
Mado Akira was shocked by the situation in front of him. Naki in front of him actually stood in front of the two younger brothers, and the long sword directly cut a mark on Naki's back.

"Me! I will never let my little brother die! After! After Big Brother Gecko died, I don't want to endure the pain of loneliness!"

Naki shouted hoarsely, and the angry Naki began to attack Mado Akira. His movements were disorganized, but this only increased the flaws.

Mado Akira used tricky angles and stabbed Naki with several consecutive knives to open blood holes in Naki's body. Seeing the bad situation, the two little brothers behind him hurriedly carried their big brother away.

Seeing this scene, Yueshan also began to retreat. After Kaku hit Amon Kotaro hard and flew away, he turned and ran.

Seeing that the other party wanted to leave, Mado Akira was about to chase him with a long knife in his hand, but Amon Kotaro was in poor condition, which made Mado Akira unable to choose for a while. The idea of whether to abandon Amon Kotaro appeared in Mado Akira's mind.

"Go to the bottom of the basement. I received a signal from Shinohara."

Amon Kotaro struggled and shouted.


At this moment, Yukinori Shinohara was fighting with Kaneki Ken's half-Kakushi form. The opponent's powerful attack almost broke Yukinori Shinohara's bones. Kaneki Ken attacked like a beast, and his strong scales hit Shin.

Just one blow, a thin crack appeared on the surface of Shin. Yukinori Shinohara resisted with great effort.

With years of combat experience, he finally found a gap in Kaneki Ken's attack, and swung the big sword in his hand, Kuinkegui Yamadaichi, heavily on Kaneki Ken's abdomen.

This blow caused enough damage, and directly injured Kaneki Ken and fell to the ground.

However, Yukinori Shinohara's condition was not very good. Although he was not Kaneki Ken caused too much damage, but his body was also covered with freshly bitten wounds.

The next moment!

Kaneki Ken, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly stood up, and the armor on his body fell off, revealing four scales again, and looked at Shinohara Yukinori greedily.

The scales were like spears and suddenly stabbed at Shinohara Yukinori, breaking a new piece of armor on contact.

Facing Kaneki Ken's attack, Shinohara Yukinori became more and more powerless. The opponent's attack method was like a different person, and his own defense was now ineffective.

There were more and more wounds on his body, and the new biting force was also increasing. Shinohara Yukinori's eyes began to blur, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

"It's almost there."

After a short rest, Yamon Kotaro and the others walked down.

The four of them looked at the experimental equipment around them with a bit of horror in their eyes. These were the materials for living experiments.

"How far is it?"

"It’s a five-minute journey." Yamon answered Mado’s question.

As he spoke, Yamon Kotaro saw an incredible scene from the corner of his eye, and even rubbed his eyes again. Yamon Kotaro looked again.

""Anku Kurona and Anku Nashiro!?"

But seeing the other party's red eyes, Amon's tone was full of doubt. As the teacher of the two, in Amon Kotaro's memory, the Anku sisters were human beings, but how come they have become ghouls now?

"Hurry up, you're causing too much trouble." Mado Akira's voice urged from the front

""Okay, okay."

Hearing this, Yamon Kotaro looked deeply at the two people in the shadows, and then left.

"It’s almost there."

Hui Qi looked at the instrument in his hand and walked faster and faster.

""Who?! Ghoul?!"

A voice suddenly appeared in front of her. Huiqi looked through the mask and saw that the person was Mado Akira.

The other party pointed a long sword at her.

With a swish!

The long sword cut off the equipment next to it, and Huiqi barely reacted and dodged the attack.

Looking at Mado Akira, Huiqi never expected that Mado Akira would actually participate. She thought CCG would send someone else.

"Surround him!" Yamon Kotaro, who came from behind, raised his armor and ran to the side of Huiqi, ready to attack.

’Yamen, why are all of you acquaintances? But don't get in my way. ' Huiqi's figure flashed and appeared in front of Yamen, aiming at the opponent's Quinque and punching directly.

With a thud! The dull sound echoed in the underground space.

Yamen was hit against the wall by Huiqi's punch, and the whole person fell to the side powerlessly.

Then, the two investigators who arrived late waved Quinque to attack Huiqi, bang! bang! With two sounds, the two were kicked away by Huiqi, spiraled up to the sky and fell to the side.

Only Zhenhu Xiao was left on the field, Huiqi couldn't help but have a headache, this deal was really difficult.

However, Zhenhu Xiao had already chopped with a long knife. His knife skills were profound and he had some shadows of Huiqi. He was deeply influenced by Huiqi's sharp attack method, and every knife was aimed at the vital points.

Huiqi dodged one after another, thinking in his mind how to deal with Zhenhu Xiao.

But this move undoubtedly stimulated Zhenhu Xiao's self-esteem. The long knife in his hand attacked more and more powerfully, and the blade could even touch the corner of Huiqi's clothes.

‘This is the only way. ' Huiqi made up her mind and stopped dodging. She began to actively attack Mado Akira's body, aiming her right leg at his lower body and tripping him. She followed up with a kick with her left leg, but Huiqi consciously controlled the strength and only let Mado Akira slide to the wall.

After killing several people, Huiqi hurried to the location of the Anjiu sisters.

The four of them watched Huiqi's back as she left in silence. As an investigator, she couldn't even force the ghoul's kagune to appear. Even the opponent's most basic kagune eyes didn't show up, and they were killed instantly.

Ten seconds later.......

In the shadows, Anjiu Heina hugged Anjiu Nabai tightly, whispering softly,"Don't sleep, don't sleep, sister will accompany you."

But she didn't get a response from her sister.........An Jiuheina's tears dripped down

"I finally found you guys. Why are you like crickets?......Huh?! Who did it?!"

Halfway through his words, Hui Qi looked at the dying An Jiunaibai and asked with suppressed anger in his tone

"Bell House.........What is made"

"Wow, he's here too?!"

At this moment, Hui Qi was overwhelmed! All the investigators from District 20 came here? How come they were all his own people?

After a few complaints, Hui Qi turned his attention to An Jiunabai and examined his injuries.

A horrible knife wound went from the shoulder to the waist, blood was still flowing, and several internal organs were injured through the wound.

"Stomach, is there any problem with the stomach?"

Hui Qi watched anxiously. Now he could only use the most basic method to help An Jiunaibai, but once the opponent's digestive organs were also damaged, there would be no way to save him.

After careful observation, Hui Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Things did not develop to the worst.

"Should we look for Dad? He must have a way."Hei Nai said anxiously

"Looking for him? Just treat him as a dead man."

Hui Qi said as he took out the Quinque dagger.

Ps: I have three saved drafts to offset the loss. When I see the gift, I will update it immediately!

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