Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 60 [Bonus ] 60: Finally! A New World!

Alex could feel a strange sticky sensation on his face, like a small, sticky sponge sliding across his face; the scent was sweet, like almonds.

He thought it was a dream because there was no sense of feeling in his entire body; the soft sponge began to trace across his face, lips, nose and eyebrows and seemed to not only wash away his fatigue but ease the pain in his body, from a burning and stabbing pain to a slight throbbing sensation.

'So soothing...'

Valulaela stood on the spot with a dazed look, her arms stopping Stella from entering the ring; honestly, she wanted to have Rikala beat Alex and lower his confidence so she could soothe him when he became depressed. Still, the boy shocked her and managed to defeat Rikala, who shed her courage to fight him fully.

'This boy is so good; I cannot wait to break him down, force him onto the ground and squeeze him dry~ let's work on my thighs when training, fufu!'

"Get off him! Stop drooling on him!"

With her little wings flapping, Stella tried to get onto the arena, stopped by the evil witch that caused terror to form in her heart. But she couldn't stop; the woman with light green skin, compound eyes, and long black hair was sliding her tongue all over Alex's face, sometimes slipping into his lips while the sleeping Alex was once-sided molested and caused Stella's chest to feel tight and itchy.

She had never seen anything more disgusting than this act. Her hatred for Valulaela grew stronger as she watched how much pleasure she got from seeing someone else violated. The red-haired girl clenched her fists tightly at her side and fought back the tears, wishing she could do something about what happened next.

'Stupid Alex! Don't lose; you won, so why are you the one on the ground? Get up, beat away the bugs and come back home!'

"Ah-Lexxx!" She cupped her mouth with both hands and began to scream like a banshee, causing even Valulaela to cover her ears in pain.

Rikala never meant to become like this, and it wasn't entirely her fault; the moment she saw he was hurt, the instinct like her mother did for her when injured was to clean the wounds using her saliva because of its numbing and the slight restorative effect she believed it to be fine. Still, when his sweet, delicious blood entered her lips, she lost all control.

It was like something began to change in her heart and mind; this boy who managed to beat her, despite breaking most of the bones in his body, became more important to her, the light sheepish licks becoming more powerful as her drool-coated his face with its warm slimy texture, different to normal women due to her being an insectoid creature.

'Something's strange.... why is he so tasty... what is this weird feeling in my chest? I want to make him stronger... he must stay close... What does he like to eat? Can I drink a jar of his spit at home when I feel low? How about his blood....'

Crazy thoughts began to circle the mind of a woman who formerly only cared about becoming stronger and improving her strength.

Rikala's soft flesh began to wrap around Alex, the green flesh warmer and more delicate than humans skin, but her nerves and senses were more than triple; as his body began to rub against her usually hidden flesh, she shuddered and felt feelings beyond even when she won a harsh battle.

'This is so good... there's a sticky feeling between my thighs... it's getting worse.... did I wet myself at this age?'

Rikala continued to think stupid things as her blue lips moved closer and closer before they overlapped with the soft pink lips of Alex; he only felt a soft, gummy texture while the soft wet sponge that tasted of sweet almonds entered his mouth actively sucking on her tongue to enjoy the taste more, each time he gulped down a mouthful of the almond syrup, his body and bones began to heal, aiding his naturally fast regeneration.

He didn't know if it would last, so he took advantage of this moment to heal as quickly as possible; he wanted to go and test the dimensional mercenary portal before others started to enter the city. As their tongues danced together, she pulled herself off him, making sure to lick every inch of him until her mouth left a thin trail of saliva on his cheek.

She didn't want to end, but the feeling between her legs, the tingling in her chest and two cherries became too strong; Rikala wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but she needed to deal with the desire; something deep inside her was screamed and driving her mind to act, quickly grasping her slightly cracked carapace that already stated repairing, she darted towards the exit, with two pairs of beautiful translucent wings fluttering from her back, something she never used during the duel.

As soon as she reached the outside world, she spread her wings wide and flew high above the clouds, heading straight for the mountain range where the portal was located, leaving behind the young man who defeated her, whose body was still healing itself inside her hand was a small pot filled with his saliva and blood as she smiled happily swishing this pot with a sealed lid, there was also a torn piece of Alex's clothes stuffed inside her strange flat mandible that closed across her mouth, hiding her face.

The moment Stella saw that bug woman vanish, she slipped past Valulaela and shot towards the area, her eyes fixated on Alex as she stumbled through the air with her basic flight, like a plane in turbulence, her happiness was too strong as she landed on his body with a thump, causing him to exhale and cough loudly from the heavy weight of Stella's body slamming into his chest as she wrapped around him like an octopus.

Stella looked down at the young man with his eyes closed, wiping off the sticky slime from that damn bug, enjoying his cute smile, kissing his cheek lightly before whispering, 'you were so cool~', her voice sounding odd to him because she sounded like a child saying such words.

She hugged him tighter, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest, causing him to gasp softly, unable to speak or move due to their massive size.

'You're so big~' She cooed, rubbing her head against his shoulder, her cheeks turning redder and brighter than usual, her pupils dilating and expanding as her body trembled and shook with excitement and joy.

