"Come out!" Hui Qi shouted coldly......

A figure emerged from the bushes, holding a knife in his hand, and his white shirt was stained with blood.

"Toei Haozheng? You abuse cats too? It seems that the gecko didn't teach you a lesson."

"Well....I'm here to catch the students, that's all." After saying that, he pointed at the student who was getting up.

Hui Qi looked at the other person with amusement, wondering if he was treating him like a fool and telling lies with his eyes open.

"How can you use a knife to catch students? Why don't you say you want to catch ghouls?"

However, Huiqi did not continue to embarrass Tokage Gomasa. Just as the other party expressed, they were both teachers in the academy and there was no need to embarrass each other.

Huiqi had also heard about the degree of Tokage Gomasa's perversion. It was a miracle that he did not die at the hands of Gekko at that time. After all, Gekko was a talent tortured by him.

Even the methods used by the 11th area Gekko to torture Kaneki Ken were learned from Tokage Gomasa.

The only thing to deal with was the student who attacked him.

"What's wrong? Teacher, why are you here? My stomach hurts....What happened to me?"

Hui Qi saw the student stand up, touch his hair, and look at him with a puzzled look.

"Have you lost your memory? Don't you know what you did?" Hui Qi asked tentatively, pointing at the dead cat under the other person's feet.

"Huh?! What is this? Who did this? It's so scary!"


Hui Qi's face was filled with more and more doubts. Could it be that he had caused her to lose her memory with one blow? But she still knew him and knew that she was a teacher.

"Teacher, this...What are these? My stomach hurts so much...Can I go back to study?"

Just when the atmosphere was filled with strangeness, the dean of studies came over late.

"June? It's you. Go back to sleep."

"OK, OK, Dean."

Hui Qi stood aside and watched the two people's conversation, staring at them.

The Dean of Studies breathed a sigh of relief until the girl named June Tou left."You don't know the story of that child. She is sick."

"I know she is sick, so if you let her go, what if she gets infected? I don't want to teach a bunch of lunatics."

"Well...She is not contagious, and we let her go because she is special."

Hui Qi was silent. She was so special that she could attack the special investigator and was finally acquitted.

"Come with me."

Noticing Huiqi's disbelieving expression, the director immediately took Huiqi to the archive room, where all the information of CCG students was sealed. In the corner, there was a specially placed pile of papers.

The director searched for a few minutes before pulling out a piece of paper and handed it to Huiqi."This pile is all the students with problems in CCG. Some have mental problems, some have family problems. They were sent here for various reasons."

"So CCG Academy is also a mental hospital?"

"No, no, no, June Toru is special. She has mental and family problems. You will know if you look at her information."

Seeing the director say this, Huiqi had to suppress her heart and look at the paper in her hand.

The first line she saw was extremely shocking. Even though Huiqi was knowledgeable, her pupils constricted and she subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

June Toru, whose original family was extremely bad, had been used as the favorite thing by her father since she was born. Every time he abused her, June would pretend to be excited and praise her father for being so powerful.

Even when she asked for help, her mother would hide aside and watch silently, doing nothing. After a long period of accumulation, June's mental problems gradually began to appear.

Later, in a certain abuse, the mentally ill June hacked her family to death, and she selectively lost her memory and forgot the crime, and blamed everything on the actions of the ghoul.

"CCG had no choice but to send him here. According to professional doctors, Jung Yue Toru has indeed lost his memory, which can also be understood as splitting into two personalities. Out of humanitarianism, no conviction was made."

The director's face was full of helplessness. This problem child occasionally gets sick, but it has little impact on the academy as a whole. CCG Academy just turned a blind eye, but never expected that he would attack the special search officer.

"Really.....Strong evidence...So what I saw was June Toru's dark personality, and then the normal personality appeared."

At this moment, Hui Qi had no other choice. From a humanitarian point of view, there was really no way to determine the responsibility. The other party did not cause any substantial harm to him, but he was kicked by him.

"I understand. You should go back and have some rest as well. Hui Qi packed up and returned to the teacher's dormitory. Fortunately, he did not encounter any special incidents this time. Everything was normal.


In the dim room, a figure was curled up in a corner reading a book. There were several books placed in the corner.’‘

"No. 240 Everything is OK...He eats normally every day, has no self-harming behavior, and does not wail. He is suspected to be in a state of amnesia.

After listening to the guard's report, Arima Takasho nodded, and observed Kaneki Ken's every move. It seems that he was right to give him the book.

When Huiqi informed Arima Takasho that he would make things difficult for Kaneki Ken, Arima Takasho returned to Quikuriya that day. Kaneki Ken cried, self-harmed, and refused to eat as usual that day, just to beg Arima Takasho to let him go.

Upon seeing this scene, Arima Takasho informed Kaneki Ken without hesitation that all the people he wanted to protect were killed by himself and Huiqi, and all the people in District 20 were killed.

After hearing the news, Kaneki Ken's spirit collapsed instantly, and even became worse.......

His refusal to eat turned into a hunger strike, and he often wailed in the middle of the night.

He would surely die if he continued in this state.

On one hand, he had the pressure from Huiqi, and on the other hand, Kaneki Ken was the one-eyed king he had chosen.

So Arima Takasho investigated Kaneki Ken's past in human society and learned that Kaneki Ken liked reading and had studied at Kamii University.

Based on this information, Arima Takasho chose to bring books to Kaneki Ken, and this decision was the right step. With the combined effect of books and time, Kaneki Ken gradually forgot his painful memories, leaving only the memory of Arima Takasho bringing books to him.

By now, Kaneki Ken's condition has stabilized, and at the same time, the director and Shu Yoshitoki have also issued orders to prepare to appoint Kaneki Ken as a third-class investigator, but before that he needs to study in the academy for a period of time.

"I can't always call you No. 240, right? Choose your favorite two Chinese characters as your name."


Name?" Kaneki Ken thought for a long time and finally chose two Chinese characters from the book.

"Then you will be called Sasaki Haise from now on." After saying this, Arima Takashi opened the old door.

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