Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 5 - Ch 3 Decisions, Decisions...

Having completed his revenge, our MC was returned to the white space with God looking at him.

Despite getting his revenge and venting his anger, he still didn't feel satisfied, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it now.

"*Sigh* Was it wrong of me to do that?"

With conflicted feelings, he look at God, hoping to have his doubts cleared.

God - "What is 'right' or 'wrong' can change depending on the point of view of different people. Sometimes you make a decision that is good for you and those by your side, but is bad for other people."

This wasn't a direct answer, but he still somewhat understood God's point.

God - "But, if you want my opinion, then, yes and no. If you hadn't punished them yourself, they would still be punished in Hell, so that was morally unnecessary and killing them just stained your own hands. But, by killing them you did the world a justice by removing such sinners, who would have gone on to do more bad things."

God was making a point that even a bad deed can have good consequences.

Hearing God, he still wasn't sure how to feel, should he be sad that his revenge had stained him or should he feel good that his revenge had a positive effect on the world, if only a little.

But that's just it, he had no good intentions when he killed them, when he tortured them, it was because of a selfish dėsɨrė for revenge. That's when God continued.

God - "There is nothing particularly wrong with revenge, so long as it is genuinely deserved and doesn't involve innocents who just happen to be involved with your target. The point is, your actions have consequences, some good and other bad. That's all I will say, do with it what you will."

Although slightly conflicted still, his conscience was clearer than be before.

"Thank you."

God - "It's fine. Now, it is time to get you on your way. First you need to decide on a world, I will send you there the first time, because I need to remove you from the karmic cycle of Earth and make it impossible for you to return."

Like a lot of people in the current times, he had often dreamed of how life would be in a different world and had watched a lot of different things that showcase special abilities or advanced technology.

He would watch movies like Marvel and DC, anime that varied genre like One Piece, Dragon Ball, Arifureta, MHA, DxD, etc.

But, he also had read a fair amount of manga and light novels... Okay, a lot of manga and LN's, so much that he can't remember it all...

(him, definitely not me...)

There was also cultivation novels, but he didn't even consider those yet, because while he cant be killed by them, he doesn't want to be a punching bag...

So taking his time, he thought through his options.

He didn't want to go any worlds where he wont get to have any fun adventures or is so powerful that he won't get to fight at all, so that took any slice of life stuff away, not that he would go there anyways, though smacking about some of the dense af mc's might be fun and he could get to see some cute girls... something to consider...

Marvel and DC don't seem like good options either, Ghost Rider literally comes from Marvel, and both worlds have arrogant, pissy 'gods' that would annoy him right now.

That mostly narrows the options down to anime.

Fairy Tail is good and there are a lot of characters whose life he wished he could make better, like Erza and her mother Irene, but there isn't much he could do with his current powers.

He could try a harem world like DxD or Infinite stratos and indulge in every mans fantasy of doing what those pussƴ mc's didn't have the balls do. Like that moron Issie, who despite sleeping with nȧkėd beauties every night, does fuċk all with them. (sorry just venting a bit)

The problem with that is, does he really want to do that? Is he ready to get into a relationship right now.

Even if he knows that not every girl will be like the last, and that thanks to his wish, they wont be able to betray him, he still cant fully open his heart yet. After all, he doesn't just want a relationship based on sėx, where he will fuċk any girl that catches his eye, he wants to love them and be genuinely loved back.

He already knows that even if he is in love, he can also love another girl at the same time and the previous problem of polygamy being wrong in the eyes of society will no longer be a factor for him. Though, that doesn't mean he will start going world to world collecting girls like pokemon.

Taking into account all of this, he decided to just keep it simple and picked One Piece.

It's a world where he can have a fun adventure, make friends, maybe fall in love, eat good food, and he wont be so strong that he wont get any challenge, well atleast if he goes to the end of paradise and into the new world parts of the grandline.

(I read something about how new world Luffy could lift 100 tons and Zoro was about 40 tons? do correct me if I'm wrong. and I think Luffy had to be in gear four or something.)

With his decision made, he turned to God.

"I would like to go to One Piece for my first world."

God - "Okay, I will send you there, just think about where, when and how you want to look."

"Thank you for my new life."

God - "It's fine, now get ready."

So he started to think about the time and place he wanted to appear and was about to decide on his appearance, but suddenly thought of something.

"Uh... um... I was wondering would it be possible to make it so that I can make a phone with my Hellfire and listen to music from Earth?"

God - "Sure, but that is all. No streaming service or internet connection unless you're in a world with that stuff."

"No problem."

Now that he got that final request out of the way, he decide on his appearance.

God - "Alright, on your way now."


After a few seconds, his vision came back to him and he could start to take in his surroundings.

He was currently sitting in a nicely decorated restaurant, there was a fair amount of space between each table so that each guest has their privacy and right next to was a large man around 6'8", muscular, wearing a navy blue sailor uniform and waist apron. (I'm not very good with descriptions ????)

Currently, he was sitting in the floating restaurant Baratie, where Luffy met Sanji and the man beside him was the head pâtissier, 'Patty'. (there is a name, you might want to search most names I mention)

This was where he chose to appear and the time was just moments before the rest of the strawhats show up with Luffy being made a chore boy.

And as for how he looks, he is 6'2" like on Earth because changing his height would make walking difficult, his body looked like it was sculpted by God, which it kind of was. He has messy, short length black hair, a handsome and well defined face, with a pair of ruby red eyes and as for clothing, well simply put, like Jacob from 'Assassins Creed Syndicate', but without a top hat or hidden blade. (the face is the cover. I'll put a couple pics in the comments)

While he was still taking everything in, he was suddenly interrupted by Patty's voice.

Patty - "BHAHAHAHA! That was one hell of a way to show up. I've seen a lot of people make an entrance, but no one has ever come on a slowly sinking ship and then casually stepped off from the crows nest at the last moment before it's a goner."

(just picture Jack Sparrows entrance in the first movie)

Patty - "Anyways, you look like a bounty hunter or something of the likes, but that doesn't matter, so long as you can pay your bill you can be a pirate for all we care. Haha."

Though Patty said it like it was a joke, it hid an underlying threat for if he couldn't pay.

"Haha, yeah dont worry, I've still got some Berries on me. At least enough for a meal."

It was true, he had been give a couple hundred thousand Berries by God.

Patty - "Good, I'll go take your order to the kitchen if you just tell me what it is. Oh, and I had forgot to ask your name?"

"No problem, I will just take something with meat and wine. And my name is..."


There was suddenly loud noise from up top, this was obviously from getting hit by a cannon ball.

Patty - "What the hell! Somebody go check what that was! Sorry, I'll get your order to the kitchen, I need to see what's happening."

Obviously this was because of Luffy and soon they would be coming inside.

'Didn't even get to say my new name...'

To be precise it was a mix of his old name and the name of his favourite Ghost Rider. The name he has decided he will now go by is, Leonardo Blaze.

(so there you have it, he went to One Piece and I finally gave him a name. honestly it took way to long to give him a name, I was gonna name him Orion because it's one of the more popular fanfic mc names that I have come across, but I kept doubting myself about it because of that exact reason.

Anyways, thanks for reading, comment and give advice for improvement. I will say now, I have zero plans to ever nerf my mc! the only time it will get close to nerfing is if he decides to limit the amount of power he uses and only in low tier worlds!)

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