Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 64: Disciple Of Lintaki, Sabito, Please Give Me Your Advice (14)

" will die."

The light words made Makomo and Sabito look very ugly.

Over the years, they have seen with their own eyes the senior brothers and sisters who are full of confidence and enthusiasm, looking forward to becoming a member of the ghost killing team in the future, and finally...the scene that they will never see again.

Senior Brother, Senior Sister... They all participated in the trial of Teng Xishan... and they will never come back.

They can also guess that there may be a powerful evil spirit in the mountain, and this evil spirit seems to be secretly targeting the disciples under the name of the master.

But Sabito and Makomo are not afraid.


But I don't want to see the teacher's disappointed eyes again.

Every year, the teacher looks at the brothers and sisters he has taught, and the seniors go to Teng Xishan to try with confidence.

Both Makomo and Sabito could feel the anticipation in the teacher's eyes.

I can feel the strong confidence of the teacher's clenched fist and encouraging hand.

but again and again

What is waiting, without exception, is only bad news.

They clearly felt that... the teacher's mood was getting lower and lower

Also more and more self-blame.

more and more silent

Although the teacher didn't say anything to Makomo and Sabito, they knew that the teacher's eyes were full of guilt.

The teacher felt that he had harmed his students.


When Makomo and Sabito looked for the teacher with full confidence and expressed their desire to participate in the Teng Xishan Trial

The teacher refused decisively.

Both Makomo and Sabito knew that the teacher didn't want to lose any more students.


These are not what they want to see.

They want to unravel the knot in the teacher's heart. Those brothers and sisters who passed away in Teng Xishan have never hated the teacher.

They want the teacher to understand that all this is not the teacher's fault, but their own choice.

Choose to participate in the trial of Teng Xishan

own choice.

Even if he was devoured by evil spirits, his students never stopped wielding their swords for themselves.

All of this is not the teacher's fault.

Teacher, you should not take the pressure on this.



They must never... must not die, must never let the teacher down again.

Never let the teacher... wait any longer.

at the same time

And kill all the evil spirits there.

To avenge...the deceased senior brother and senior sister.

So, when Su Mu said 'they...will die. ’, Makomo and Sabito reacted so strongly, not because of fear of death.


I can't keep my beloved teacher...waiting any longer.

We all love Mr. Urokodaki Sakonji,

And... many brothers and sisters are watching them.

They... must not fail again.

Never let the teacher down again.

"We will not die... we will never die."

Sabito gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.

"Really? Are you questioning my words? Or, you can break this rock."

He turned his head, his golden eyes under the bamboo hat sneered.

I have to say that Sabito's strength is very good.

but the same

Weaknesses are also evident.

Strong sense of justice and strong self-confidence.

A strong sense of justice will add a lot of burdens to him, like, in the future, during the Teng Attack Mountain Trial, Sabito will continue to run around in the mountains in order to rescue other swordsmen who have been injured by ghosts, almost relying on his own strength. He tried his best to wipe out all the ghosts attacking the mountain, but he was also exhausted.

Because he was too confident, when facing Teoni, his confident blow could kill Teoni, but the sword on Teoni's neck failed to cut through Teoni's hard skin, because of his self-confidence, he never left a way out, So, died tragically at the hands of Teoni from exhaustion.

It's not that the sense of justice and self-confidence are wrong, it's just that these require stronger strength to support them.

but obviously

Neither Sabito nor Makomo are able to support these now.

So, it was doomed from the start.

"I can't break the rock, but... I don't believe what you say."

Sabito pulled out the Nichirin Blades in his hand, and the long knife like autumn water was out of its sheath, shining coldly under the moonlit night.

Sabito has a blue blade, a white handle, and a black hexagonal blade.

"Because...even if you can break the still can't defeat me."

"that is it."

Sabito held the hilt of the sword with five fingers, stepped forward, and bowed slightly at this moment

"Urokodaki Sakonji disciple, Sabito, please give me your advice."

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