"Mr. Huiqi, please come in."

Inside the door, Akihiro Kano looked at the portraits on the big screen. This covered most of the population of Tokyo, and there were also physical fitness labels below.

"A distinguished guest has arrived. It has been a long time since I last took your equipment."Jana Mingbo turned around and greeted him with a smile.

"I forgot. Now that I'm here, I'll ask a few questions."

Hui Qi looked at the screen thoughtfully, with an inexplicable look in his eyes from time to time.

"The equipment will be delivered soon. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Ghouls can be created artificially, but what is the origin of ghouls?"

"This question... I have also thought about it and have done related experiments. Ghouls can be said to be the evolution of humans, right?"

"Of course I'm not sure."

Listening to Kano Akihiro's words, Hui Qi spoke subconsciously."Human evolution?"

"Almost. Let me tell you in detail. This is also what I gained from the experiment."

Kana Akihiro then manipulated the computer to retrieve the human body data of the ghoul. There were densely packed red markings on it, and its importance was self-evident.

"��Look here, the location of the ghouls' kagune. There is a high concentration of Rc cells in the kagune. They derive kagune as hunting organs."

"I know, this has nothing to do with my question, right?"

"Not necessarily. You may be asked to redefine ghouls next."

Kana Akihiro stretched out his index finger and shook it, denying Hui Qi's answer. His hands quickly pressed on the computer.

Pictures appeared one after another on the big screen. These pictures were all human body data. The computer compared the two pictures separately.

"The one on the left is human, and the one on the right is a ghoul. They have a common substance in their bodies, which you would never imagine!"

""Shared?" Huiqi answered with a twitch in her mouth. In Huiqi's eyes, ghouls are the same as humans only in appearance. As for other things, they are not on the same level at all.

First of all, the development speed of ghoul children is obviously higher than that of human children.

Secondly, there is a big difference in physical strength.

The human body is very fragile.

It only takes a relatively sharp object to destroy the surface defense of the skin.

The body of a ghoul is extremely hard.

Even sharp objects such as knives cannot pierce the surface of the skin.

The most important thing is that ghouls have hunting organs, kagune, while humans only have eating organs, mouths.

This is the fundamental difference between humans and ghouls.

"It's okay for you to think so, but what I want to say is that humans also have RC cells in their bodies! This means that humans and ghouls are fundamentally the same!"

"Huh? The human body also has RC cells? Isn't today April Fool's Day?" Hui Qi said in disbelief, while looking at himself and asking the system in his heart. 'System, there are RC cells in the human body?’



Huiqi's brain short-circuited at this moment. This is not scientific at all. If we look at the common points of Rc cells, ghouls are likely derived from humans. How could humans derive something like a natural enemy?

"Uh... So humans are trying to exterminate themselves?" After hesitating for a moment, Huiqi still asked tentatively.

Jiana Mingbo was not surprised to see Huiqi's expression. Everything was within his expectations. When he first discovered this, he was much more surprised and unbelieving than Huiqi.

"No, although both have Rc cell values, the Rc concentration of ghouls is several times that of humans, which is the basis for the derivation of kagune."

"It's hard to understand verbally, but you'll understand if you follow me and observe an experiment." Kano Akihiro opened the door next to the laboratory.

"Experiment?"Hui Qi followed behind Kano Mingbo

"Yes, it was a failed experiment, but it was able to fully prove something."

The two walked in a silver-white corridor, with large and small incubators on both sides. Through the glass, they could see many people sleeping in the incubators.

Seeing Hui Qi's gaze, Jian Mingbo immediately began to explain these incubators."They are all failed experimental subjects, without any rationality."

"A failed experimental subject...is Kaneki Ken considered a success?"

"Still in the observation period, it seems to be very successful so far"

"Probation period? Very successful? I see he has found a job and can survive on his own."

"Not necessarily. No one can guarantee that the RC cells in his body will remain at a balance point."

"As expected, everyone has their own expertise. Today, I feel like I am here to learn." Hui Qi replied with a wry smile. The academic study of humans and ghouls is really complicated.

"Hahahaha... don't say that. Without your help back then, I wouldn't be doing well now. Just tell me if you have any problems. I'll help you to the best of my ability."

Akihiro Kano looked reminiscing, as if he had returned to the days when he worked at CCG.

At that time, Akihiro Kano was just an ordinary researcher with very low personal authority and was engaged in low-level research every day. The work pressure was very high. He also had great ambitions. He wanted to discover new unknown things and gain medical knowledge through them... but reality hit Akihiro Kano again and again.

In difficult times, Akihiro Kano met Hui Qi, and the two developed a good relationship after they met.

With the passage of time, the relationship has changed from ordinary friends who just met to close friends. Up to now, most of his experimental subjects were captured privately by Hui Qi.

"The biggest help you can give me is to not get caught. I can't get you out."

Hui Qi looked at the experimental equipment around him and couldn't help but grit his teeth. He had a part of the responsibility here.

"The only thing that can catch me is the bronze tree"

"Tsk, human experimentation is against CCG guidelines"


Hui Qi was speechless when he heard the laughter beside him. How come he became more like a child as he got older?

"Don't think about that, now is the time for experiment."

At the end of the corridor was a huge petri dish, with experimental equipment constantly operating around it, and the screen recording various data.

"Is that... Kamishiro Rize?" Huiqi saw a figure in the vessel. The other person was not wearing any clothes and was floating naked in the green nutrient solution.

"Yes, I tried it a few more times after Kaneki Ken's experiment, but unfortunately I failed in the end."

"Failure is good, but it will be troublesome if you create a bunch of one-eyed things."

"What you said, I won't let them out."

While talking, the two of them had come to the petri dish to observe the state of Kamishiro Rize, only to see that the other party fell into a deep sleep in the petri dish and did not respond to any sound from the outside world.

"First, extract the Rc cell concentrate."

Under the control of Akihiro Kano, a mechanical arm with a needle passed through the rubber protective cover above and pierced into the position of Kamishiro Rize's genitals.

As the machine operated, an unknown liquid was slowly drawn out of the needle tube.

Kamishiro Rize, who was originally suspected to be asleep, suddenly opened his red eyes, his whole body twitched violently, and waves of severe pain filled Kamishiro Rize's brain.

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