Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 27 Identity and Farewell

After an unknown amount of time, the crying gradually stopped, and Mizuno Kengo found that his daughter had fallen asleep.

He picked up his daughter and walked towards the dojo.

Keisuke Akiyama followed closely behind, unwilling to take his eyes off her for a second.

As for the policeman with broken arms, the corpse and other people outside, they had long been forgotten by them.

Back in the bedroom, Mizuno Kengo had just put his daughter on the bed when Mizuno Taeko woke up.

She sat up suddenly and looked around in fear.

"We are here!"

"Don't be afraid, Taeko! You are back home!"

With the comfort of her father and brother, Mizuno Taeko gradually calmed down.

Holding his daughter's hand, Mizuno Kengo asked, "Taeko, what happened? Where have you been during this time?"

A trace of fear and fear appeared in Mizuno Taeko's eyes, but then slowly dissipated, and she slowly recounted her experiences during this period.

Mizuno Kengo and Akiyama Keisuke were furious after hearing this.

"Beasts! Worse than pigs and dogs!"

"Those people deserve to die!"

"Ha, it turns out that the murderer is not a ghost, but a human who commits crimes in the name of ghosts!"

"Call the police! Let's go to the police now!"

Mizuno Kengo was also extremely angry, but a little calmer than Akiyama Keisuke: "Those people can build such a large-scale magic cave in the city, it is definitely not solved by calling the police!"

Mizuno Taeko was calmer than the two at this time: "Dad, senior brother, you don't have to worry, the magic cave has been destroyed, otherwise I would not be able to escape."


The two paused and asked about the details.

Mizuno Taeko pursed her lips, and a strange color appeared in her eyes.

"I don't know the specific process.

Today, I deliberately delayed my study progress and was put in solitary confinement. Just when I was desperate, a person suddenly appeared in the cell.

He asked me if my name was Mizuno Taeko, and asked me about the situation of the magic cave, and then left, saying that he would come to save me later.

At first, I even suspected that it was just my illusion.

Until an hour later, he really came back. When I walked out of the cell, I found that the magic cave was already a river of blood and all the guards were beheaded.

He gathered all the victims together, said "You are free", and then disappeared."

"I don't know who he is. I really want to thank him in person if I have the chance." Keisuke Akiyama sighed.

Kengo Mizuno noticed a detail: "Taeko, you just said that he called your name. Could it be someone you have seen before?"

Taeko Mizuno shook her head and explained: "He has a pair of very special golden vertical pupils. If I have seen it before, I will definitely remember it!"

"Golden vertical pupils?" Kengo Mizuno and Keisuke Akiyama said in unison.

Mizuno Taeko asked curiously: "Dad, Senior Brother, have you ever seen someone with golden vertical pupils?"

Akiyama Keisuke didn't bother to answer, and hurriedly asked: "Is the person you are talking about a tall, heroic and masculine black-haired young man with a yellow wine gourd hanging from his waist?"

Mizuno Taeko recalled: "He did have a gourd hanging from his waist."

"It's really Junior Brother Aomura!" Akiyama Keisuke murmured.

"Aomura, Junior Brother?" Mizuno Taeko's eyes widened slightly.

For her, this sentence was a bit too informative.

"A while ago, a student came to the dojo..." Mizuno Kengo briefly talked about Aoki's affairs, and he sighed in his heart.

Before yesterday, his only impression of Aomura was "a student with good talent", and this was because of Keisuke's recommendation.

Unexpectedly, two days later, the fate of him, Aoki Dojo, and even the entire city has changed drastically because of Aomura.

Now think about it, it's really their luck that Aomura joined their dojo.

"So this is the gift that Junior Brother Aomura said." Akiyama Keisuke sighed.


The father and daughter of Mizuno both showed curious eyes.

Keisuke Akiyama explained: "Before Junior Brother Aomura left, he said he prepared a small gift for me. I didn't think much about it at the time. Now it seems that it should be referring to Taeko's matter!"

