"Ms. Ryoko! Why?....She never killed anyone.......Why did it end up like this?"

"Hinami..."Where's Hinami?"

Dongxiang looked around and found that there was no Hinami in the house, so she asked hurriedly

"I just went back to rest. After our unanimous discussion, we decided to send Hinami to District 24, but........"

The manager was interrupted by Kirishima Touka before he could finish his words."How can Hinami survive in such a rubbish place? Besides, even if Hinami survives in such an environment, she will probably be contaminated."

"Ahem, Dong Xiang, you are too emotional. The manager hasn't finished speaking yet. Hinami doesn't want to leave the stable area, so what should we do?"

Sifang finished the second half of the manager's words.

""I'm sorry, I was rude." Dong Xiang leaned against the wall and apologized in a low voice."Kill all those investigators.......To avenge Miss Fueguchi Ryoko...We also have Mr. Sifang...As long as everyone works together, we can do it!"

"No, if 20 Baijiu dies, CCG will definitely pay attention and send more people until all dangers are eliminated, that is, to annihilate us."

" But......."Dong Xiang was excited and wanted to say something else

"No, we can't attack the Ghoul Investigator. For everyone's safety, the best solution is to give up."The store manager interrupted Kirishima Touka.

The store manager was also very sad about Fueguchi Ryoko's departure, but he had to make such a choice for the sake of stabilizing the area.

"All the companions have been killed....Suffering in silence is the best choice?! Hinami's parents are all gone.....Don't take revenge...She is so pitiful."

"Miss Fueguchi Ryoko is not dead, she was just taken away."

Kaneki Ken saw Kirishima Touka's emotional fluctuations so much, and after hesitating for a moment, he chose to speak out and answer.

"Taken away? What's the difference between being taken away by the investigator and being dead?!"

"There is still a chance of survival. As far as I know, many ghouls are imprisoned in Quekuliya in District 23. Miss Fueguchi Ryoko is likely to be there."

The store manager looked out the window, which was the direction of District 23.

"Who did it?" Kirishima Touka at the door asked the question, but no one answered for a long time. All Touka got in response was the depressed looks from everyone.

"Can't say or dare not say...Then I will start from the bottom to investigate the officials and murderers!"

"Stop! Stop your thoughts, that will only bring disaster to District 20."

Sifang looked straight at Kirishima Touka, and the warning in his heart was self-evident.

"Executioner...He took it away......"

In the tense atmosphere, someone mentioned these three words, and Dongxiang, who was about to continue arguing, was silent for a moment.

The three words"executioner" weighed on everyone like a mountain. None of the ghouls present could guarantee that they could beat the executioner, and even if they joined forces, they had no confidence in winning.

"Based on my personal experience, I can tell that Fueguchi Ryoko will not die. The executioner is a principled man. I have observed him before......."

"At least according to my information, the ghouls he killed were all wanted by CCG. If Fueguchi Ryoko had no wanted record, there was still a great possibility that she would survive."

The store manager recalled a coffee in his early years, and that was the time when the store manager decided to observe Huiqi.

Because that period was the time when Huiqi changed the most, her attitude towards missions was better than that of Zhenhu Wuxu, and her almost obsessive acceptance of missions made the outside world begin to know the name of the executioner.

"Can...us......."Dong Xiang opened her mouth several times and wanted to say something

"Take care of yourself and don't let yourself get caught up in revenge....Everyone has their own life choices."

The manager's final words marked the end of the Antique Coffee Shop meeting.


Huiqi paused as he looked at the message on his phone. The message on the screen asked him to come to the headquarters in a while, but it did not specify the time. Instead, it seemed that he was on standby at any time.

After thinking for a few seconds, Huiqi's fingers tapped on the phone.

Beep, beep, beep.

"This is Marute"

"There is nothing going on in District 11 recently? Why did the headquarters let me choose my own time to go?"

"The situation in District 11 is better. The Speaker General postponed the meeting."

"Oh, what are the director of the headquarters and the general speaker thinking? If you have a disease, don't treat it as soon as possible."

"I don't know, anyway, let's listen to the headquarters first."

Hui Qi hung up the phone and tapped the table with his fingers.

"It's inexplicable."

In the afternoon...

The people in District 20 are getting off work, and a crowd is gathering at the door.

"What exactly does Huiqi want to do?"

"Caochang, don't guess. How can you guess the way a special investigator thinks?"

Zhongdan patted Caochang's shoulder and reminded him implicitly.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault for talking too much. Cao Chang immediately realized that he shouldn't talk too much here.

"Amon Kotaro?"

"Hmm? Grassland?"As he was about to leave, Kotaro Yamon stopped when he heard the voice.

"Do you want to have a meal together? It's rare for us to leave together."

""Okay." Yamen thought about his schedule and agreed.

"You guys are quite happy."

After coming downstairs, Hui Qi met the three of them.

"Hey, would you like to come? I'll treat you.

Cao Chang patted his chest and looked at Hui Qi expectantly.

"Hhh, forget it, just enjoy your meal, don't forget to bring Quinque."

Looking at the empty hands of the three people, Hui Qi kindly reminded


"No, ghouls don't care if you have a Quinque or not. As an investigator, you must carry a weapon to ensure your safety."


Seeing the three people like this, I couldn't help but laugh. I have been too lax recently.

‘I hope it will be the same tomorrow, and we can meet. ' Huiqi left CCG Zone 20 with her Quinque.

The dim sunlight shone on the street...


The phone in Huiqi's arms vibrated.

He opened the phone and saw an email. Clicking it, he saw a variety of pictures.

The most frequently appearing one was a black-haired boy, who was making coffee in the photo.

‘The value has been demonstrated. '

Huiqi casually sent a recent photo of Fuekou Ryoko and turned off the phone screen.

The next day.

An ordinary working day began. Huiqi sat in the office to investigate information as usual. This time, the focus was on the Joker Organization.

There was a book on the table with a photo of a person on it.

Author: Ogura Hisashi Huiqi was a little depressed. She accidentally noticed the Joker Organization and casually searched it on the CCG internal search engine. It turned out that there was information about the Joker Organization.

The Joker was cleared out once by Arima Takashi in the early years, and now there are signs of it stirring again.

Swish swish... flipping through Ogura Hisashi's work, looking at it page by page with curious eyes...

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