Ghoul King's Harem

229 Chapter 229: Cleansing New Haven

Alexander stood on the top of a building, countless zombies and mutants all shambling below, clueless to his or the hundreds of Vesta all perched around the skyline in their dark outfits, all with glowing eyes staring at the creatures below.

He scanned the sea of undead and mutants for anything suspicious before nodding to a Vesta beside him. 

"Let's go." His voice was quiet but seemed to resonate with all the Vesta in the southern area, each marking a target and grasping their weapons. At the same time, Alexander himself didn't draw his nodachi, finally repaired by old man McAlister.

His body was wrapped in blood, forming countless blood spears as he dropped. E

very Vesta simultaneously shot down from their perches, stabbing countless mutants and zombies through the head in one shot, causing them to fall dead instantly. Alexander also landed heavily, dozens of spears shooting forward and piercing into the skulls of the monsters closest to him. 

They began dissolving after a flash of red light, his fists swinging out to crush more than a dozen zombies with the shockwave from his blows, leaving more confusion in the undead mob. He stomped the ground and flew out, grabbing mutant after mutant and crushing its head with ease while stabbing out spear after spear, quickly wiping out any resistance that opposed him.

All Vesta were like Alexander, clad in blood as they swarmed the unsuspecting mobs.

Without any orders besides killing their targets, the Vesta followed Alexander's example.

He advanced through the horde without faltering, clearing out zombie after mutant and dropping the bodies, staining black and grey streets with death.

"Kill all below Stage Three—pull back if there are Stage fives." Alexander's voice was deep, travelling to more than ten thousand women fighting against the many zombies and mutants.

This massacre continued as Vesta from around the perimeter pushed inward, each wave containing hundreds of Vesta slaughtering whatever crossed their path. 

By this point, the confused mutants and zombies were beginning to understand they were under attack, growling at the figures covered in black with red lines running down the suits, reminiscent of blood splatters.

On the top of the buildings in the distance, Mildred's voluptuous body stood tall with over a hundred Vesta, all shooting arrows into the huge crowd of zombies, their hands never ceasing as they sent arrows raining down upon them.

Each arrow accurately landed in the heads of mutant or zombie Stage Ones and Twos, the hundreds of Vesta effectively pinning them down so they couldn't resist Alexander and the thousands of other Vesta carving a bloody hole into the centre of their faces.

Their slaughter continued for five hours until nightfall, which caused Alexander to recall Vesta, return to the designated shelter areas, and take rests.


The remaining ones were Alex, Kaliara, Valu, Maria, Sarah, Amy and Stella.

"Alex, there are so many damn zombies..." Amy complained, her head resting on his thigh as they sat on a tall building having a light snack. 

"Stop complaining—all you did was shoot a few times; how is that hard?" Sarah interrupted, placing her hand on his opposite thigh. 

Alex wasn't even winded—he looked at the tired Vesta and realised that taking the step with Laura changed him completely. It allowed him to understand his mother, Valu and Kaliara much better.

The fact he beat them was purely due to him being able to momentarily surpass their recovery, making him feel more humbled to have achieved that in his weaker state.

'I need to become stronger, even now. Never stop trying to grow to the next level.'

Sadly, most of the zombie hordes were killed or used by his blood sphere to upgrade him and Laura—thus, there were not enough to evolve him completely in the city, but he could get a large chunk of his way towards the Seventh Stage.

'Let's keep grounded first.'

Suddenly, a soft sensation of two heavy balls pressed against his back as Stella kissed his ear, whispering into it. "Darling~ why are you favouring these two when I miss you so much?"

Alex shivered at Stella's hot breath, turning to look at the sexy Vesta wearing a skintight outfit, hiding none of her assets, especially those massive spheres. Her body was wet and sweaty, seeming even more tempting.

Kaliara had already disappeared to sleep somewhere, her mood worsening since the defeat.

Sarah and Amy glared at Stella as Valu ate calmly, watching the show as Maria snored between Alex's thighs, her spot seeming to be irreplaceable.

Stella pouted, licking Alex's ear teasingly before standing up, walking off with swaying hips, intentionally shaking them to entice Alex.

Sarah turned and climbed onto Alex's lap, kissing him roughly while rubbing her waist against him. Alex stared at Sarah's provocative ass, moving against him as she tried to make herself comfortable. After realising he wasn't responding, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her behind, forcing Alex to grab it.

"Not now, stop competing," Alex whispered, kissing Sarah lightly before pushing her off his lap as Alex stood and jumped from the building, landing amid the smaller zombie horde.

Without hesitation, Alex grabbed one mutant and ripped its head off effortlessly—his body flying outwards while killing zombie after mutant rapidly. Alex didn't care about preserving them as much, instead using his blood magic to form a blade that extended from his forearms, easily slicing them apart, 

After slaughtering thirty zombies, Alex formed dozens of blades, darting about and cutting multiple in half while swiftly ending others. The Vesta who looked from above was dazed—even the strongest felt tired as they watched, while Alex targeted anything and everything within reach, slaughtering whatever came into his sight.

Every movement left mutilated corpses in his wake, while Alex got stronger and stronger as the energy flowed into his core, creating another tiny ripple.

