The wind roared in my ears and the sea water rolled under my feet.

The Butterfly Ninja came to his senses and looked up.

Mr. Aomura has black hair and golden eyes, and is extremely handsome. He has a pair of huge black wings behind him, like a legendary demon.

She had always known that Mr. Aomura was very powerful, but what she saw and heard today still shocked her.


Soon the Butterfly Ninja's attention was diverted.

There was a hint of blood in the air. As she got closer to the village, the smell became stronger and stronger. She even saw several corpses in the distance.


Aoki and Butterfly Nin landed on the roof of a building and looked down.

The village is not big, with only one main street and houses scattered on both sides of the street.

At this time, the entire street was almost stained red with blood, and many limbs were scattered on the ground. The most terrifying thing was that in the center of the street, there was a huge vase with a pillar made of countless corpses inserted in the vase.

The arms and thighs were inserted around the pillar like branches, with faces twisted in fear embedded on the surface.

The sickening smell of blood wafted above the streets.

The whole village was silent, without any sound.

Aoki also noticed that among the corpses on the street, there were almost no children.

Tong Mo likes to eat women, while Yu Hu prefers children.

The Butterfly Ninja's face turned paler and paler, and he turned around suddenly, his stomach twitching.


Aoki had a bottle of water in his hand: "Here you go!"

He guessed this possibility, but what Yu Hu did was even more cruel.

The Butterfly Ninja took it and drank two large gulps of water, his expression slightly improved.

She thought she had seen many cruel scenes, and she was able to remain calm when facing the Yeji Society with rivers of blood and hundreds of corpses piled up.

However, the scene on this street was still a bit beyond her endurance.

The corpses in Yejisha are just corpses, representing simple death, but here is a cruel and bloody hell created by twisted and cruel monsters.

Taking a deep breath, Butterfly Ninja asked: "Mr. Aomura, is there anyone alive here?"

"I don't know. Even if there is one, it's hidden. Will it show up soon?"

After Aoki said that, he suddenly grabbed the Butterfly Ninja's arm.

The two figures flashed and came to the end of the street.

The broken corpses piled up into a hill, and in the middle was a woman with a high ponytail. Most of her body had disappeared, and even her head was mutilated, but the broken word "Mie" could still be seen on her clothes.

"They are our team members!" Butterfly Nin's face tightened and his expression was cold and stern.

"It should be the team member who discovered the jade pot."

Aoki observed the surrounding environment: "She must have seen Yuhu's evil deeds and couldn't hold back and rushed out."

Butterfly Ninja's chest rose and fell rapidly, and the killing intent in his eyes almost solidified.

"I must find Yu Hu and kill him!"

Aoki turned around: "Let's go!"

"Let's go? What should we do here?"

"The person is dead, and there isn't much we can do. Even if we have to deal with it, we should do it 'hidden'.

Now we have only one task, and that is to find Yuhu as soon as possible to prevent him from causing more casualties. "

The butterfly ninja gradually calmed down and knew that what Mr. Aomura said made sense.

"Yes, the most important thing now is to find the jade pot! What should we do?"

Aoki said: "The troops are divided into two groups, let's act separately!"

"Okay!" Butterfly Ninja had no objection.

This was the reason why she insisted on coming.

The two soon separated.

Aoki goes east, Butterfly Ninja goes west.


Aoki flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

The weather is good today, the view is very good, there are few obstructions on the beach, and the scene below can be seen at a glance.

However, it is not easy to find traces of Yu Hu. If he deliberately hides and finds a place to hide, the difficulty of the search will increase several times.

"With Yu Hu's character, would he choose to hide?"

Aoki searched and thought secretly.

"Yu Hu met the members of the Demon Slayer Squad, and must have known that his whereabouts had been exposed and would lead to the Demon Slayer Squad's pursuit.

My cooperation with the Demon Slayer Corps should not be a secret in Shangxian.

As long as Yuhu has a brain, he should be able to guess that I will definitely come to hunt him down.

So, will Yuhu choose to hide or run away directly because he is afraid of me? "

Aoki is not sure.

They had fought against each other in Infinite City, and Yu Hu had suffered a loss.

It stands to reason that Yu Hu would not encounter him alone and would definitely hide far away.

However, Yuhu is cruel, arrogant and has a twisted personality. It is difficult to say whether he can think like ordinary people.

Suddenly, Aoki's movements froze and stopped in the sky.

Why did Yuhu leave that disgusting pillar of human flesh in the village just now?

Just to satisfy your "artistic hobby"?

This is indeed a possibility, but there are other possibilities as well.

Aoki tapped his fingers: "Is Yuhu deliberately provoking? Is this another trap?"

He would never doubt Kibutsuji Muzan's murderous intention towards him.

Last time, the bait was made by Yiwozuo. This time, it was replaced by a jade pot, which made sense.

After a moment, Aoki shook his head and denied this guess.

First of all, not long after the defeat, he didn't think that Kibutsuji Mumei would be able to find another way to restrain "space travel" so quickly.

Secondly, if this is a trap, there should be a clear clue, otherwise, if he runs aimlessly like he is now, when will he fall into the trap?

The possibility of a trap is not high.

But the possibility of a deliberate provocation is still there.

Yu Hu is cruel and conceited, with a twisted personality and a not normal mind. Perhaps he can get some pleasure in this way.

According to this idea, how can Yu Hu be found?

Qingmu thought silently.

If it is a provocation, Yu Hu will definitely not stop there, and may continue to commit crimes nearby.

The target he chose is not too close to the village just now, because it is too dangerous, but not too far, so the effect of provocation will not be good.

A map immediately appeared in Qingmu's mind.

The previous month's time was not wasted. Not only did he make a large number of space imprints, but he also memorized all the nearby maps in his mind.

There are many small villages on the coast. There are not many that meet this condition, but there are not few.

Qingmu quickly locked on several targets and decided to give priority to investigation.

However, this is just his guess.

No one knows Yu Hu's real plan and thoughts.

Whether it's analysis or speculation, it's just to increase the probability of success.

It's better than running around like a headless fly.

"I have to tell Shinobu Kocho about this guess first."

Aoki spread his wings and disappeared quickly.

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