a long time

"Yamon, pack up your things and go back to the First District headquarters to see him."Mado Wuxu said after putting Quinque back into the suitcase form.

"Uh, aren't we going to continue tracking down that ghoul?"

"I won't go for now."

Hearing Mado Wuxu's answer, Amon Kotaro was extremely shocked, but his face still maintained the serious expression when working.

At this moment, Amon Kotaro's heart was half dazed. In Amon Kotaro's eyes, Mado Wuxu was on the road hunting ghouls every day, and he never contacted his family and other interpersonal relationships.

The only time he heard Mado Wuxu muttered the three words Mado Xiao, and it was in the conversation with Huiqi Tokuden.

For Mado Wuxu, it seems that tracking down ghouls is everything to him, and he can put down everything in order to track down ghouls.

Therefore, Amon Kotaro's perception of Mado was that he was a powerful and dedicated person, and he was rescued by Mado Wuxu many times during the mission.

Now he was put down to hunt ghouls because of the injury of Huiqi Tokuden. This scene made Amon Kotaro doubt himself again.

"How much is this fruit basket? I want one."

While thinking, Zhenhu Wuxu had already bought a fruit basket to visit Huiqi.


"How is the result?"

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such active cells."

"So he is human?"

"Yes, but the physique is close to half human."

"Got it, we can recruit him into the organization"

"Why? He is human."

"Can turn into a ghoul……"

"But the experiment is not mature yet!"

"Then wait until you are mature"


"Cough cough cough"

"Boom boom boom"

"Ahem, please come in."

Hui Qi coughed a few times and then calmed down. The wound was really uncomfortable after applying medicine. The wound was itchy and painful, and it kept pulling at his throat.

"Are you feeling better? I brought you some food."

Shinohara held a lunch box with the words"CCG Special Employee Meal" printed on it.

"Okay, put it there. I'm a little hungry too." Hui Qi patted the table next to him and asked him to put it here.

After putting down the lunch box, Shinohara scratched his head, shaking it left and right as if he wanted to express something but he looked embarrassed.

"Is there a bearing in your neck? Stop shaking, just say what you want to say. Hui Qi looked at Shinohara speechlessly. The other party was already showing his intentions on his face, but he was still trying to hide it.


Shinohara was startled and quickly stood up and looked in the mirror to know his expression.

‘Eh, no, it looks pretty normal? How did Huiqi see that? 'Shinohara repeatedly observed his face, and finally found no flaws. It looked normal from any angle.

"Don't bother with that. Just tell me what you're asking. I can't help but tell you."

Seeing this, Hui Qi couldn't help but laugh. This is very consistent with Shinohara Yukinori. Whenever Shinohara is worried or lying, he always touches his head unconsciously.

"Is this really okay? I don't think it's good for you."

After hearing Huiqi's words, Shinohara scratched his head and said with some hesitation. He really wanted to ask Huiqi but was afraid of rubbing salt into the wound.

"Tsk, do you want to ask which ghoul injured me or the case of the big ghoul?"

Looking at Shinohara who remained silent for a long time, Huiqi spoke helplessly



Huiqi's eyes fell directly on Shinohara, with an expected expression on his face.


Shinohara's embarrassed laughter echoed in his ears. After seeing that he was exposed, the other party decided to use laughter to cover up the embarrassment.

‘Should I tell the truth that Izumi Takatsuki is the One-Eyed Owl? But this will allow CCG to intervene. Besides, she and I have a personal grudge. The most important thing is the existence of Arima Takasho... He is a big threat. '

At this moment, Hui Qi was struggling in his heart whether to tell this to Yukinori Shinohara. After all, the results of telling and not telling are completely different.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it... Take care of yourself……"

Seeing that Huiqi didn't speak for a long time, Shinohara didn't plan to continue asking. In Shinohara's eyes, this was not polite at all. If Huiqi hadn't taken the initiative to speak, he would probably have left.

Click, click... footsteps walked from the bedside to the door.

"One-eyed owl."

After hesitating for a moment, Hui Qi chose to say these four words. This was the limit of what he could reveal. If he said more, with Shinohara's resources, he would soon find out that it was Takatsuki Izumi. After all, the two of them were too conspicuous that day.

"What?! It was him?!"

Shinohara's footsteps stopped abruptly, his eyes were filled with horror and fear, and he stood there as if he had lost his soul, seeming to recall some bad memories.

"It was him... I didn't expect it at the time……"Hui Qi gave an ambiguous answer.

Among those who participated in the expulsion battle of Owl was Yukinori Shinohara. He witnessed the horror of Owl with his own eyes. The opponent's methods were inhumane. When he was injured, he grabbed the corpse and ate it to recover his strength and heal his wounds.

After recovering, he started the next round of fierce attacks. Many investigators died in such a tragic situation.……

"You...really...very strong……"

Shinohara came to his senses and didn't ask any more questions. He just left a message and turned away.

‘Is it strong? But I think it's not enough. 'Looking at Shinohara's back as he left, Huiqi couldn't help but sigh.

When fighting with Takatsuki Izumi, she could clearly see his recovery and lethality. These two points were so strong that even the SS-level ghoul Kamishiro Chakrong didn't have such a terrifying recovery.

Although she didn't know why the other party chose to leave in the end, Huiqi was very glad that she was able to survive.

"Takatsuki Izumi……"

Hui Qi whispered the other person's name, and looked at her work"The Egg of the Black Goat" inexplicably.

He turned to the first page and saw Takatsuki Izumi's autograph.


I continued reading from the bookmark I marked last time, and before I knew it, it was already afternoon.

Two footsteps were heard in the quiet corridor outside the door.

Dong Dong Dong

Dong Dong Dong Dong

There were two knocks on the door at the same time.

"Hello, Mado-jo!"

"Hello, Yamen, second class!"

"Misaki Aika? Hello"×2

The three of them gathered together and looked at each other. Their goals were surprisingly the same. Just as they were about to greet each other and reminisce about the past, Hui Qi's voice reached their ears.


The door was pushed open, and three people came in.

"Zhenhu? How come you have time to come? Are you not busy anymore?" Hui Qi looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Look at you, you are injured after all."

Mado Wuxu raised the fruit basket in his hand and then put it next to the lunch box.

"Haha, it's rare to see you resting." Hui Qi said in a teasing tone.

"Are you okay? I'm worried."

Misaki came to the center of the group and looked at Huiqi nervously.

"Not bad, your autographed book is there." Hui Qi pointed to the table.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"Misaki ran to the table excitedly, picked up the autographed book, and turned to the first page with a rosy face.

"Which ghoul hurt you? Could it be the One-Eyed Owl? He's probably the only one who can beat you."

Mado Wuxu supported his chin with both hands, looking at Huiqi with burning eyes.

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