The next moment, the grave robber looked behind him with wide eyes, only to see the raven sprinting at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye it was already in front of him.

""What...what?! Are you crazy?!"

He didn't care about chasing Hui Qi, and subconsciously shouted out

"I'm not crazy! This prey belongs to me! Hahahahahahahaha!!"

Raven laughed wildly on his face, as if he had already taken Hui Qi's head.

"But I don't think that's how things went."

"What did you say?"

Hui Qi's voice rang in Raven's ears, and Raven, who was in a distracted state, asked subconsciously.

At this time, Hui Qi stopped running, looked at Raven with excitement, and drew a sharp semicircular arc with the long knife in his hand across his back, aiming directly at Raven behind him.

Without waiting for Raven to react, Hui Qi exerted force with his feet, tensed his muscles, and suddenly launched an attack in the shocked eyes of the gecko and the tomb robber.


���The long sword drew a sharp arc in the air, and slashed into Yuhe with a thunderous force, leaving a deep knife mark. However, this was not the end. The blade continued to attack in a strange arc.

Each slash was accompanied by a shocking sound, which was the confrontation between the blade and Yuhe. The two geckos and grave robbers in the back watched the miserable state of Raven. The Yuhe on his body was already tattered like a rag with air leaking out.

"Save me! Save me! Save me!"

Raven's cry was filled with despair and fear, his face was as pale as paper, and his greedy and complacent eyes turned painful and struggling, revealing his deep fear of death.

His body was shaking with severe pain, and every tremor was accompanied by Hui Qi's long knife attack. Blood continued to flow along the wound to form shocking red lines.

Crack! Puff!


Raven's head fell to the ground and rolled. His eyes were still in shock before he died, and he did not react at all to Hui Qi's sudden attack.

"Are you lying to us?! Damn investigator!"

The grave robber subconsciously retreated to the side of the gecko, and looked at Huiqi cautiously, without the recklessness just now.

Huiqi's face had no expression, but the corners of his mouth moved, as if it was a silent mockery. Then he glanced at the two ghouls for a few seconds, locked the target grave robber ghoul and launched an attack.

Clang! The three of them confronted each other in a narrow space. Huiqi moved quickly and started a fierce battle. The swinging body, precise kicks, and swift blows, every move contained a strong murderous intent.

‘Is it him?! Could it be him? No, definitely not! '

Looking at Hui Qi's fierce attack, Gekko stopped moving, his body trembling and instinctively wanting to escape. His mind couldn't help but recall the time when Lantern Ghoul invited him. That was the time when he didn't see the investigator from beginning to end, but he was severely injured.

"What are you thinking about?! Help me! I can't take it anymore!"

The grave robber in front of him was already very pale, with his knives covered with scars.


Just as the gecko was about to answer, his pupils shrank rapidly, and he turned his original action into running without hesitation. He inserted his kagune tightly into the building to increase his escape speed, leaving only the grave robber pierced by the long sword on the battlefield.

"Escape? Cut off its tail to survive?"

Hui Qi looked at the escaping gecko coldly. He might not be able to catch up with it if it ran at full speed. Besides, if he chased it, there would be other ambushes, which would be very disadvantageous to him.

"Three S-rank ghouls, today's harvest is quite good."

Hui Qi put away his long sword and waited for the CCG personnel to arrive.

Half an hour later...

The CCG logistics personnel handed Hui Qi a paper report, which recorded the harvest of the seventh district and the merit list.

"Senior investigator... I understand."

Hui Qi watched as his rank was upgraded from second-class investigator to senior investigator. However, this was a pre-given rank mark, and the actual rank still needed to be updated after returning to CCG.

"Do you have any other needs?"

The assistant in front of him asked carefully for fear of missing some details. For the logistics personnel, the search officers fighting on the front line were very strange. Each of them had different reasons and backgrounds. Some lost their loved ones and some fought for money. In short, they must be treated with caution or there will be bad consequences.

"There is no other request, I will go back to update the information."

Hui Qi shook his head and got on the car back to the headquarters. The main purpose was to meet Dr. Jiayi of Dixing, who was responsible for the development and research of Quinque. His harvest in Area 20 must have become Quinque.

Inside CCG...

Everyone around was wearing a uniform white search officer uniform, carrying a uniform suitcase in their hands and walking back and forth. Everyone's face had different emotions such as relief, sadness, depression, anxiety, etc.

"The mission failed, and those bastards escaped again."

"I'm fine. The ghouls in Area 11 didn't start a riot. They're pretty law-abiding."

"I heard that a ruthless person went to the seventh district and killed three S-level ghouls today."

"Huh? Three? Shinohara-san? Or Arima Kisho-san? Could it be Inspector Kuroiwa? Arima Kisho has been rising rapidly lately."

A few Inspectors taking a break in the corner were discussing the latest news. The headquarters was updating the deaths of ghouls and the progress of the Inspectors in real time.

"It's not these three. This person is called Hui Qi. I've never heard of him before, but the latest information is that he survived from Area 24 and is very powerful."

"District 24? How could there be a search officer alive? What a hell of a place.

One of the search officers shuddered subconsciously. It was obvious that he had a lot of information about District 24.

"Who knows."

Another investigator shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no idea.

At this time, Hui Qi had already arrived at the CCG's research department, where there were many researchers, including a huge jar with a ghoul in it.

"Hey, did you notice? This is a ghoul at the level of Kakuzage. His Kakuzage is a Kakuzage with strong defensive power. After research and development, it has been made into a set of armor."

"A ghoul of the Hezhe level was captured and taken to the laboratory. Who did this? Arima Takashi?"

Hui Qi looked thoughtfully at the ghoul in the container. The other party had blue hair and looked very similar to someone in his mind.

"No, no, no, it's Inspector Mado Kureo and Inspector Shinohara"

"Oh? Interesting."

When Hui Qi heard the words Zhen Hu Wu Xu, he raised his eyebrows, and a bit of weirdness appeared in his eyes. How could that crazy investigator be so powerful?

"Your Quinque is ready, over there."

Di Xing Jia Yi pointed to a research table with several weird-looking Quinques on it.

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