Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 88: Ding, Congratulations To The Host, Kill A Ghost (35)

At this moment, the breath of the two ghosts in front of Su Mu's mind was clearly heard.

Name: Susamaru

Ghost level: evolution ghost (primary ghost, evolution ghost, lower string, upper string, ancestor of ghost)

Abilities: Immortality (Bad), Handball Manipulation, Super Healing

Cons: Photophobia, Wisteria, Curse (from Kibutsuji Muzan), Nichirin Blades.

Name: Yahaba

Ghost level: evolution ghost (primary ghost, evolution ghost, lower string, upper string, ancestor of ghost)

Abilities: Immortal Body (Bad), Red Arrow, Super Healing

Cons: Photophobia, Wisteria, Curse (from Kibutsuji Muzan), Nichirin Blades.

The abilities of the two ghosts clearly appeared in his mind. In fact, even without these, he still knew the abilities of the two ghosts.

To be honest, the abilities of these two ghosts are actually not unique, but they are indeed very powerful.

It's not that ghosts are strong because of their abilities, but how ghosts can use their abilities well.

Obviously, these two ghosts have mastered their abilities proficiently.

Susamaru, the ghost of handball, can manipulate the handball and continue to attack. Its power is enough to destroy buildings, and its power is even comparable to the shells of later generations.

Yahaba, the ghost of the arrow pattern, uses the invisible arrow pattern to move or attack the things it touches.

"Come on, let's play handball together." Susamaru grinned, and threw the handball towards Su Mu like a cannonball.

Su Mu turned sideways to dodge 640, the handball almost brushed his cheek and fell on the ground behind him, making a huge hole.

But on the handball, an invisible arrow pattern dragged, unexpectedly turned back, and hit Su Mu's back from behind.

"Break a big hole in me."

Susamaru let out a child's laughter, did this kid think that the handball that was thrown could not be returned?

What a dream.

Her handball combined with Yahaba's arrow pattern can change the attack trajectory of the handball.


As if there were eyes growing on the back, a sword slashed out, and the handball supported by the arrow pattern on the back was cut in half by Su Mu's sword.

"If it's just these things, it's not my opponent.

Su Mu, who was walking, raised her brows, bent her body slightly, and then stepped on the ground suddenly.


Like a cannonball, it shot toward Susamaru.

"Fun, fun..."

Susamaru was as good-looking as a child seeing a fun toy, and he laughed happily. The next moment, his body swelled suddenly, and suddenly became eight arms, each with a handball.

"Come on, keep playing."

Susamaru grinned, and continued to throw the handballs in his hand, and he could cut one. Could it be possible to cut eight handballs in a row?

"Be obedient and be smashed into pieces by my handball."

Bang bang bang bang!!

One after another sword shadows appeared in the air, eight consecutive swords in an instant, and eight handballs were chopped to pieces by him with Nichirin Blades.

"Stop playing, this brat is a bit strong."

Next to him, Yahaba's face also became serious.

It's just that it just sounded a reminder


A flash of sword light flashed, and the palm with eyes flew into the sky, at the same time, another fiery red horse cut towards Yahaba's neck.

As soon as his arm hurt, and he saw a knife slashing his head, Yahaba's already frightened face changed, almost without hesitation, the ten donkeys in a panic rolled to escape the blow.


Seeing the mud all over his body, Yahaba's eyes were full of anger. For him, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, getting mud on his body was very annoying.

All of this is thanks to the little ghost in front of me.

As soon as the arm stretched out, the palm with eyes and five fingers that had been cut off got up on the ground, and after a while, it crawled in front of Yahaba, grabbed the sleeve of the upper body, and finally returned to the body of the lost feather.

Su Mu dodged a shooting handball while watching the scene calmly. For ghosts, as long as their heads are not beheaded by Nichirin Blades, they are almost immortal, even if their palms are directly cut off like this. , can also heal in a short time.

Depending on the strength of the ghost, the healing speed is also different.

The strength of the arrow pattern ghost in front of him is obviously at the top of the evolution ghost, and it only took a few seconds to heal.

Sometimes, Su Mu couldn't help feeling that Kibutsuji Muzan was too cautious, possessing the ability to turn people into ghosts, he could almost form an army of ghosts (accf) in a short time.

But Kibutsuji Muzan is afraid to do so.

One must know that an ordinary miscellaneous ghost can easily eliminate dozens of elite soldiers. If it is really necessary to overthrow the world power, it is not impossible.

Once in power, it may be very difficult for a team like the Ghost Killing Squad to survive in this world.

Suffice it to say, Kibutsuji Muzan has gone too far with caution.

"Go to hell with me."

Yahaba stretched out his palm, the eyeball in the center of the palm blinked slightly, and the red arrow shot towards him at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

At the same time, eight handballs also came from eight directions.

looks like

Can no longer hide.

Su Mu watched this scene quietly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he put his hand on the hilt of his sword, watching quietly. When the attack was about to arrive, a slight voice came out.


The next moment, Su Mu's figure disappeared from the spot, and the handball and Hongjie's arrow had already landed on the place where he had just stood in a daze.

Fog is generated.

"do you died?"

Yahaba murmured slightly

"It's really not fun, I haven't had enough fun yet." Susamaru looked at the huge pothole, and already concluded that the ghost was smashed into meat paste, after all, the situation just now was obviously unavoidable.

And with such a powerful attack, I'm afraid that I will be smashed into meat paste, and my body will be smashed into meat paste. Even with the body of a ghost, I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover.

It's just...the huge pothole doesn't seem to feel the slightest smell of blood.

"not good……………"

This thought came to mind almost instantly.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared on the ground behind Yahaba and Susamaru, and then Su Mu appeared with a sword drawn and ready to cut.

Yahaba and Susamaru also seemed to feel something, and turned their heads suddenly, just in time to see Su Mu who was holding his sword drawn.

"When did you run behind them?"

This idea just surfaced, a sharp sword light has already flashed.

draw sword


Accompanied by a slight murmur, the sharp edge of the sword has passed through their necks one after another.


The blood fell down the blade and dripped on the ground, making a slight sound. When the sound sounded, the heads of the two ghosts were instantly separated.

Yahaba and Susamaru showed disbelief, opening and closing their mouths, wanting to say something, but the power of the sun contained in the Nichirin Blades has already invaded, and both the ghost body and the head are slowly turning into black smoke at this moment.

“Handball…………Come and play……”

When the body was destroyed, Susamaru made a childlike voice with natural innocence.

In the end, everything dissipated completely, and the two ghosts disappeared completely.

At the same moment, a familiar voice also appeared in Su Mu's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a ghost and getting..."

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