Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 8 - Ch 6 To Conomi

As Leo was walking over to the chefs, who were gawking at him, he lowered his hood.

With his hood no longer covering his face, the chefs could see the apathetic look and slightly glowing red eyes.

The reason for his glowing eyes is because of his recent soul consumption, though nobody else knew this and so it made for an eerie sight.

When Leo saw the looks, felt the feelings of nervousness and some fear, he stopped in place, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

A few seconds later, he had calmed down and looked back towards the chefs with a small smile.

Now that Leo had a more friendly appearance, all of the chefs let out a small sigh.

Zeff - "Damn, brat, you really didn't hold back did you?"

Leo - "Well, I dont see much of a reason to hold back against scum like them."

Zeff - "Hmm."

Zeff didn't say anything about it, he just ȧssumed that he had his own reasons.

Zeff - "Well, what is everyone doing? Clean this place up! And Sanji, take that brat to a room."


With Zeff giving everyone their orders, they got to work.

Sanji took Luffy to a room to rest and the chef were cleaning up the place, as well as setting up the dining area.

Meanwhile, both Zeff and Leo were on the roof, Zeff was leaning on the railing above where Sanji was talking with the now awake Luffy.

Sanji was excitedly talking about the 'all blue' and how it was his dream to find it.

Zeff was watching with a small smile and muttered to himself.

Zeff - "Talking with such a stupidly wide grin on your face... Idiot."

Leo was watching as well and heard Zeff's muttering.

Leo - "You should be careful there old timer, people might realize that you care."

Zeff - "Hmph, shut up brat."

Leo - "... You know, if you just told him that you acknowledge him, he would probably go be a pirate and travel the grandline."

Zeff didn't reply, he just kept watching for a little while and then walked inside.

Leo just watched as Zeff left and then looked towards the sky with a blank expression.


Despite what Leo said, Zeff still decided to put on a show.

When everyone was in the dining area, starting with Patty, all of the chefs began complaining about how the soup tasted awful and started to piss Sanji off.

Sanji grabbed Zeff by the collar and started shout at him, but then Zeff punched Sanji in the face.

This set everyone off because he usually uses kicks.

This lead to Sanji storming out and then when Luffy said that the soup was pretty good, everyone gave up the act.

Zeff then asked Luffy to take Sanji with him to the grandline because it is his dream. But Luffy declined and almost made everyone fall over.

He said it was because Sanji wanted to stay and be a chef, this made Zeff mention that it was unlikely for Sanji himself to choose to go, given how stubborn he is.

What none of them knew, was that Sanji was right outside the door and heard everything.


Eventually, Yosaku came in while being half eaten.

He told Luffy that they think they know where Nami was going and that they would need his help.

Sanji then called them all out for there for their performance and had a small back and forth with Zeff, and then they started to prepare to leave.

Zeff had went to his room and Sanji took a seat in the the empty dining room. They were both reminiscing about their past and how it all started

Soon enough, all of the preparations were complete and Sanji had to leave.

On his way out, Patty and the sunglasses guy tried to attack him, but they just got a good kick in the face and went down.

Right when Sanji got to the boat, Zeff called out telling him not to catch a cold.

Sanji was initially frozen in place, but then turn around crying, kneeled and put his head to the ground, and thanked Zeff for all he had done for him.

Then all the chefs got emotional and started crying while telling him that they will miss him. Even Zeff had tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

The boat had set sail and was making the distance grow.

Leo was watching all this with a small smile and prepared to jump over to the boat to get a ride, but first said his goodbyes to Zeff.

Leo - "Alright, well I'm going to catch a ride with them. See you old man."

He then jumped the distance to the boat and landed smoothly on the roof of the small cabin, rocking the boat a bit. He proceeded to turn around and sit down while looking at the alarmed trio.

Leo - "Hey, mind if I hitch a ride?"

Luffy just looked at him in confusion for a moment, but then recognized his clothing.

Luffy - "Oooh, you're that strong guy from before. Sure you can come with us."

Yosaku - "Huh? Hey bro Luffy, who is this and are you sure we will have enough food for another person?"

Leo - "Oh, right, I haven't introduced myself have I? My name is Leonardo Blaze, nice to meet you. And as for food, dont worry about me, I dont need it."

Luffy - "WHAAAT!? You dont need food? I couldn't bȧrė to not eat!"

