Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter Twenty: Still Pretty Cute (24)

Although, he just said that Kochou Kanae is stupid.


In fact, Kochou Kanae is still very smart.

At least, there are still small tricks like pretending to be comatose.


Pretending to be unprofessional, and not exposing the other party is simply insulting one's IQ.


"The girl lying in the corpse should at least pretend to be comatose. The most basic thing is that you have to control your eyelashes not to blink. Although, it was a very slight blink, but you think I am the same as you?" Stupid, easy to cheat?"

"Of course, your eyelashes are beautiful."

Su Mu hugged Kochou Shinobu who was unconscious, and looked at Kochou Kanae who was lying in front of him speechlessly.


Kochou Kanae sat up annoyed, a pair of pink and purple eyes filled with intense anger.

never such a moment

Such a disgusting ghost.

Although this ghost is not as ugly as other ghosts, it looks very delicate, especially the pair of ghost horns are even more cute.


This ghost is really, really annoying.

"Now, really knock yourself out."

Su Mu looked at Kochou Kanae calmly: "Don't play tricks in front of me, because I hold your sister's life in my hands."

"You're playing tricks on your sister's life with your little tricks."

He looked at Kochou Kanae calmly, at this moment, he completely grasped the lifeline of this woman.


"Please...don't hurt my sister."

Kochou Kanae lowered his head and could only beg helplessly: "I really can't lose my sister."

Seeing the girl pleading sadly to herself, Su Mu really felt that she was the kind of super scumbag who abandoned her wife and daughter, and she felt like letting go of sister Kochou Kanae immediately.

But this feeling just flashed in his mind and was swept away by his mind.

What is certain is that as long as she relaxes a little, or if Kochou Kanae finds a chance, this powerful girl will definitely cut off her head immediately.

For a gentle girl like Kochou Kanae, she cares most about her sister.

The most intolerable thing is that his sister is hurt.

"Go ahead, don't challenge my patience."

He opened his mouth lightly.

Kochou Kanae looked helplessly at this cold-blooded ghost, but facing the situation before her, she didn't have much choice.

Although, once he knocks himself out, with the characteristics of a ghost, he will definitely not let him go. After killing himself, not only will he die, but his sister may also die.

But if he didn't knock himself unconscious, his sister would die immediately.

She basically has no choice, and what if, after killing her and eating her, the ghost is full and doesn't eat her sister anymore?

"I beg you……"

Kochou Kanae looked at Su Mu pleadingly.

As if confirming the other party's entreaties, Su Mu promised very seriously: "As long as you knock yourself unconscious, I will not hurt your sister."

Although it is so ridiculous to believe in a ghost.

Since the history of the Ghost Killing Team, people who believe in ghosts have never had a good end.

But at this moment, Kochou Kanae can only choose this way.


There was a muffled sound, and this time, Kochou Kanae completely fell to the ground, beating himself unconscious.

Looking at Kochou Kanae who really passed out, Su Mu couldn't help but shook his head

In the world, how could there be such a stupid woman, no wonder she was later killed by Douma, the first string in Twelve Kizuki.

Fortunately, this woman met her and other ghosts today, and she would never let go of the opportunity to devour the woman in front of her.

shook his head

Although becoming a ghost...

But he will not be that disgusting ghost who devours human flesh.

Holding Kochou Shinobu between his arms, Su Mu found the black hat that had been dropped earlier.

Gently put on the head.

Turning his head, he looked at the girl who was still lying there upright, and cursed unconsciously: "This woman is quite stupid."


"Still cute."



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