Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 91: People Comparable To Gods And Buddhas, Ji Guo Yuan 1 (35)

"Is it an illusion?"

Tamayo raised his head, and his eyes fell on the opposite side, the boy in the bamboo hat.

Covered by the bamboo hat, she couldn't see clearly what this ghost looked like, but those golden eyes were so sharp, just like the original swordsman who used the breath of the sun hundreds of years ago.

The eyes are so sharp that they seem to see through people's hearts.

"Can you tell me why you beheaded Kibutsuji Muzan?"

After a while, Tamayo spoke seriously. If Su Mu were human, she wouldn't ask such a question. After all, do people need a reason to kill ghosts?

But, Su Mu is a ghost.

Could it be that this ghost has the same experience as himself?

The same experience of being persecuted by Kibutsuji Muzan.

Once, hundreds of years ago, she was just a very ordinary person, living in a very warm family, with her own lovely child. At that time, what she hoped most was that she could live until her son grew up.

But she was terminally ill. As a family of doctors, at that time, she had been trying her best to find a way to keep her alive.

At that time, Kibutsuji Muzan appeared.

Tell her that as long as she accepts his blood, she can live forever.

So, she trusted Kibutsuji Muzan.

Received the blood of Kibutsuji Muzan.

became a ghost.

But Kibutsuji Muzan never told her that becoming a ghost is no longer the same as a human being.

The bloodthirsty nature possessed by the ghost was something she couldn't suppress, and she no longer knew what kind of night it was.

She ate her husband, she ate her son.

When the ghost nature disappears and the human nature returns a little bit, looking at the bloody

that moment

what's inside

She doesn't remember much.

All I know is that at that moment, she wanted to die very much, but she couldn't die. She pierced her throat with scissors countless times, but she found out very sadly that she couldn't die no matter what.

This is her experience and the reason why she wants to kill Muzan, the ghost dancer.

Because Kibutsuji Muzan tricked her into thinking that if she received Kibutsuji Muzan's blood, she would be able to see her son grow up

But the result was that he killed his son and his husband with his own hands.

I will never forget that at that night, the young son looked at her with a childish and innocent face: "Mom, are you hungry? You bit me."

Devouring her own flesh and blood little by little, no one can understand the kind of anger in her heart.

The hands are clenched unconsciously, even if hundreds of years have passed, even if the years pass by, the memory of that night will never be forgotten.

Therefore, she also wants to know the reason why Su Mu wants to kill Kibutsuji Muzan at this moment.

Tamayo has always believed that only by uniting people with the same aspirations as her can kill Kibutsuji Muzan completely. For this reason, she is willing to block her all.

Looking at the inquiry in Tamayo's eyes, and the sadness hidden in the depths, Su Mu couldn't help but stood up, went to the window, and looked at the full moon in the sky.

"Why did you kill Kibutsuji Muzan?"

He whispered softly, then clenched his fists naturally: "From the moment I became a ghost, I and Muzan have been enemies."

"I don't know if you believe such an answer?"

he said softly.

Kibutsuji Muzan, as the first generation of oni who survived the millennium, calls himself a "creature infinitely close to perfection" but cannot bask in the sun.

How would Kibutsuji Muzan react if he knew that he, a ghost, could bask in the sun?

Moreover, Kibutsuji Muzan has a very cruel and ruthless personality. He will destroy those who are looking for themselves, or those who violate their will.

Cautiously, he dominates the ghosts with absolute terror, and he never wants any ghosts to escape his control.

Tamayo looked up and looked at the boy's back seriously.

Compared to Kibutsuji Muzan, this boy is still very weak, even weaker than many "pillars" of the Demon Slayer Team that he has seen before.

But from the boy's back, she vaguely saw a glimmer of hope to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan.

Although it was just a tiny bit, it was enough for her to grasp it desperately.

"Sir, I don't know what you want to do as a concubine?"

She also looked at the other party seriously. The other party asked her to talk about these things, not just these things. After all, the other party was a ghost, and her medical skills could not help the other party much.

If she knew more information, she should understand that she has already cooperated with the Ghost Killing Team, and if the Ghost Killing Team is willing, she doesn't mind providing medical treatment for the Ghost Killing Team.

If this ghost knows the inside story, she also provided treatment for Ubuyashiki Kagaya, the current head of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

However, only Ubuyashiki Kagaya, the head of the Ghost Slayer Team, knows all this, and no other members of the Ghost Slayer Team know about it.

Maybe the ghost in front of me doesn't know?

Su Mu turned back, looked at Tamayo, and looked at him very seriously: "I want to know all the information about the swordsman who made Kibutsuji Muzan terrified to the bone hundreds of years ago.

More precisely, he wanted to know about the practice method of that swordsman.

As a ghost, it is impossible for him to learn too much from the ghost killing team. Not to mention that the ghost killing team doesn't fully trust him now, even if they trust him completely in the future, it is impossible for him to unreservedly share all the information about the 'breathing method' to him.

And Tamayo, as a ghost who personally witnessed the battle between Kibutsuji Muzan and Ji Guoyuan hundreds of years ago, probably has a much better understanding of Ji Guoyuan than the people of the current Ghost Killing Team

And, there's no way Tamayo, who has spent hundreds of years trying to find a way to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan, would not have studied that swordsman.

"That swordsman..."

Tamayo murmured, even after many years, that battle, about the 047 sword that the initial swordsman fought against Kibutsuji Muzan, is still imprinted in his mind like a hot sun.

One thousand five hundred effective slashes in one second.

With just one sword strike, Guiwu Jiwu was forced to flee for his life in embarrassment.

If Kibutsuji Muzan's means of escape were not powerful enough to instantly split his body into more than 1,800 fragments and flee in all directions, I am afraid that Kibutsuji Muzan would have fallen under the sword of that swordsman.

That person was someone Kibutsuji Muzan simply couldn't fight against.

Even after so many years, Kibutsuji Muzan still lives under the sword that he feared back then.

Tamayo raised his head, and his eyes fell on Su Mu, obviously he didn't expect that Su Mu would want to know the information of that swordsman.

But when you think about it carefully, it is not surprising. After all, for thousands of years, there is only one person who can really defeat the ghost dance plan Muzan.

However, because we are human beings, our lifespan is limited after all, and we cannot escape the shackles of life, so we can only turn into a piece of loess in the end.

"Okay, I will tell you all the information about that swordsman.


"Probably disappointed you..."

"I didn't really have much contact with that swordsman.

"Strictly speaking, there is only one side."

"Maybe you don't get as much information as you want."

Tamayo said softly.

After all, that human thing is comparable to a god and demon, and it is definitely not something that a ghost like her can spy on. .

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