Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 9: Kanao's Dependency (34)

Holding Lihualuo. Kanao's hand, I walked through the slums filled with strong stench.

The world outside the slums is full of bright lights and bustling.

Turning the head, it belongs to Lihualuo. The slum where Kanao lives is so dark, and there are only a few flickering lights, forming a sharp contrast with the outside world.

Su Mu held the chestnut flower and walked forward by Kanao's hand.

A pair of ghostly golden eyes scanned the surroundings.

an inn door

He stopped.

She lowered her head and looked at Lihualuo. Kanao, her clothes were already sloppy and her face was dusty.

Without thinking much, he took Kanao's hand and walked in.

"Come to a room."

He raised his head and spoke to the innkeeper very calmly.

The innkeeper glanced at Su Mu, and he could tell at a glance that these two people came from the slums.

I'm really worried that they won't be able to pay for the accommodation.

"One hundred yen."

The boss opened his mouth, and at the same time pointed to the notice next to him: "Thank you for not paying on credit, don't open your mouth."

Su Mu didn't say anything, he didn't have much money on him, but he still had some money, so he fumbled around.

The total value is about 300 yen.

"Stay for one night, and prepare a set of clean clothes."

He pointed to Lihualuo. Kanao, and at the same time took out all the three hundred yen in his hand.

Now he is really empty-handed.

The boss nodded, didn't say anything, just handed over a key: "C-size room, the third room on the left in front, the clothes will be delivered later."

Su Mu didn't say anything, and led Li Hualuo. Kanao came to the room.

He motioned for Lihualuo. Kanao went to bed and had a rest first.

But after waiting for a while, Kanao didn't make any move.

He couldn't help lowering his head, looking at Lihualuo Kanao with some doubts, and said softly: "Why don't you go."

Lihualuo. Kanao is still like a marionette, his purple eyes can't show the slightest emotion, and he doesn't speak like a mute.

However, this time, he pinched his clothes rarely.

A worn-out dress, because it was in a slum, it had already been stained with filth.

Seeing this scene, he probably understood something.

Obviously, Lihualuo. Kanao was worried that his clothes would stain the white bed in the inn.

He was a little distressed, but also a little happy.

The heartache is Lihualuo. Kanao, the joy is that Kanao seems to have a little bit of his own will.


He knelt down and stroked Kanao's hair gently.

Perhaps due to long-term malnutrition and the poor living environment, Kanao's hair is a little withered and sticky.

Apparently, Kanao hadn't showered in an indefinite amount of time.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if it gets dirty."

He gently patted Kanao's little head.

Chestnut blossoms falling. Kanao's purple eyes blinked rarely.

The spiritual gaze at that moment made Su Mu lose his mind, but this moment only lasted for a moment, and then he returned to being empty and lifeless.

It made him wonder if he was wrong.

Although it was just a fleeting look, Su Mu knew that he was not mistaken, a tiny crack opened in the girl's closed heart just now.

It seems that for the first time, he is willing to accept the warmth from the outside world.

He gently took Li Hualuo Kanao's hand, and asked her to put it on the bed to do it.

At this time, the waiter also brought hot water over.

Along with the hot water, there was a neat set of girls' clothes.

"Take a shower."

"By the way, change your clothes."

He squatted down and said softly to the girl sitting on the edge of the bed.

However, after waiting for a long time, Kanao did not respond.

"I'm going out first, call me if something happens."

He said softly, not surprised by Kanao's reaction.

ready to leave.

Just, just stood up.

A thin little hand grabbed the corner of his clothes at once.

He couldn't help lowering his head, looking at the pale and weak hand of a girl who was pinching the corner of his clothes.

He glanced at the girl who was still like a marionette.

Although Kanao can't express emotion yet

But the girl has obviously begun to rely on him a little, and seems to be worried that she will leave her.

He squatted down again, watching Lihualuo gently. Kanao: "Hey, I won't go far, I will watch at the door and stay with you."

The gentle words were like a spring breeze, blowing on Lihualuo. Kanao's face, making the girl's purple eyes seem to blink again.

Wait until the girl's little hand gradually loosened. He just patted Kanao on the head: "Take a good bath, call me if you need something."

After speaking, he walked out of the door and closed the door at the same time.

When the door was completely closed, the boy suddenly raised his head, looking into the distance with his golden eyes.

A ray of cold light flashed away.

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