Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter Two: I'm Different From You

Su Mu didn't expect to meet Tsuyuri Kanawo for the first time in this way.

As he looked over, Tsuyuri Kanawo's bright eyes looked at him too.

He froze.

Those eyes that are as beautiful as stars are like empty shells, empty and so stiff, as if they have lost all the emotions that humans should have.

At this moment, he seemed to touch something

Unconsciously, a picture emerges in the mind

poor family

cold blooded parents

He was often brutally abused. If he hadn't relied on his sharp vision, he would have been beaten to death.

As long as she cries, she will be beaten by her parents, so she has to hold back her feelings. As time goes by, she gradually becomes less painful and no longer able to express her feelings.


Everything Tsuyuri Kanawo has ever encountered.

Such a cute girl has lived in deep water and fire since she was a child. She has no childhood and no feelings.

This is not what this girl should bear now.

Unconsciously, he clenched the sword in his hand. At this moment, his heart suddenly felt touched. He suddenly wanted to change something, at least, to change the damn world in front of him.

"Ding, the strongest sword ghost system has been bound, does the host accept the system..."

Something crisp and without any emotion sounded in Su Mu's mind, which made him feel excited.

"The Strongest Sword Demon System"

He whispered softly.

This system carries the word 'ghost'.

Could it be...

Suddenly there is a guess in my heart.


"If you are willing to accept the system, you will become a ghost."

The mechanical, emotionless voice of the system sounded, making his heart suddenly tangled.

Looking at the ferocious monster on the opposite side, and at the girl who was still curled up in the corner, who seemed to be very dull.

His heart seems to be touched by something

Su Mu never thought of herself as an angel who saved the world.


The scene in front of him forced him to make a choice.

choose to be a ghost

Still continue to be human.


With only a little hesitation, Su Mu chose to accept it. Whether he wanted to or not, the situation before him had no choice.

What about ghosts?

What about people?

In a world of ghosts like "Demon Slayer", if you are at the bottom and have no strength, you never know if a ghost will suddenly break out and take away your long-established happiness.

When happiness is destroyed, there is always the smell of blood.

Instead of becoming a bottom class, he would rather choose to become a ghost.

When Su Mu said 'accept' silently in his heart, some changes seemed to have taken place in his body, his heart stopped beating, the blood in his body also stopped flowing, and he could feel his body becoming more powerful.

The originally dark pupils also turned golden.

At the same time, two ghost horns appeared on his forehead unknowingly.

Ghost horn.

Moreover, at this moment, he seemed to feel that the Nichirin Blades he held in his hand seemed to have feelings.

Unconsciously waving the Nichirin Blades in his hand, as if this knife is a part of his body.

It seems that I was born with a unique affinity for swords and knives.

"Is this the sword ghost?"

Feeling the powerful force coming from his body, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously, and the golden pupils shone with light under his eyes.


In front of him, the ghost who had just devoured several human beings looked at Su Mu suspiciously, and he felt the breath of ghosts from Su Mu's body.

This made him very puzzled, obviously, just a moment ago, this was still a human being, why, suddenly, he felt the same kind of breath on his body.


Su Mu raised her head, looked at the other party, and whispered softly.

but immediately

Shaking his head again: "I am completely different from a creature like you who can't restrain itself from devouring flesh and blood and loses its nature."

he said softly.

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