Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 58: Killing Intent From Urokodaki Sakonji (24)

some discussion.

Su Mu finally reached a formal cooperation with the Ghost Killing Squad.

He is responsible for detecting certain ghosts as much as possible and providing them to the ghost killing team. Similarly, the members of the ghost killing team are not allowed to make things difficult for him. When necessary, the ghost killing team can give him some assistance.

To show sincerity, Su Mu first reported a piece of information to Kochou Kanae.

"The way Kibutsuji Muzan looks, it's not set in stone."

When Kochou Kanae heard this, his eyes could not help but concentrate.

"Invariant, what do you mean?"

Urokodaki Sakonji couldn't help but twitch his brows. Although he had vaguely guessed the general meaning, he still couldn't help asking Su Mu to explain the situation.

"It means that Kibutsuji Muzan can change his appearance by himself, for example, sometimes he will appear as a man, sometimes he will appear as a woman, and sometimes he will appear as a child again."

After hearing Su Mu's words, Kochou Kanae and Urokodaki Sakonji's expressions became very serious.

For thousands of years, Kibutsuji Muzan's whereabouts have been strange and difficult to identify. Now, he can change his form. There is a huge crowd, and it is extremely difficult to find Kibutsuji Muzan.

At the same time, I gradually understood why Kibutsuji Muzan could not even be found for thousands of years.

This is a very important piece of information that must be reported in time, and it will be very helpful in finding Kibutsuji Muzan.

After all, to deal with Kibutsuji Muzan, the first thing to do is to confirm his whereabouts. If even Kibutsuji Muzan cannot be found, how can we find a way to deal with him.

If Kibutsuji Muzan can really be found, even if the Ghost Slayer Squad is wiped out, Kibutsuji Muzan must be dragged until the sun rises, so that Kibutsuji Muzan can be bathed in the sun.

Involuntarily, Kochou Kanae took a look at Su Mu, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, feeling that it was correct to cooperate with Su Mu. It was the first time to cooperate with him to obtain such important information.

When Kochou Kanae lamented that he was lucky to cooperate with Su Mu, Urokodaki Sakonji was secretly shocked.

If he heard correctly just now, the ghost mentioned the five words 'Kibutsuji Muzan' just now.

Although 'Kibutsuji Muzan' is just the name of the ghost ancestor, it has a great meaning.

You know, the ghosts in this world are basically the ghosts that were separated by the blood of Kibutsuji Muzan.

Because of Kibutsuji Muzan's blood, he became a ghost, and naturally, the curse from Kibutsuji Muzan was buried on the ghost.

As long as any ghost speaks the five words 'Kibutsuji Muzan', a curse will be produced, and the ghost will be cursed to destroy its body and die.

without exception


Now, the ghost uttered the five words 'Kibutsuji Muzan' clearly, but nothing happened.

It's incredible.

Style Kochou Kanae has not been a 'pillar' for a long time, so he is not clear about it, but Urokodaki Sakonji is a veteran 'pillar', but he knows all this very well.

At the same time, I also understood another meaning.

That is

This ghost may not be a ghost because of getting Kibutsuji Muzan's blood, but it is very likely that he was born like Kibutsuji Muzan.

Or, it is Kibutsuji Muzan himself.

However, the possibility of Kibutsuji Muzan feeling Su Mu's strength is extremely low.

Then, another possibility is that it, like Kibutsuji Muzan, is a natural ghost.

If so

Urokodaki Sakonji narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

If so, will this ghost, in the future, be more threatening than Kibutsuji Muzan?

A murderous intent arose unconsciously in his heart.



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