemed to calm and reassure her.

Leo - "If I didn't want to be with you, when you're the reason I'm able to feel happiness again, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else."

(A/N: I cringed...)

Moving his hand from her head and cupping her cheek to look at her face.

Leo - "So, if you want to be with me, I'd be more than happy to be with you."

Nami then shoved her head into his ċhėst and wrapped her arms around him, which he reciprocated.

Nami - "I'm glad you said that."

Leo - "Well, let's be honest, I'd probably kill anybody else that tried to get with you. Hehe."

Nami - "Hahaha, probably."

After standing there hugging for a few moments, they separated and started walking hand in hand again, both equally happy.

It might seem strange that all this happened in the middle of the street and no one interrupted or said anything, but that is because Leo manipulated everyone to ignore them.

After officially becoming a couple, they looked around for a few more hours, shopped a bit and ate at a nice restaurant.

They were both now sitting on a bench, Nami was resting her head on Leo's shoulder while he hugged her with one arm.

Nami - "I'm really happy that you asked me out today."

Leo - "So am I... I can't say that I'm not afraid about getting into a relationship again, but I'm sure I would regret it if I didn't take a chance. I'm glad that I did and hope we can be happy."

He hugged her tighter, afraid that she will suddenly disappear and his happiness along with her.

Nami shifted her position a bit and hugged him. She then kissed him on his cheek.

Nami - "We will be happy, I'm sure of it. And I'll make sure that you never have to regret being with anyone again."

Leo smiled at her affectionately.

Leo - "Thank you."

He then kissed her forehead and then pulled into a complete hug, where they stayed for a couple minutes until Leo remembered something and separated a little bit.

Leo - "Hey, do you still want to know what my clones were doing back at Drum Island?"

Nami looked at him with a look of confusion, then realization.

Nami - "Oh hey, I had forgotten about that. Yes. I want to know what you were doing!"

She looked at him with eager curiosity.

Leo - "Well then, I'll show you!"

He picked her up and moved them both into his dimension. Specifically, he went to the recreated Drum Island, on top of one of the mountains.

Nami looked around in curiosity, amazed by the sudden change in location.

Leo smirked at her.

Leo - "What do you think? Look familiar?"

After getting a good look at her surroundings, she identified where she was, but also that there was something wrong.

Nami - "It looks like we're back at Drum Island... But, there is no castle or any villages...?"

Leo looked out at the Island that he had created.

Leo - "Yup! I have my own dimension or realm, where I have made an almost complete replica of the Island! I even moved some animals into it. I've also made one of Little Garden, but without the diseases and poisonous bugs... So, what do you think?"

He turned back to her with amusement because of the look of bewilderment on her face.

Her mouth hung open from shock.

Nami - "... Are you sure you're even human...?"

Leo - "Hmm... Technically? No. I don't think I can be classified as human anymore... Maybe an undead or spirit or something like that."

She stared at him for a moment before putting a hand on her forehead.

Nami - *Sigh* "How can you say things like that so casually...?"

Leo - "Hehe! Hey, I can bring people back from the dead, all be it limitedly, but compared to that, this seems less impressive in my opinion."

Nami - "You have your own world! That's impressive! You're basically a God!!!"

Leo - "Hah! I don't think so. I'm no where near strong enough to be a God. Besides, I don't want to be a God, it seems bothersome and boring, and I just want to have fun."

She stared at him blankly and then sighed again.

Nami - "You're a bit exasperating, you know that... Not wanting to be a God because it seems "bothersome and boring"."

Leo - "Hahaha. It's better than having an overinflated ego and a God complex from power that was given to me, right?"

He looked at her with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow.

Nami - "Haha. I guess, you're right."

She then kissed him on the cheek and started looking around again.

Nami - "This is still amazing though."

After taking in the scenery for a while longer she realized that they had been gone for a long time.

Nami - "Hey, we should probably head back to the Palace before it gets too late!"

Leo - "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. I can change the flow of time in here. It hasn't even been a second outside. When I'm inside personally, I can make the time difference so that no matter how long we're in here, we can go out and it will be like no time has passed at all. When I'm not here, I can only make it so that for every day outside, five years pass inside."

Nami - "... Wow... I'm just gonna stop being surprised, it will be better for my health."

Leo - "Haha. Well, if you're done looking at the scenes, we can go back?"

Nami - "Mm, sure."

With her confirmation, he took them back to the bench they were sitting at.

They continued their date for a little longer and then went back to the Palace via portal.

When they got there, they talked with the rest of the crew and Vivi for a bit, then ate a modest meal together and went to bed. They had yet to have the feast that Luffy was promised, because he was still sleeping... But it was only a matter of time.

(I definitely bit off more than I can chew by having 3 fanfics going simultaneously. So, the others will still be going, but this is my main focus.. Sorry if you like the others more.)

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