Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 62: Su Mu's Weakness

Looking at Kochou Shinobu who left angrily, his eyes were slightly condensed, the words just now were not only for Kochou Shinobu.


He also told himself.

Tell yourself clearly, don't have lazy thoughts just because you become a ghost and are naturally stronger than humans.

When you are not sure to fully grasp everything in your hands, once you slack off, you may die.

Although becoming a ghost, and a relatively perfect type of ghost, does not mean that he can cope with all situations, nor does it mean that he will be able to stand at the highest peak in the end.

For example, when facing Urokodaki Sakonji today, if the opponent really made a move, would he be able to handle it?



He looked at the girl sitting there obediently, with beautiful but empty purple pupils.

in his heart

Unknowingly, there is already concern.

With concern, it means that there is weakness.

What he has to do is not only to protect himself, but also to protect Tsuyuri Kanawo.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, stepped forward, and hugged Tsuyuri Kanawo.

He is going to take Tsuyuri Kanawo to a retreat, ready to practice.

As far as he is concerned, the fastest way to become stronger is naturally to kill ghosts.

Constantly slaying ghosts, gaining the ability to slay ghosts, the more abilities he gains, the faster his strength will increase.


Don't underestimate any ghost.

after all

No ghost will easily let others take his life.


as a sword demon

He can feel that what really suits him is not the ability of those ghosts who robbed him.

Your real foundation should be...

this moment

His hand rested on the hilt of his sword

Whenever the hand touched the sword, a sense of joy spread throughout the body.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to feel the emotions coming from the 'sword'.

Swords are not really dead things.

It also has its own spirituality.

And how to discover these is what a sword ghost should do.

Because, this is the most suitable ability for a sword ghost.

I have unlimited potential in the talent of the sword.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of Akaza, the third chapter in Twelve Kizuki, Fighting Ghost.

Akaza's vampire technique is very simple, it's just a simple 'vindictiveness'.

But in the process of the opponent's continuous tempering and constant confrontation with the enemy, the mastery of 'fighting energy' has reached an extremely terrifying boundary.

Akaza takes the "destroying and killing needle" as the core to perceive fighting spirit, and derives a series of precise, rapid and powerful martial arts strikes.

Over the years, many members of the Ghost Killing Squad died in Akaza, and many of them were 'Pillar' level powerhouses.

and myself

He couldn't help pressing the hilt of the sword at his waist, but he didn't fully understand his true ability.

He only knew that he had an unusual affinity for the sword and could feel the emotion of the sword. When the sword was held in the palm of his hand, he could feel an unusual joy, as if the sword could understand his own words.

It seems that discovering oneself is also something that must be done.

He raised his head, and before he knew it, he had arrived at an open space with no one around.

He had thought no one was there.

But seeing the two teenagers and girls who were fighting with each other, their eyes narrowed unconsciously.

As if sensing something, the two people who were discussing with each other stopped and looked at him.

Involuntarily, he put down Kanao in his arms, patted Kanao on the head, and walked towards the two of them.

The two boys and girls competing with each other are none other than Shuizhu, the two most proud disciples of Urokodaki Sakonji.

Makomo and Sabito.



PS: This chapter is an update when the flowers reach 14,000.

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