In Quekuriya, Huiqi appeared in Fueguchi Ryoko's room."Record a video, your daughter can't wait."

After that, Huiqi took a few photos with her mobile phone, and then recorded a video of Fueguchi Ryoko reading a book, and sent the video to Hinami's mobile phone.

After finishing this, Huiqi had to go to District 20 without stopping, where there was another matter that she needed to deal with.

Before leaving, an investigator appeared in front of him. The other party was wearing a black round hat, and the head on his neck was like a ball, and there were traces of stitching on the side.

The person who came was Kimura Shiki, a quasi-special agent.

"Huiqi, I have something to trouble you with."

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Hearing this, Hui Qi glanced at him. The two of them were not familiar with each other, or even knew each other. It would be too abrupt to ask for his help when they met.

"Please keep an eye out for a ghoul. His name is Jail. This ghoul is very vicious........"

"Got it. Since it's about ghouls, of course I have no choice but to bring them back if I can catch them."

Hui Qi answered perfunctorily. He had no time to catch ghouls recently, and now he had to deal with the matter of Mado Akatsuki.

After that, he walked away without hesitation, not giving Kijima Shiki a chance to continue.

Half an hour later....

Hui Qi returned to Area 20 and saw Mado Akira waiting for him as soon as he entered the door.



Hearing the answer in his ear, Hui Qi frowned."From now on, stop all search work and follow me to the training ground."

"Stop all the search? Why? Shouldn't we catch ghouls?"Mado Akatsuki asked in a puzzled tone.

"There are always opportunities to catch ghouls, so you should improve your strength first. Since you have chosen to be on my team, you must have special strength."

Hui Qi brought Madoka to his training ground and handed him a set of training clothes for him to change into.

"This is the basic quality requirement. Contact me when you have done it. Don't look for me before you have done it. If you are unwilling, you don't have to team up with me."

After saying that, Hui Qi threw a piece of paper to Zhen Hu Xiao and turned away.

Zhen Hu Xiao, who was standing there, took the paper handed over by Hui Qi with a puzzled look on his face, only to see that it was densely covered with various training indicators and requirements. He couldn't help but frowned, thinking to himself:"How can I complete so many tasks?"However, when Mado Akira carefully read each indicator, she found that these were plans made for improving her own abilities.

Her wise eyes gradually became firm. She knew that only through hard work could she break through herself. So, she decided to follow this training plan and live up to Huiqi's expectations of her.

After temporarily solving the little trouble of Mado Akira, Huiqi breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to her office, and prepared to start dealing with other matters.

As soon as he sat down, he received a call from his superiors, informing him that a temporary assistant would be sent here to assist in the work. Huiqi didn't have too many thoughts about this. After all, as an experienced person, he believed that he could deal with any situation.

However, he was still a little curious about the upcoming temporary assistant. He hadn't seen such a thing as a temporary assistant in such a long time since he came to CCG.

While waiting for the temporary assistant to arrive, Huiqi continued to focus on the work at hand, looking through documents and sorting out materials. There have been a lot of ghoul attacks recently, but they were all handled by Amon Kotaro. As for Mado Wuxu, he still needs a considerable amount of time to recuperate. Ding Ding


Huiqi received a message on his computer and clicked it to see that it was from Marutesai.

"Your new assistant's profile."

Name: Nagachika Eira

Gender: Male

School: Kamii University

"It's really simple." Hui Qi shook his head and deleted the information, then dispatched the information of the clown organization to observe.....A blond boy wandered around in confusion. The structures of the headquarters of District 20 and District 1 were slightly different. When Huiqi first arrived, he had to spend some time finding his way. After asking around for a while, he finally found his way to Huiqi's office.

"Come in."


Huiqi saw a blond boy walking in. As the distance got closer, a familiar feeling emerged from Huiqi's heart.

""Eriyoshi Nagachika?" Hui Qi asked tentatively.

"It's me! It's me!" The blond boy responded excitedly.

Hearing this, Hui Qi opened the email he had just sent again, and saw the four words"Yongjin Yingliang" written in the name column.

"Tsk, it really is. I didn't look closely just now....But if I remember correctly, you are still in school, right?"

"Well....I come to CCG as a part-time worker."

Nagachika Hideyoshi said with some embarrassment.

"Hiss, then how did you get that guy Marutesai to move?"

"Do you mean the man with the middle parted hair?"

"Middle-parted hair? That's right, it's that guy." Hui Qi thought of Marutesai's appearance in his mind, and it was not wrong to describe him this way.

"He found me....."


"I reported the Bronze Tree stronghold, and then that gentleman found me"

""Huh? You reported it? How did you do it? A person without any training could actually find the Bronze Tree Stronghold!?"

Hui Qi looked at him in disbelief, scanning him up and down. No matter from which angle he looked, there was nothing particularly outstanding.

"that is...One day, I was on my way to buy coffee and I overheard something about District 11. I deliberately threw money on the ground and bent down to pick it up. Finally, I put the tracker on the bottom of the boy's shoe."

After listening to the boy's story, Hui Qi looked at him again, and this time his tone was not as questioning or joking as before.

"You did a great job and helped CCG a lot. Since you are so brave and careful, I have an investigation task in hand. Can you do it?"

"Hui Qi, please tell me, I will definitely do it."

Hearing this, Yongjin Yingliang agreed in a serious tone.

"Don't worry, the mission is not difficult. It just asks you to investigate something called a ghoul restaurant."

As he spoke, he pulled out a piece of paper with some information about the ghoul restaurant marked on it.

"Take a look at the information first. Remember that your mission is to investigate, not to fight. Don't lose your life because of the mission."

Hui Qi said.

"Definitely not! I will let you know when I have information!"

"It's really exciting. Let me give you this task to practice first."

According to my own investigation, the people in the ghoul restaurant are not simple. They keep the information confidential very well, which is not something that low-level ghouls can do. It is also not a small challenge for Nagachika Eira.

After finishing the chat with Nagachika Eira, the phone next to Hui Qi rang, and the contact displayed was Mado Akira.

"Finished so soon?" Hui Qi raised his eyebrows. According to the schedule, it would take at least this afternoon.

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