Ps: This chapter is mostly dialogue.

Hui, lying on the ground, constantly uses her eyes and mouth to signal Kaneki Ken.

She only has one idea, which is to let Kaneki Ken give up herself and let the child live.

Time ticks by.……

"Hey, hey, hey! Choose quickly, I can't wait any longer. Dead child or dead mother? I think it's better to have a dead mother, right? I heard that mother's love is great."

Gecko grabbed Kaneki Ken's hair with his right hand and shook it, and pointed his left finger at Hui.

When Kaneki Ken heard Gecko talking about his mother, his pupils changed, but he still didn't speak.

"Give me an answer, give me an answer! Give me an answer!!! Give! Me! An answer!"

The gecko's patience was gradually worn out. He looked at the mother and son fiercely. His right hand stopped grabbing their hair and began to lock their throats.

"What to choose?! What do you want me to choose? If you insist on choosing, then just kill me!!"Kaneki Ken shouted hoarsely.

"Hehe, okay, okay……"The gecko's face turned cold, and he walked to Hui's side."Little kid, watch how your beloved mother died."

Even Nicole couldn't stand this scene, and she stopped the gecko's evil taste. After all, killing the mother in front of the child was too sinful.

"Huh? Are you ordering me around? Damn demon! In that case! I'll just kill the kid first."

The gecko gave up on Hui and grabbed the kid's neck with his other hand without hesitation, tightening his grip on Guangren's neck little by little.

Snap... Snap...

The neck made a sound of being unable to bear the weight. Under the gecko's powerful strength, Guangren's legs swung in the air, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pry his hands apart.

"If I do this, I won't have to see my mother die, right? Right! Right! Right!"Gecko was like a madman at the moment, and Nicole didn't say anything.

"No, please, kill me and let my child live! Light people! My child!"

Heart-wrenching screams and desperate cries echoed in the room, Hui's eyes were full of bloodshot, tears flowed down


The light man's voice gradually faded, and his struggle became less intense.……

"My child! Guangren!!"

Hui's pleading voice and Guangren's voice calling for his mother surrounded Kaneki Ken's ears.



A small figure fell to the ground.……

""Guangren! Child!"

Hui shouted anxiously, crawling over with her hands and feet, looking at her child, and tremblingly touched Guangren's face with her hands.

Then she hugged the child tightly in her arms. At this point, Hui's mother knew that her child had left her. At this moment, her eyes were empty and dull, and only the tears on her face proved that she was alive.

This scene was captured by Kaneki Ken, and the arrogant gecko was still laughing and saying infuriating words.

"I can do whatever I's unreasonable for a mother not to accompany her child when his or her child dies, go to hell!"

Gecko used his kagune to tear Kei and Mitsuto's bodies into two pieces alive... before leaving...Gecko did not forget to mock Kaneki Ken as a hypocrite.

Hearing this, Kaneki Ken's face turned pale, and he wanted to explain something but couldn't.

Nicole watched this scene with regret."Although I can't save you...but at least die a kind death."

Then he used his kagune to sew the bodies of the two together, and finally let the mother and child hug each other.

In the blink of an eye, Nicole also left here, and Kaneki Ken was the only one left in the room again.

"Someone's all my's all my fault!" Kaneki Ken cried, his drooping white hair showing his age.

"Yo, yo, yo, who will save you? You are the only one in the room, do you want to rely on the dead? Are you going to make them live?" Rize still had that vicious tone, mercilessly mocking Kaneki Ken's hypocrisy

"Bad luck... There is only bad luck around me... I just want to live a good life, what did I do wrong?"Kaneki developed the doubts in the depths of his soul. After the transplant of the Kakuha, his life began to be full of misfortunes.

"Hahahaha... blaming all your failures on bad luck... you are so silly and cute."

Rize walked in front of Kaneki Ken, hugged Kaneki Ken's head with both hands, and her tone was gentle but deadly

"You have brought all the misfortunes upon yourself but you cannot resist them. You can only watch the people around you die one by one."

"All the misfortunes in this world...are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved."

"It all started with you being a simple, weak, and stupid person. If there hadn't been an executioner, you would have avoided such a miserable life."

"You don't have to be deceived by me, fooled by Kano, or turned into a ghoul."

Rize leaned over Kaneki Ken's ear and told him everything that happened that day.

"It is better to be hurt by others than to hurt others. What a ridiculous statement. If you could kill the gecko, maybe the mother and child could survive."

"Your mother is the same. She doesn't know how to say no. It seems that she has chosen both sides, but in fact she has given up everything. You think so too, right?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Don't mention my mother! Shut up!"

Kaneki Ken yelled out of control, his heart trembling and wavering. Just as Rize said, if his mother didn't care about that damn sister, he wouldn't lose his mother and he would still have mother's love.……

"Why did you abandon me! Mom!"Kaneki Ken could no longer suppress his emotions, and screamed out his dissatisfaction with his mother... his hatred for his aunt.

"Woo woo woo…Mom, mom, mom…why…I…I hope you can live for me!!!"

"Even if you don't save your aunt?"

Rize looked at Kaneki Ken with satisfaction and said in a gentle and persuasive way:

"Even if I don't save my aunt!"

Kaneki Ken yelled, revealing his true thoughts

"Good boy, that's it! Sometimes in order to protect one party, you have to give up the other party, but your mother didn't do that. She didn't have the awareness to give up."

"So, do you still want to be the one who gets hurt? Are you still willing to forgive the gecko?"

"I can't forgive... people like him who don't respect life! And organizations that wantonly trample on life! I will never forgive them!"

"Very good~ If the bronze tree grows stronger, all the partners in Area 20, Touka, Nishiki, Hinami, and Eira will end up in such a miserable state."

Hearing this, Kaneki Ken calmed down instead, without any previous actions, but his tone changed drastically from before, becoming helpless and cold.

"I won't let that happen. Not just the Bronze Tree, but anyone who threatens my peaceful life will never be forgiven!"

"It sounds good, but you don't want to use the kagune, right? You said you don't want to use a power you can't control, right?"

"Just... just learn to control it!"

As soon as the words fell,

Kaneki Ken opened his mouth, threw his body over Kamishiro Rize, biting and eating her mouthful by mouthful.


The white flowers gradually turned red, turning into a blood-red sea of flowers. The once innocent boy...died here, leaving only...

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