Ghoul King's Harem

216 Chapter 216: The Weight Of Loss

Alexander was lying in a large hospital-style bed, with bandages and taps across his body; the damage done by the women who controlled and destroyed Eris finally faded after 3 days, allowing him to recover.

  "How is he doing?" Sarah asked one of the Lycans trained to be a doctor, her eyes suddenly widening upon noticing her young mistress. 

"Ah... well, his vitals are recovering, but he hasn't woken up once since then. We are checking to ensure his brain hasn't suffered any damage."


Sarah noticed Stella and Amy sleeping on the sofa outside the makeshift treatment room. On the other table were the heavily wounded Brunhild and her mother, Carmine and Amy's mother, Francesca.

Once Alexander lost consciousness due to the pain, suddenly Eris began to glow with a strange light. 

It was at that moment that Brunhild finally snapped out of her crazed episode and lunged over the body of Alex, as Carmine and Francesca did the same, both putting up a barrier with all of their magic possible before it cracked and the entire room was bathed in the explosion of Eris.

Many Vesta died instantly, along with three vampires and two lycans.

'That's not including the wounded...' Sarah thought as she placed a hand against the glass, watching the machine helping Alexander breathe.

"We know he can function somewhat without oxygen and food, but we used that machine to be safe. Do not worry, young miss!" The doctor tried to comfort her as she paced away, towards where the Vesta were training.

The most senior members of the Vesta were lined up inside the room, waiting for her to arrive. 

Since they fell into that strange coma, it was up to her to arrange the forces and have them clear the streets as more zombies and mutants would pour in each day. 

'I need to have the path north clear for him.'

  In the room stood Claire, the huge minotaur with serious eyes, her body taller than others, yet she tried to improve her nimble movements daily. Beside her were Maria and Althea; both hurt slightly but recovered rapidly.

"I will set you into groups; today, you will patrol for 6 hours. Then switch with the night group with the same number."

Day Group A consisted of Himari, Ayami, Megan and Patricia, forming another group with the leader being Laura. 

Along with the mains were 40 regular Vesta that wasn't past the threshold to be relevant in combat, so this was more of a way to strengthen them while Alexander was asleep.

Night Group A consisted of Lapis, Ruby, Emerald, Topaz and Saphire. The group normally in charge of logistics and equipment showed the desire to grow stronger and thus would take 60 Vesta with them and switch with Himari's group.

"Good, Mildred, you are in charge of Day Group B! Make sure to keep Maria and Althea on a leash! Take 60 of the Vesta with you and take the south of this building's area."


Now that Alexander was down, the women didn't fight or make jealous fits about who was most important. Rather, they began to work together.

They wanted him to wake up to the best greeting.

Night Group B was full of new Vesta and had more of the weaker ones to compensate, but this would be led by Amy and a few of her vampire aides to even it out.

"Me and Stella will care for the East, so you don't need to worry. Remember, the goal is to clear the road to the north, but not only that! We must be stronger so we can support our Master next time!"

"I don't want to quiver in fear or fall asleep again!" Lapis shouted, causing everyone else to echo similar feelings.

Sarah continued to give a simple briefing to ensure everyone got their job and followed it; this didn't go without the help of the Lycans who supported her, offering to send 4 of them with each group as emergency support. 

Amy's vampires also did the same, meaning each force could take on existences below Stage 6 and would be able to kill a single Stage 6 if they were not ambushed.

Everyone understood their objective and put their things together as their groups took shape.

Then, 4 more days passed while everyone kept at their task, making the North and South free from zombies. The road going east began to see the arrival of mutant animals, with small bunnies having rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth as they ravaged all they found in their path.

On the fifth day, Sarah checked her Master's situation.

At that moment, she felt the world stop; her eyes fixated on the image before her.

His long silver hair was dancing in the wind, a breeze from the open window, yet the melancholy look in his eyes carried a sense of purpose and task; she could feel his burden as his fingers moved beautifully, forming bloody shapes in the air. 

Alexander was like an elegant artwork, his pale skin under the moonlight before his head slowly turned towards her, a faint smile without power on his lips, a sense of shame on his face.

His muscles were so sore that they would crack and bleed if he tensed up even for a bit, but that didn't stop the powerful man.

Like a grim reaper, he strode towards Sarah and took her arm gently, guiding the beautiful lycan into his arms, holding her so tight she thought her back might break, feeling her beloved Master hug her for the first time in five days.