A part of him knew she was acting strangely. Still, another part of him just enjoyed holding her tight, feeling her warmth and smelling her sweet scent, which reminded him of honey and strawberries, causing his cock to twitch in response, giving him hope that he might get lucky tonight.

Alex no longer felt the intense pain, and feeling began to return to his body, gently stroking Stella's back; he pushed himself up as her soft breasts squished against his firm chest, and they sat together.

He let out a slight grunt, still feeling some pain from the battle, but the fact he won was more than enough for him to smile; those vibrant emerald eyes appeared as he looked at the strange Stella, who immediately realised her gaff the moment his eyes looked at her, blushing furiously and looking away, mumbling under her breath.

'I should have been paying attention... I can't believe I made such a mistake... I will pay more attention in future; what if he gets all cocky... think's I love him or something!?.'

"Shall we go check that board out now? Since we passed the test, we should be able to get our new identification, right?" Alex asked, his voice deep and still a little bit dreamy.

"Yeah, yeah, let's hurry."

Back inside the small guild that also served as an inn, Valulaela was back to her old self, neat working outfit, with no blush on her cheeks, nor did she look like a predator eyeing her prey, causing both Stella and Alex to feel strange.

"Hello, you two did very well~ here; I've already prepared some identification for you both! You can enter any Dimensional gate for Stage 0 or Stage 1, but for anything higher? You need to increase your stages first~ fufu, or you could sleep with the receptionist, and she might make a nice little exception for you... although you could be eaten~."

This act of her's didn't last long as she leaned over the counter, her soft lips only a few inches from Alex, before she kissed the tip of his ear, a long, silky tongue sliding across the tip of his lob as she whispered the last parts of her sentence, Stella quickly pulled him away, her eyes watching the woman with vigilance, something told her that this wasn't over.

Valulaela was a dangerous and scary opponent.

After receiving their identification cards, the pair walked towards the mercenary board, which contained all the jobs and listed missions available from this village.

The identification card was quite simple; it had their name, and a picture was taken at some point; Alex looked like a handsome model with no shirt, while Stella looked like a call girl or prostitute with her amplified cleavage, seemingly a slight revenge from Valulaela.

It didn't show too much detail of their occupation and attributes but included their rank and the occupation name and stage; this might be to help tell people how strong they were, and forming groups would be easier using this than delving into someone's private details with invasive questions.

Their levels weren't shown either, probably to keep them secret from other people, although it said stage 1 could be anything from a newly levelled stage 1 to an almost evolved stage 1 on the border of stage 2, which was a huge difference in power.

They read through the list, noting that some jobs required multiple parties to take down, so they decided to start smaller and try to gain experience points without taking on any real danger. They found a job that involved killing monsters for money and gaining XP, so they accepted it and headed towards the huge portal; the quest slip seemed to vanish once Alex showed interest in taking the quest.

It was like a group of words entered his mind, with the pleasant voice of Valulaela, most likely because she was who signed their cards as it continued to sound until he responded.

"Handsome, would you like to take this quest?"


Appeared in his mind when he decided yes, vanished the slip, merged it with his and Stella's card, and added a new line of text at the bottom of their identification.

"Currently on Quest: Defeat the Mutated Kobolds"

"Failure: Lost 10 silver, cannot take the quest for 24 hours."

Alex was about to take Stella's hand but soon found a warm, delicate palm wrapping around his as the redhead looked at him with slightly blushing cheeks, "Got a problem!? Let's go?" Her little cheeks puffed out slightly before she turned her head away since that woman appeared; Stella became more animated and possessive.

However, still, she hadn't acknowledged why she acted this way, simply just enjoying the sensation of holding hands and going around to the portal with him.

Valulaela watched the two leave with a soft smile, her eyes narrowing as she began to identify Stella as a rival, her fingers tapping the counter as two elderly people entered the guild, not 10 minutes after Alex left.

One looked like a female version of Mabelon, just rather aged and with a more ferocious feeling; beside her, a soft-looking male, his antennae short but a more feminine face and seemed fearful of both the woman beside him and Valulaela that stood at the desk.

The woman slammed the desk with her arm, a loud crash filling the room as everyone turned towards the commotion.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!" The woman bellowed, her eyes filled with hatred and anger, leaning forward, trying to intimidate Valulaela, who was always acting in front of these people as if she never wanted to marry that prick.

Back then, she lacked the strength to reject it outright.

"Why is my beautiful, perfect son dead to some dirty, back-world slut!! Where is the little bitch, I will kill her, but first, I will rape any male she loves, then eat them in her despairing face before she dies.

But now?


A blade, rather a black claw, tore through the air, slicing the very dust particles that flew in the air; a moment later, the woman's neck was filled with a long red line before blood began to ooze from her flesh, a moment that the head toppled off and slammed on the ground with a thud.

"Sorry, I am not interested in this game anymore... He would be angry if you kept bothering him...."

She turned back to a small, goat-looking co-worker, licking her lips with a ravenous face, "little lamb, can you clean up her corpse and send her innards to the chef? I want to eat bitch stew tonight. Okay? I'll let you have some Vamura heart, fufu~ that good?"

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