“Yoshiwara Yukaku?”

Nightmare was a little surprised.

“That’s not…”

“Where is the land of the winding?”

“Why did Lord Wu Miserable send me?”

Countless questions popped up in the mind of the nightmare.

“Recently, something big happened at Yoshiwara Yugoku.”

“You know what?”

“Master Wu Miserable, his subordinates don’t know…”


Wu Miserable sighed.

“The Xia Xia Xian outside You Guo City died under the knife of the Ghost Killing Team.”

“Immediately after, soon after.”

“Within two days.”

“All the ghosts in You Guo have been slaughtered.”

“I still don’t know who did it…”

Misery’s voice was cold.

It’s like a silver needle constantly piercing the heart.

Naruto on the side plucked the strings at this time.


The fallen Ji of the Winding Land also appeared in front of the miserable eyes.

“Lord Wu Miserable!”

The true face of the fern Ji who holds the moon among the stars in Youguo——

It’s Ji Ji.

Suddenly teleported to Infinity City, Yu Ji was a little overwhelmed.

But see the misery in front of you.

He immediately leaned down.

“Have you found out the people who slaughtered ghosts in Youguo?”

“Lord Wu Miserable, still investigating!”

Ji Ji replied repeatedly.


“Why did such a character appear in You Guo?”

The miserable red eyes stared straight at Yu Ji.

Almost in the next second, he was going to kill her.


“Subordinates don’t know…”


Wu Wu glanced at Yu Ji with disdain.

And Yu Ji was possessed at this time and trembled.

A look of horror was on his face.

“Just in case.”

“I sent Wei Meng back to Youguo with you.”

“Be sure to get rid of the ghost hunters in Youguo…”


“I will permanently remove you two from the list of the Twelve Ghost Moon…”



Naruto played the strings again.

Misery disappeared between the overlapping of countless wooden doors.

And Fallen Ji and Wei Dream also teleported to You Guo.


“He also said that he was a winding land…”

Wei Nightmare scoffed disdainfully.

“I actually disappointed Lord Wu Miserable so much.”

“How sad…”



Hearing this, Yu Ji stretched out her claws.

Tear Wei Nightmare’s mouth directly and completely.

Blood suddenly splattered to the ground.

“Shut up…”

“Don’t take an inch.”

A few seconds later, Nightmare’s torn jaw grew again.

“Ji Ji, you are still as mean as ever…”

“Come on, share the intelligence you collected in You Guo.”

Ji Ji glared angrily at the nightmare on the side.


“You Guo is holding a selection contest for Huakui.”

“There were four flowers that appealed to my idea…”


Wei Nightmare looked at Fallen Ji nonchalantly.

The next day

The eight finalists of the Huakui Selection Contest have made a grand appearance.

Soon it entered the fierce battle for the Final Four.

“Thank you to the flower leaders for dedicating such a wonderful competition to all the citizens of Youguo!”

Same as the previous day’s game.

The eight-in-four knockout round is also a draw to determine the competition.


Competition items announced.

The three-line piano is a must-have project for the flower leader.

It is also the project that can highlight the strength of Hua Kui.

The competition consists of each flower leader playing the repertoire in turn.

Score according to the judges.

The four top scores will advance to the next round.

“Ye Xuan…”

“I’m so nervous!”

In the first two months of study, the playing of the sanjin.

It is a hurdle that Chizuru can never pass.

No matter how the teacher and Sachiko sister tutor.

How to practice by yourself.

The level of the Chizuru Sanshin is still anxious.

The competition officially begins.

The first few players played very well.

Except for Muxu.

Play the three-line harp.

It seems that it is also an ordeal for her, who is also a ninja.

Among these players.

The highest score is –

Koi Xia Hanakui from the then house.

The music she plays is not only gentle and gentle.

It’s imaginative.

The face is also intoxicating.

“I didn’t expect…”

“Except for Fern Ji…”

“There are such fascinating women in the whole Yoshiwara Yukaku…”

The appearance of Koi Xia.

Makes countless men crazy about it.

The pressure came to Chizuru’s side.

If there is a mistake in playing.

She is likely to be the same as Sister Muxu.

Get off this stage.

And Ye Xuan, who was standing beside her.

I’m also worried about her.

Because Ye Xuan had heard Qianhe play.

It can only be described as the scene of a car accident.

“Chizuru is on the field!”

“The only Chizuru who can touch Koi Xia in this competition!”

“She’s very good at pitching!”

“I don’t know how the three-line piano is!”

Everyone looked at Chizuru with expectant eyes.

At this time, Chizuru was sweating nervously.

This piece of the three-line piano

I really have no bottom.

“Okay, Chizuru Hanakui.”

“Please start your playing…”


Hearing the referee’s instructions, Qianhe took the three-line qin from Ye Xuan, who was disguised as an attendant.


Chizuru sat on the ground and flicked the paddles.


Everyone looked at Chizuru on the stage dumbfounded.

“What is this playing????”

“It’s a little harsh…”


“It’s so ugly!”

Ye Xuan on the side saw the audience looking at each other under the stage, talking about it.

A sweat pinch for Chizuru.

It didn’t take long for boos from the audience.

“Not very good…”

The burst of boos made Chizuru, who was already unconfident, more and more flustered.

She was completely confused and didn’t know what to do….

“It’s not going to work like this…”

Watch the scene spiral out of control.

Ye Xuan must take action.

“Thunder Breath Three No Types”

“Mosquitoes become thunder.”

Control breathing.

Ye Xuan reduced the power of Thunder Breath’s move to a minimum.

Let it be completely harmless.

Ye Xuan’s body began to continuously generate electricity, making mosquito-like sounds.

This current is simply undetectable to ordinary people.

It affected the air around Ye Xuan.

It eventually spread to Chizuru on the side.


The sound of the Chizuru sanjin began to change.

Bursts of penetrating electric currents are emitted.


“This three-line piano!”

“So rhythmic?”

The smooth tone of the three-line piano is combined with the rhythm of the current.

It seems to pull everyone’s heartbeat.

It’s a special feeling.

The audience began to dance unconsciously to the rhythm.

This three-line piano filled with electric sound instantly brought the entire competition to a climax.

“It’s wild!”

“I like it!”

“I didn’t expect the three-line piano to play such a dynamic sound!”

“Miss Chizuru is too strong!”

“I love this innovation!”


In the end, the judges after the excitement danced and gave the final score——

Chizuru: 91 points

Congratulations on reaching the semifinals!

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