She felt her blood rushing like never before, a thick, wet sensation below, and even the throbbing of her own heart, but her arms shot up without a second to waste and hugged his waist tenderly, tears of joy finally flowing like a river, unable to speak and afraid to do something rash.

'I love you.'

"Sorry for making you wait... I couldn't let them be hurt more because of my weakness," Alex spoke in a low tone, his gaze wandering from the embrace towards the medical bay, where Brunhild was still in a deep sleep.

'I love you.'

"Everyone helped, even Stella and Amy... You are a natural-born leader, Alexander. Everyone looked up to you and decided to get stronger. We cleaned the north and south, and now the roads are clear!"

"Hm? That's great news, Sarah."

'I love you.'

Alex smiled broadly, a charming look on his face as he separated and cupped the girl's cheeks, a tender kiss against her forehead, and the feeling of his cold hands over her neck.

Yet she could feel his heart; something shattered, and countless pieces were thrown in the trash rather than someone trying to glue them together. Her beloved man was broken... it hurt... she felt pain, but she was powerless apart from her body and words!

It was frustrating for her, screaming that she just wanted to be with him, to see him smile from the bottom of his heart.

"Sarah, it's ok. I am fine..." He said, his eyes staring at hers with a hint of severity and warmth.

"W-Who said anything about that?! I will beat you up for getting the Vesta worked up!" She spoke as tears rolled down her cheeks, showing a cute pout as he chuckled and walked towards Brunhild.

'Why won't you tell me what is wrong?'

The Vesta that witnessed the exchange was moved, happy to see Alexander awake, but a dark and oppressive aura seemed only noticed by Sarah and the women closest to him as she felt his warmth fading, her eyes glued to the figure of her beloved man, gently stroking Brunhilds blonde hair.

'Tell me... I love you.'

"Please don't leave us, Alex..." Brunhild muttered in her sleep, her body slowly sitting up, her golden eyes meeting his Emerald gems. Alex stared back at her in silence for a long period. It was almost as if he was processing everything that had transpired over the last few days. So many emotions were running through his head, yet he tried to keep a level head, refusing to let his worries overwhelm him.

Brunhild was shocked when her eyes met his; a sad smile spread across his face, his hand caressing her cheek gently.

"How are your injuries?" Alex asked softly. Brunhild couldn't hold it anymore; tears started flowing down her cheeks. She embraced him tightly, crying her eyes out.

'Please speak to me... I can feel your pain...'

"Alexander! Don't go with her again! Don't take her hand... run away... if you have to!" The blonde exclaimed between sobs. Alex nodded, embracing her gently and rubbing her back soothingly.

"I won't. I am sorry... I'm a fool. I could trust her and deal with this alone, but... I was wrong. I won't repeat that mistake, Brunhild," Alex replied solemnly, causing her to calm down slightly, sniffing loudly as she rubbed her snot-filled nose against his clothes, an action that would've disgusted her before, but right now, she didn't care.

Sarah couldn't understand why she could see it, but even Brunhild didn't. His eyes were not those of a man who would run but those of a man who would kill... Not just that strange entity. 

'He will choose to die the moment he kills her...'

Francesca also woke up and was happy to see her son, Carmine waking shortly after to hug her Master and kiss his lips passionately.

Alexander spent the rest of the night chatting with Brunhild, Carmine, and Francesca, catching up with the events after the explosion and learning of the Vesta efforts.

While Sarah left, her thoughts and desire to tell him how much she loved him and wanted to know what hurt him transformed. Now she fought harder, crushing the face of a Stage 4 mutant with her left foot, a long katana slicing through another's throat.

"I will wait for you... Alex, when you open up to me. I will be stronger than you. I will take you into my arms and kill anything that makes you sad."

The Vesta saw her, their young mistress Sarah.

She was always beautiful and had a gentle personality; that didn't change, but her determination and power were shocking for many, causing her to form a new image in the hearts of many. 

The image of a lone Empress fighting off the enemy while waiting for her Emperor to stand again.

'Sarah... will be amazing...' Lapis thought as she guided a Vesta to safety, a huge eagle beastman standing on two legs with wings and claws.

The birdman had his right leg severely injured, so Topaz helped would kill him for sure. 

It seemed like Sarah's change was the start of something...

Something that changed the very essence of the Vesta themselves, what they did or felt. How they saw their king.

All realising they had been too soft and relied on him for everything...

Now it was their turn.

To become strong enough to protect and carry him at his lowest.

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