The shrill wails echoed in the room again.

Under such torture, Kaneki Ken's eyes were blurred, his vision was doubled, his spirit was weak, and his throat gradually lost its voice...

Every time he tried his best, it also meant that his hands and feet were robbed again...

The bloodstains under the chair gathered into blood, and the blood accumulated into a pool of blood.

The bottom of the iron bucket beside him could no longer be seen... because it was filled with fingers and toes. The miserable state of the ghoul that he saw at the first sight was repeated at this moment, but the victim had changed.

The number gradually went from 860 to...……


At this time, CCG was still in a meeting. Marutesai was carefully analyzing the situation in Area 11 and the first thing the team should do after entering Area 11.

Huiqi was restrained in the command vehicle by Marutesai, because as the strongest force in this battle, Huiqi must listen to Marutesai's command to exert the best combat power.

Marutesai is recognized as the best commander in the entire CCG. No one will deny his plan because there is no second better plan.

After the meeting, Huiqi looked at the watch on her wrist. It had been 3 days since Kaneki Ken was captured, and no one knew whether he was alive or dead.

"Huiqi, do you really hate this person?"Suzuya Juzo came over and noticed the information on Huiqi's desk. The face of the person was exactly that of Gekko.

"Yes, I hate him. When he was serving his sentence in District 23, Quekuliya, he killed the detained investigator and escaped."

Hui Qi told all the information he had, but Suzuya Juzo was not interested in it. He just took out a knife and gestured at the picture of the gecko.

"Hey! You bastard! Who allowed you to swing a knife at Hui Qi!!!"

Yukinori Shinohara, who was chatting in the distance, noticed this scene and immediately put down what he was doing and ran over.

"No, I didn't! Hui Qi didn't like him, and I didn't like him either!"Suzuya Juuzou pointed the dagger at Gekko.

"Then you can't……"

""Okay, okay, Suzuya Juzo is just a child, don't be so picky. Since Suzuya Juzo has this intention, I will reward him with a Quinque if he can kill the gecko." Hui Qi said with a tone of laughter and tears, looking at Suzuya Juzo with a caring look.

"Well then... I was negligent in discipline, I hope you don't take it to heart."After hesitating for a moment, Yukinori Shinohara apologized to Huiqi.

"No, no, it's not easy for you to raise a child. And he was raised by a ghoul."

"Thank you for your understanding.

After the meeting, Hui Qi stood up and left.

‘What would you do in the antique coffee shop? Give it up or save it?’

‘Touka? Kaneki Ken looked at the figure in front of him and asked subconsciously.

In Kaneki Ken's eyes, Touka appeared in front of him and stretched out her palm towards him.

"Come back to Antiques with me"


"Hahaha, as expected of a scaled-horned ghoul, his healing ability is so outstanding... and it's Kamishiro Rize's kagune, which makes this healing ability even more outstanding!"

At some point, Gecko appeared in the house again and observed Kaneki Ken with admiration. His fingers and toes were healing for the fifth time, and his healing ability was far better than the previous one.

"Let’s start the sixth time…hahahahaha……"

Boom boom boom boom...

This time, the gecko was extremely excited about the abuse, and cut off the toes very quickly, with a frequency far exceeding that before. Nicole, who was standing by, was watching this scene. Because the gecko was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and play Kaneki Ken to death, the gecko did not hesitate to attack Nicole at the most excited moment.


The big hand stabbed Nicole's abdomen and dug out a piece of flesh.

"Ugh! Gecko... the pleasure came too suddenly~" Nicole held her shy face with both hands, her eyes enjoying it like a cat being stroked

"556…549……"Kaneki Ken's instinctive answer was that the abuse over the past few days had gradually caused Kaneki Ken's mind to split. After waiting for the gecko to leave, Kaneki Ken's mind once again emerged with the antique coffee shop and others, recalling the past bit by bit... until his mother

‘Are you all right? '

My mother in my memory always taught me that it is better to be the one who is hurt than to hurt others. If I have love and kindness in my heart, it doesn't matter if I suffer losses... I will be very happy this way.

Ps: Mr. Ishida's works have a deep philosophy. This paragraph reflects the social contradictions at that time.

Thinking of this, Kaneki Ken's eyes burst into tears."Mom... Mom... Have I become what you expect me to be?……"

The rest time is always short. After several hours, Kaneki Ken once again saw his fingers and toes. They were like hair, being torn off and growing.

‘Don't grow any more! No more!! I don't want to be tortured anymore!! No!! Why has my body become like this! '

At this moment, Kaneki Ken only felt that he was a monster, a ghoul

"Yo, Yo, Yo, Kaneki is doing really well, he has grown back so quickly."Gecko is still so punctual, every time Kaneki Ken recovers, he will definitely appear in the room 10 minutes later.

"Thanks to Dr. Kano, I got such a suitable toy... But recently I heard that he created two more experimental bodies."

"He... He actually used Rize to make a ghoul!"Kaneki Ken got the key information from Gekko's words. Just when he was about to ask more, his eyes looked at the thing in Gekko's hand in horror.

"That…that…what is it?!"

Just by looking at it, Kaneki Ken got goosebumps on his back and felt even more uncomfortable.

"The Scolopendra subspinipes is the largest centipede in the country. I heard that the largest one can reach 20CM... It's a pity that the one in my hand is only 15CM, but it's also the one I carefully selected."

Gecko came over with a happy expression, and shook the centipede in front of Kaneki Ken's eyes."Just put it in your ear like this... hehe……"

This scene instantly made Kaneki Ken sweat profusely, and his throat was even more hysterical.

"Stop it! Stop it now!! No! Please, please! Don't do this! Stop it now!!"

Kaneki Ken tried his best to move his head to prevent the gecko from putting the centipede into his ear, but the gecko seemed to have a countermeasure and immediately held Kaneki Ken's neck tightly.

The centipede got into Kaneki Ken's ear little by little. But the gecko was not done yet. After putting the centipede into his ear, he took out a piece of cloth from his pocket, folded it repeatedly and covered Kaneki Ken's eyes and ears.

"After losing one sense...the other senses become more acute...hahahaha……"

Just as the gecko said, Kaneki Ken could clearly feel the centipede drilling in and out of his ear, wriggling its disgusting body and swinging its terrifying tentacles.

Kaneki Ken was trembling all over, and his hands and legs could not get rid of the handcuffs no matter how hard he struggled. Blue marks could be clearly seen under the traces of his struggle.


Immersed in his spirit, Kaneki Ken didn’t seem to notice that in the outside world his mouth was wide open, tears were streaming down his nose, and he was laughing creepily.

Ps: Waiting for the new equipment to arrive, 3 updates a day. Thanks to Wu Chang’s inspiration capsules, thanks to LYumi for the bubble milk tea, thanks to Hao Lei Oh for the pearl milk tea and the likes, thanks to everyone for the flowers and power generation for love, thank you very much!!! I will remember everything the readers have done!

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