Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 343: The End Of The Empire, And A New Beginning

The figure of General Bude fell from the city wall and looked at Su Mu from a distance. When he looked at Su Mu, his eyes were a little complicated.

Before, Su Mu was his junior, and he had placed high hopes on her.


Unexpectedly, the other party would also betray the empire.

"I didn't expect that in the end, I would be your enemy."

Bud spoke calmly.

Teigu: [Admiral] is also activated accordingly, and around his body, it looks like a thunder armor formed by thunder, which looks quite powerful.

Su Mu also looked at Bud quietly.

For Bude, his eyes are also complicated. In the past, he also placed his hopes on Bude.

but in the end

It is disappointing.

Bude's allegiance is not the empire, but the royal family.

"You still don't get in my way, you know, you are not my opponent."

After a long time, he spoke softly.

Bude was silent, he lost the last fight, and just witnessed the fight between Su Mu and Esdes with his own eyes, the opponent's strength has improved much compared to the last fight.

At the same time, Bude also understands that if he gets out of the way, the other party will definitely not embarrass him.


Bude turned his head and looked in the direction of the palace.

The Bude family has been the generals of the empire for generations, and they have been loyal to His Majesty the Emperor for generations. Will it be terminated in his generation?

He shook his head:

"Why do you have to kill His Majesty the Emperor?"

Bud's voice was hoarse.

"Because... he is no longer fit to sit in that position."

Su Mu said plainly that he used to have certain expectations for this little emperor. He thought that this little emperor was not hopeless. After the exposure, the little emperor still maintained his trust in Minister Hornest.

Even... maybe even if you know it, you don't care.

He didn't care about his own empire anymore. Such an emperor is no longer worthy of being the emperor of this empire.

Bude was silent for a while, and then looked deeply at Su Mu: "I had high expectations for you.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint the general."

Su Mu put her hand on the hilt of her sword: "Get out of the way, I don't want to be your enemy."

"You should understand that no one in Bud's family has ever betrayed His Majesty the Emperor.

Bude opened his eyes, and the ray of sunlight flashed away.

"So, sorry, I can only send General Budde on his way."

Su Mu sighed slightly. As for Bude, he didn't want to kill him unless he had to. Bude is not a minister like Ornest. He has been loyal to his duties and served in the empire these years. It is precisely because of his existence that Ornest Minister Nestor had some scruples and dared not let go.


Over the years, although he had recognized the corrupt behavior of Minister Ornest, he did not take action. It was only because he followed the ancestral motto of the Bude family that "military generals must not interfere in internal affairs", and he has always allowed Ornest's behavior.

In the end, although he stood up against Ernest under his persuasion, he gave up the chance to kill Minister Ernest several times because of the little emperor's few words.

And the reason was just because he didn't want to disobey His Majesty's orders.

Today, the empire is in turmoil. As the supreme commander of the empire, Bude is duty-bound, but he is indifferent, which is a kind of complicity with Ornest.

Ridiculous, since I had expected it before.

"Then, there is only one battle."

Bude opened his mouth without talking nonsense, and raised his arm slightly, and he could see that his arm was surrounded by silver-white thunder at this moment.

The breath of destruction also came along with it.

The next moment, Bude drove Thunder and shot towards him.

Between the actions, the originally bright sky was shrouded in thunder.

The wind howled.

But Bude is already in the air.

At this moment, thunder surrounds him, and at this moment, Bude is like the god of thunder coming to the world, full of infinite majesty.

next second

The thunder fell and enveloped Su Mu.

At this moment, Su Mu seemed to be caught in Rengoku made of thunder.

And at this moment, Su Mu drew his sword

A sword that was so fast surpassed the light of thunder and fell silently.

Bud lowered his head blankly.

With a sense of loss and relief, Bude turned his head and looked in the direction of the imperial capital: "Bude, you can only protect the royal family so far."

next second

It fell apart, and General Zaide's tall body fell to the ground.

The supreme commander of the empire, another "strongest" person, General Bude, who commanded the palace guards, fell.

"The great general has also fallen."

At this moment, the mood of the originally sluggish imperial soldiers has collapsed.

Better than Bud is dead, no one in the entire empire can stop the footsteps of any young man.

After beheading Bude, Su Mu's figure flew up to the tall city wall of the imperial capital lightly.

This time, everything was silent, and no one thought of blocking the other party.

And Su Mu walked towards the palace in such a calm manner.

the palace

Ernest gritted his teeth, unaware that things had come to this point.


Simply, he still has some trump cards.

Involuntarily, Minister Ornest looked at the little emperor: "Your Majesty, now, I can only rely on you."

"Only you can stop this.

" are the emperor."

The little emperor had been frightened for a long time, but after hearing what Ernest said, he couldn't help clenching his fists: "I am the emperor.

"Let's go."

Ernest nodded.

Arriving at the forbidden area of ​​the palace, through countless corridors, finally, Ernest stopped with the little emperor.

two people look up

Standing in front of the two is a flashing armor. This armor is incomparably huge, as huge as a mountain. Standing in front of them, they are as small as ants.

Teigu: The God of Protecting the Country "Supreme Throne".

The first and strongest Teigu.

It is not only the origin of Teigu, but also the culmination of all Teigu, known as "the supreme Teigu".

Possesses an ability comparable to that of the gods, and only those with the blood of the emperor can use it.

The little emperor took a deep breath and climbed up slowly.

In the next second, the shining light shines from Teigu's body and echoes the little emperor.

Su Mu, who was walking towards the palace, stopped, as if feeling something, raised her head.


The vibrations are being produced, as if something is about to break through the ground.

A large area of ​​the palace collapsed with the vibration at this moment.


