Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 71: The Most Cautious Ghost In History (24)

Dark room.

A man sat there quietly, and on the ground not far away, there was a man and a woman kneeling.

The kneeling man has short black hair and is dressed in the attire of a monk. In the center of his palm, there is an eyeball.

His name is Yahaba, the ghost of the arrow pattern, and he belongs to Kibutsuji Muzan's direct subordinate.

The woman kneeling next to her is naturally the ghost of handball, Susamaru.

Both Yahaba and Susamaru lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into the face of the sitting man.

The sitting man is none other than someone else.

It is the original ghost that the ghost killing team has been looking for, the absolute ruler of ghosts, who calls himself "a creature that is infinitely close to perfection"

Kibutsuji Muzan.

"Is someone working with the Ghost Killing Squad?"

Kibutsuji Muzan murmured softly, seemingly puzzled in his voice.

Although, for thousands of years, no ghost has betrayed him...

Because all ghosts are bound by him, it is difficult to betray yourself.

Do not

a ghost betrayed

That ghost is called Tamayo.

She has freed herself from her own spell and has been trying to defeat herself.

I have been looking for her traces all these years.

It's just a pity that I have never been able to find it.

"Could it be Tamayo? Has she started working with Ghost Slayer?"

Kibutsuji Muzan murmured that it was possible, but he couldn't deny the possibility of other ghosts.

After all, with the possibility of the ghost Tamayo getting rid of his own spell, it is also possible that other ghosts will get rid of his own spell.

These years, the reason why he has not allowed the ghosts to gather together is that he is afraid that all the ghosts will gather together to rebel. It is precisely because he is afraid that these ghosts will unite that he allows these ghosts to act alone.


Kibutsuji Muzan stretched out his hand, the palm stretched directly, and suddenly lifted the necks of Yahaba and Susamaru, and grabbed them firmly.

The huge force made the two ghosts feel as if they were suffocating.

"It's really trash. I can't even find out which ghost it is."

"Big... my lord."

Yahaba and Susamaru looked terrified: "My lord, give us another chance, and we will definitely investigate."


With a flick of the palm, Yahaba and Susamaru were thrown directly to the wall.

Bright red blood flowed from their mouths.

But Yahaba and Susamaru didn't realize it, but hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed continuously.

Kibutsuji Muzan looked at Yahaba and Susamaru indifferently. If these two ghosts hadn't been used smoothly, he would have killed these two ghosts a long time ago.

"Not only do we need to find out who the ghost is, and whether it is Tamayo, but also, we must find information about the blue Bianhua for me as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

Yahaba and Susamaru nodded hastily.

"get out."

Kibutsuji Muzan spoke lightly.

Yahaba and Susamaru didn't dare to say anything, and retreated immediately.

Quietly watching Yahaba and Susamaru leave full of fear, Kibutsuji Muzan tapped his finger on the table lightly, except for these things...

there is one more person

He will never forget.

that person

It's called Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

Although, Kokushibou reported Ji Guoyuan's death, that person should have died.

However, for thousands of years, whenever I think of the battle with Ji Guoyuan

Still feel the fear from the bottom of my heart.

Therefore, after confirming that Ji Guoyuan was dead, he personally attacked the Demon Killing Squad immediately and wiped out all the swordsmen who knew how to use the Breath of the Sun

Cut off the inheritance of the breath of the sun.

If the Ubuyashiki family hadn't used their unique ability to predict the future to hide, so that he could no longer find the whereabouts of the Ghost Slayer Squad headquarters, I am afraid that the current Ghost Slayer Squad would no longer exist.

Although, all the swordsmen who knew how to use the "breath of the sun" have been completely eradicated, and it seems that the inheritance of the breath of the sun has really been cut off.



there is still a place


He has never dared to act rashly.

these years

He has been observing silently, but it is a pity that the charcoal seller's family has almost endless inheritance, and will always inherit the 'breath of the sun' very well.

Every year, he'll spy on

The strength of this family can be seen from the dance that the family offered to pray for the safety of "Master Fire God", that is, the dance of "God of Fire Kagura".

However, this family seems to be surprisingly powerful, and almost every generation has someone who has mastered the 'transparent world', so that he, who is cautious, has never dared to take any action against it.

he is very patient

As long as it is not confirmed whether this family has inherited the strength of 'Jiguo Yuanyi', but even a little bit before,

He will not act rashly.

Will have been waiting in the dark.

Finally, waiting for the opportunity,

In this generation, the only one who has mastered the 'Transparent World', the man named Kamado Tanjuro is dying.

"After he dies, continue to observe for a while, and then you can pass."

"At that time, the inheritance of the 'Breath of the Sun' will be truly severed."

Thinking of this, Kibutsuji Muzan did not reveal a smile. Although the waiting time was a bit long, it is always good to be cautious.

After all, that was something to do with that horrible person.

that related stuff


Ji Guo Yuan Yi!

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