He didn't look down on the small growth—each small bit or growth point was worth something.

What was more important was how his blood magic was refined with each moment of combat. Creating spears took an instant, and the next swing regrew the snapped blades.

Valulaela watched with a deep smile, revealing how beautiful she was when not being aggressive.

She watched him almost obsessively, even during the melee—her antennae were focused on him, always watching his growth as her claws crushed the brains of Stage Five that specialised in speed.


Suddenly, as Alexander was killing another Stage Four, a sharp claw penetrated his chest. A tiny male with an extremely shrivelled body looked at him blankly before pulling out the claws with a thick chunk of Alexander's chest and blood.

His blood healed instantly, and Alexander frowned, looking at the creature that used incredible speed, allowing itself to be seen only momentarily.

It moved incredibly fast, giving Alex little hope of chasing it—even then, he darted towards where it ran. However, his keen senses soon found nothing, vanishing entirely.

Then he felt danger for a split second and instinctively lifted the bloody blade towards his right cheek, blocking another set of claws as he saw the thin man. Its figure flickered, appearing inches away as Alex kicked backwards, hitting the monster as his hand stabbed downwards, penetrating the zombie's abdomen as it appeared to be caught.

However, the blade, able to easily penetrate through the organs of Stage Fours, seemed to almost shatter upon contact with this male... Alex opened his eyes wide, realising this zombie was not below Stage Six.


Suddenly, Alexander's vision blurred as his wrist felt pain—he opened his palm and saw that the zombie grabbed it, squeezing it painfully tight. Alex struggled to remain calm—not wanting to tear it apart because he wanted information on Stage Seven.

His hand remained in place, though his other punched into its face, resulting in Alex only crushing a few of the zombie's teeth, but its eerie smile caused him to feel irritated.

'I can't take this creature lightly.' 

Thus, he placed a hand on his nodachi and focused his mind completely as the male vanished again, his presence as if disappearing into thin air. Alex could not sense or see it, so he waited quietly.

Abruptly, his ears heard footsteps behind him, and his nodachi flashed as he spun, slicing the mutant vertically; the wound wasn't fatal but cut the skin of the zombie easily, leading to a thick bloody wound as the male fled, but now Alex could smell his blood, sense his position even when barely visible.

In an instant, Alex charged towards the scent, darting through the hordes as mutants were sliced while Alex dodged Stage Five and Four zombies while hunting Alex. Nevertheless, he killed them easily with a single slash while hunting the tiny male, whose injuries worsened gradually until his speed fell drastically, enabling Alex to catch up easily.

A sense of joy filled Alexander—he felt this hunt was pleasurable, watching the zombie slowly become weaker, dying to his relentless attack.

Alex enjoyed every minute of pursuit, getting closer as the zombie's wounds worsened, his body becoming visible briefly before Alex grasped its throat and smashed it heavily against the floor.

Its bones shattered audibly while Alex grinned evilly, grasping its neck as his nodachi was raised. 

The male was helpless, unable to flee anymore.

Thus, his eyes filled with an unwillingness—this Stage Seven could escape with minimal wounds at Stage Six, and with its current body and skill, none of Alexander's Vesta would stand a chance; only Brunhild, Kaliara and Valu might survive.

The zombie seemed to realise its end and suddenly changed from defence to offence and thrust both arms into Alexander's body faster than he blinked—penetrating his chest and grasping towards his heart instantly.

Alex widened his eyes from the intense pain from the sharp claws tearing his lungs and reaching for his heart—however, his nodachi still swung downward.


Before it descended halfway, Alexander saw its head roll along the ground as his sword decapitated it.

He clutched his chest tightly and sighed—fortunately, this zombie grabbed his lungs, not his heart. Otherwise, Alex would lose permanently, for Stage Seven's physical strength vastly exceeded his Stage Six self.

Its corpse dissolved slowly as Alex pulled its arm from his chest, looking at the hand containing his core. His healing instantly forced it to mend slowly—reforming the vital organ in only moments. Alexander sighed—its power was terrifying, but he felt exhilarated as the blood essence and strange aura entered his body rapidly.

Blood Reserve: 261,500/1,000,000 -> 361,500/1,000,000 

"Kuha...!" Alex vomited some stale blood from the injury inflicted by Stage Seven. Alex wiped his mouth, smiling proudly as he breathed heavily, realising the vast disparity in stages.

However, Alex now had confidence and satisfaction—he could fight those above him, as long as he didn't underestimate them and fought with everything he could win... But he might suffer losses, like now, as he still felt a little bruised and weakened from the damn claws penetrating him so easily.

'I can't move my left arm well... Even after recovery, it might take longer to heal, maybe a full rest.'

'A stage seven gives one hundred thousand... No wonder fighting those above or closer to my Stage is more efficient.'

Alex grinned widely at the enormous blood reserve he gained from devouring the body. It took less than thirty minutes—so Alex decided to kill Stage Seven zombies whenever spotted.

There were still several hundred thousand zombies and mutants in this city, thus he didn't spend too long recovering.

They needed to cleanse New Haven.

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