Leo - "Haha, Well I can still eat food, I just dont 'need' it."

Luffy - "Hmm, well okay. Anyways, my name's Monkey D Luffy and I'm gonna be king of the pirate!"

Sanji and Yosaku also introduced themselves, along with their respective occupations of 'pirate' and 'bounty hunter'.

Leo - "Well I don't have an occupation exactly, I now just do what i want and kill bad guys."

Yosaku - "So like the marines?"

Leo - "More like how a marine is supposed to be, if they weren't so corrupt and submissive to the world government."

Luffy was just staring at him, but then sported a huge grin.

Luffy - "You know, you should join my crew!"

Sanji who had been quiet until now spoke up.

Sanji - "What!? You dont even know the guy and you're inviting him to the crew? You heard him say he 'kills bad guy's' right? You know, like pirates? Meaning us!"

Luffy just kept staring at Leo waiting for an answer.

Leo - "He has a point... but then again you did invite him without getting to know him first, hahaha. And as for you being pirates, that doesn't mean you are the bad guys, it is your actions that determine that. And I will think about the offer to join your crew."

Luffy - "Shishishi! Alright, I'll wait."

After that things had settled down a bit, Sanji had a question.

Sanji - "Where are we going anyways?"

Yosaku then went on to explain that they were heading to Conomi Island and added information about the 7 warlords, the fishmen pirates, Jinbe and finally Arlong.

Luffy decided to draw a couple interpretation of how a fishman looks, Sanji was fantasizing about a mermaid Nami, and Yosaku was shouting at them for not taking things seriously. All the while Leo was just staring at the sky.

Sanji then asked them if they wanted something to eat and went to cook.


Meanwhile, the trio of Zoro, Usopp and Johnny had already arrived, and been separated.

Zoro had been captured and was tied up at Arlong park, Usopp was at Nojiko's house after fleeing the fishmen and nobody knows where the hell Johnny is...

Anyways, the events all unfolded like they should, Arlong went to Cocoyashi village to deal with someone, Nami freed Zoro but he just beat up all the fishmen that remained and then was taken to Cocoyashi by an octopus fishman who thought he was a guest, and Usopp was then later captured because he attacked Arlong to save a man.

Usopp was taken to Arlong park when he was caught, he then started running his mouth because of fear and asked Nami for help. Nami then had to put on a show that she was never their friend and attacked him, while pretending to have killed him, but she was convincing to everyone else. And Johnny who was watching from behind the wall.


Back with Leo on the boat.

He was just lying on the roof and enjoying the sun, but that was disturbed when the boat suddenly got rocked and the sun was blocked by a big shadow.

When everyone looked over to see what is was, they saw a 'Sea Cow' or 'Momoo' looking at the food that had just been brought out by Sanji.

Yosaku panicked and said to give the food to it, but Luffy ended up punching it and shouted about not touching his food.

It got angry and was about to attack, but Leo stepped forward to prevent it from getting beat up.

Leo - "Woah there big guy, calm down."

Momoo - "Moo moo!" {I'm hungry and he hit me}

Leo - "I know, but you wanted his food and nobody like having their food taken, right?"

Momoo "Moo!" {But I'm hungry}

Leo - "Well how about this, were going to Conomi Island, so if you will take us there you can have some food. How about it?"

Momoo just nodded and looked at the food, while Leo looked at Luffy.

They were just looking at him as he talked to a giant see creature.

Leo - "Well there you have it, give him some food and he will take us to Conomi."

Luffy - "Hmm... Okay! If it will help us get Nami back, then I will give him my food."

Luffy then threw all the food towards Momoo, who opened his mouth and swallowed it all.

Leo then made a harness on Momoo with his Hellfire and attached it to the boat, having it pulled. He then turned around and looked at the other three.

Leo - "Well this will save us some time."


Sanji - "Yeah, you made chains before when you got rid of all the pirates. Also were you just talking to that thing?"

"Moo!" Being called a 'thing' made Momoo protest.

Leo - "I have the ability to produce Hellfire and solidified Hellfire constructs. And yes I was talking to him, and his name is Momoo he said."

Sanji just 'hm'd' in response and Luffy was looking at him with sparkling eyes. Yosaku was just on the side looking at them.

Yosaku - 'These people are insane....'

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