Along with the diffuse dust and mist, a huge figure like a mountain appeared in the center of the palace.

It is so tall, like the Tianshan Mountains in Japan standing up out of thin air.

There is a powerful aura emanating from his body, just looking at it from a distance, there will be a kind of worship in his heart, the idea of ​​wanting to kneel down.

"The legendary Teigu."

Someone exclaimed.

"What is the legendary Teigu?"

Some people are puzzled.

"It is the origin of all Teigu, and it is also the apex of Teigu.

Someone explain.

Su Mu raised her head and looked at the tall figure appearing in the center of the palace.

"The God of Protecting the Nation "Supreme Throne". '

He whispered softly, stronger than him, and felt an extremely powerful force from this Teigu.

One, the power called the gods.

And at this moment, the little emperor standing on the "Supreme Throne" of Teigu's protective machine god also saw Su Mu's standing position through Teigu's perspective.

A ray of light appeared on the body of the "Supreme Throne", the god of protecting the country, and a ray of light bloomed next, attacking the position where he was standing.

hair on end

A breath of death was born in the heart.

He wanted to hide, but looked behind.

The direction behind him is a large building, and a large number of figures in this building can be vaguely seen.

If he wants to avoid it, I'm afraid that the people behind him will disappear into this world with this brilliance blooming.

"As the emperor of the empire, this is the attitude towards the people of the empire."

Su Mu raised her head and murmured in a low voice.

In the next second, the sword light rose.

draw sword

In an instant, in this instant, it seemed that one sword had been cut out, but it seemed that countless swords had been cut out.

In the end, all the sword lights turned into a magnificent sword light and collided with the incoming light.


The two collided, and the huge shock wave tore everything around.

Houses collapsed, trees snapped, and the earth was torn apart one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Su Mu, with human strength, blocked the terrifying power of the "Supreme Throne", the god of protecting the country, without using Teigu's power.

And after using Tegu's blow, the little emperor also felt tired.

0…ask for flowers…………

He couldn't fully use the full power of the Teigu "Machine God of Protecting the Country "Supreme Throne"".

The use of this Teigu was a strong burden on the little emperor's body.


The little emperor clenched his fists, looking at Su Mu who was rushing towards him like a leopard, his eyes were full of anger: "Rebellious ministers and thieves, you should be punished."

In the next second, a more terrifying force came from Teigu and attacked Su Mu.

The eyes are faint.

Even if he is like him, facing the power launched by the "Supreme Throne", the god of protecting the country, it is quite difficult to kill it every time.

"No wonder it claims to be able to exert the power of a god."

he whispered slightly

Just dead things. "

This kind of Teigu, which can exert power comparable to that of a god, cannot be fully utilized by the little emperor. If it is not supported by the emperor's blood, I am afraid that even the Teigu will not be able to activate.

Another sword, blocking the attack launched by Supreme Teigu.

Even so, his face was slightly pale.

Supreme Teigu is worthy of being the origin of all Teigu, and also the starting point of all Teigu, it is really powerful.

However, at this time, he was already close to the little emperor's side.

The horizontal sword is in front of the eyebrows, and a dense air is generated from the blade, and an extremely powerful sword intent bursts out.

Looking at Su Mu's slashing sword, the little emperor showed disdain on his sickly face: "You want to break through the defense of Supreme Emperor because you are a traitor?"


But, the next second

The little emperor opened his eyes wide.

There was a 'click' sound, and cracks appeared on the surface of Supreme Teigu.

Supreme Teigu was split with a fine crack.

Although it's just a tiny crack, it's enough.

In the next second, Su Mu's eyes lit up, and the hair-like sword energy penetrated into the crack, and attacked the little emperor in the Teigu.

The subtle sword energy was so sharp that the moment it fell into the little emperor, it tore his body apart.


There was a scream.

The emperor of this empire passed away.

At this moment, a dim purple star fell in the sky.

The empire has changed.

Ernest, who was hiding in the distance, looked at this scene with a pale face, and ran away without even thinking about it.

but the next second

A sharp sword qi descended from the sky

The body that was as fat as a mountain fell to the ground.

The cholera destroyed the empire, and the minister of the empire, who was in power, ended his sinful life.

Beheading the little emperor and minister Ernest, he stepped forward slowly, and finally stepped onto the emperor's seat.

When he got to the emperor's position, he didn't sit down.

but turn around

I don't know when, Estes, Red Tong, Black Tong, Seriu, Sayo, Tazmi, Iyeas...

They have all followed silently.


He spoke softly.

Estes stood up.

"Destroy the universe and wipe out the revolutionary army."

He spoke softly.

Estes nodded and went out.

"Red pupils, black pupils."

Chi Tong and Hei Tong, the sisters, stood up.

"Reform the killer organization, aim, and pacify the darkness.

yes. "


Black pupil, Chitong nodded silently

Order to go down in an orderly manner.

This year, the emperor of the empire was beheaded, and the dark minister of the cholera empire, Ernest, was also beheaded.

This year was the darkest year for the empire, with uprisings and turmoil everywhere.

But this year is also a new beginning.

A rising star, this empire has regained its vitality and ushered in a new and beautiful tomorrow.


And as the end of the old empire era, the founder of the new era of empire.

At this moment, Su Mu stands on the highest point of the palace and looks up at the starry sky.

The power in the body has gushed out like a mountain, and the limit of power in this world can no longer accommodate the existence of a super strong individual like him.

and he

His eyes were dim, and he already understood that a journey has ended, and he will usher in a new beginning.

What kind of challenges will you face?

What will the next world be like? (End of book)

PS: It's over, although it's a bit hasty, but basically everything has been explained.

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