Kengo Mizuno said: "A small gift? This is a favor of rebirth! Unfortunately, Aomura has left. I don't know if we have the chance to repay him."

Keisuke Akiyama sighed: "Tomorrow, the whole of Azabu will be shaken by Junior Brother Aomura!"

Hundreds of missing girls, the Fujita family and countless dignitaries, the death of hundreds of people, the evil den, each thing is a terrifying bomb, now detonated together, the whole of Azabu will be blown up.

So this is the reason why Junior Brother Aomura left overnight.

In comparison, Fujita Chengyong's matter is not worth mentioning!

Kengo Mizuno snorted coldly: "Of course, this matter will never end like this!"

He can open such a large dojo, of course he is not an ordinary person.

Although not as good as the Fujita family, he is also a real local snake.

More importantly, the victims of this incident are not just their family.

When they unite, even the Fujita family cannot bear their anger.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

After Aoki bid farewell to Keisuke Akiyama, he arrived at the door of Mitsuri Kanroji's house after two "space shuttles".

In order to find the ghost, he walked around everywhere, so naturally he knew where Mitsuri Kanroji lived.

Standing in front of the door, he raised his hand and was about to knock on the door.


The door suddenly opened, and the girl with cherry-colored pigtails appeared in sight.

"Miss Kanroji." Aoki smiled.

"Mr. Aomura!"

Kanroji Mitsuri was surprised, then remembered something, quickly covered her mouth, glanced outside with her big eyes, grabbed Aoki's arm, pulled him into the yard, and closed the door heavily.

The yard was quiet, and the six people looked at the two straight.

A middle-aged man and woman, four children, if nothing unexpected happened, should be Kanroji Mitsuri's parents and younger brothers and sisters.

Aoki greeted politely: "Uncle, aunt, my name is Aomura, a friend of Miss Kanroji."

"Oh, you are Aomura!"

The elegant middle-aged man looked at Aoki, smiled and nodded: "Not bad, not bad."

The gentle middle-aged woman took the children at hand, smiling: "You guys chat, we will go back to the room first."

In a blink of an eye, Aoki and Kanroji Mitsuri were the only ones left in the yard.

Mitsuri Kanroji's face was flushed: "Mr. Aomura, your dojo's people asked me to inform you not to go back to the dojo yet."

"I already know."

Aoki nodded slightly and said: "Miss Kanroji, I'm here to say goodbye to you today."

"Say goodbye?" Mitsuri Kanroji was stunned and seemed a little at a loss.

Aoki said: "I'm leaving here."

"Where is Mr. Aomura going?" Mitsuri Kanroji asked in a daze.

"I don't have a specific goal, I will travel around." Aoki said.

His first stop is certain, but it will depend on the specific situation.

After hesitating for a while, Aoki took out the black socks he had prepared.

"This is for you."

Mitsuri Kanroji covered her mouth, and her disappointment turned into surprise: "Mr. Aomura, is this for me?"

"A parting gift." Aoki smiled calmly.

He didn't have any other ideas, he just thought the green socks were too ugly.

Kanroji Mitsuri's face turned red again: "But I didn't prepare a gift for Mr. Aomura."

"No need, just be gentle next time we meet." Aoki smiled and waved his hand.

"Be gentle?" Kanroji Mitsuri looked puzzled.

"Goodbye, Miss Kanroji."

Aoki did not explain, waved his hand, jumped lightly, jumped onto the wall of Kanroji's house, and then disappeared into the night sky.

Kanroji Mitsuri looked at the direction he disappeared, and after a while, turned around and walked into the house.

The elegant man who was reading a book looked up: "Where is Aomura, Mitsuri?"

Kanroji Mitsuri held the socks in her hand, her expression excited: "Mr. Aomura came to say goodbye to me, and now he is gone."

Looking at her jumping back, the elegant man looked at a loss.

Why is she so happy to say goodbye?

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