Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 91 91: Broken [1]

She didn't know where she was going anymore... she couldn't understand. Was she trying to escape? Or did she not care about anything else?

No, she cared deeply for everyone back at the base; at first, they were disgusting and reminded her of the shame she felt; despite denying it, she began to feel affection for Alex, which caused her to feel angry and dirty, forcing herself to deny these feelings. Still, something happened, perhaps due to her lack of control, confusion and fear, which led to this...

"I will kill you..." Her hoarse, distorted voice was like an overmixed monster for a movie.



Her claw-like hands slashed across her body, tearing off the pathetic thing between his legs; her fingers, like blades, sliced the man's lower jaw as his flesh peeled back; the muscle was flayed, causing the man to fall backwards, his lips trembling, entering a sense of shock, as Mildred's body deformed, forming spines and blades around her body, as if a manifestation of her desire not to be touched, or approached, loud cracking of bones and tearing of flesh resonated as the male pulled back on his hands and knee's in terror.

"W....what are you waiting for!!! Argh..... kill the bitch..... somebody.... save me!" His voice stuttered and broke as blood began to bubble and floor his mouth, oozing from his crotch.

"I will devour you..." As if an eastern monk chanted her prayers horrifyingly, Mildred continued repeating both sentences.

Her skin darkened and hardened as her limbs twisted and grew larger, becoming almost like tree bark. Blood flowed freely as she moved closer, snarling as she prepared to pounce. In response, the man screamed louder, writhing in pain, as a pool of blood formed beneath him. Suddenly, lightning flashed outside the window, followed by thunder, as another bolt struck the building.

Thunder echoed throughout the entire area as waves of electricity rushed through the air. The lights began flickering, and the power surged within Mildred, growing stronger every second, until finally, it exploded inside her head, bathing her brain in a red light.

She instantly lunged for the male, tearing him into pieces with a single movement of her arms, her mouth deformed with long sharp teeth and a massive tongue that began to devour and savour the taste of the man, his death too swift for him to even scream, the two other men began to rush towards the door,

"Run! Shit.... that bitch became an infected freak!!"

"Ah, shit, shit, shit! Why did we fuck a crazy slut!"

The two men were only inches from the wooden door and escaped before a sudden pain impacted their bodies, feeling lifted from the ground, both gasping for air.


Two spiked tails, made from flesh, penetrated their chest's as they looked down, their hearts now dangling a few inches from their faces crushed against the door, before the tails began to pulsate, drinking their bodies dry like the tails were straws, their agonising cries causing the group of people fighting to stop momentarily, as Samantha's blade sliced the crossbow using females throat.

"Mildred...? What the fuck happened!?" Her eyes dilated, seeing the sudden changes in her friend while the cowering females around her began to crawl away, their legs broken, hands tied, and all sorts of fluids filling and covering their bodies, stinking as they hadn't bathed in days.

"Krrrrrrrrrrr!" A strange screech, like a foul howling of a monster, came from Mildred's mouth as her tails devoured the two males until they were mere skeletons and flesh, no meat or blood remaining. In contrast

The male on the ground was simply a skull; the eyes were crushed, their nose smashed, and her dark red eyes, with an evil glow, now snapped to the five surviving people and the 8 victims.

A steamy burst of breath left the mutated Mildred's mouth as her body darted out of sight like she teleported and was now clinging to the ceiling, her two tails swaying, with a meter-long tongue with a sharp tip and hollow centre.

"Shit...." Samantha cursed; her tired body could sense danger, and her stage 1 vesta instincts screamed for her to escape from the predator in the room.

''I've only felt this when Alex was fighting or looking at my naked body... she's going to devour us all... Mildred.... has lost her mind!'

Meanwhile, Alex was on the sixth floor, somehow there was an annoying blockade on the fourth and fifth floors, leading him to take a detour several times, his new suit was still pristine, but his hands were coated in blood, the corpses of 12 zombie dogs below him.

The Stage 2, Alexander once again levelled up and empowered himself considerably; halfway through the fight with the dogs, he felt a strange pain in his chest; it was like someone tore a part of him out, the pain excruciating as he held his hand, a considerable chunk missing as it slowly regenerated.

'I don't know what that pain meant... but I cannot feel... I cannot feel Mildred anymore!'

His thoughts became chaotic as the sounds upstairs that were loud, filled with the clash of metal and bodies shuffling around, were not gone; Alexander's eyes were focused, with a bright green glow as his heart began to accelerate; he couldn't feel Mildred, the sensation was faint, but before it vanished, he felt a massive surge the feelings her affection and hidden thoughts exploded in his mind before it vanished along with a distorted static.

"I need to hurry!"


"Fuck off!" Alex shouted, his body suddenly enveloped in more than ten blood lances from the nearby dogs as another pack burst through the weakened doors rushing towards him from the opposite hallway; Alex didn't know why they didn't break out for the other girls; maybe because they didn't fight on this floor, or that strange sense of dread and disgusting creature above caused them to become fearful and berserk, as countless dogs began to rush through the broken double doors.

"I don't have time to play with any dogs. Die."

His voice was flat, the sense of anger and sheer disregard for their existence apparent as the 10 lances shot forward with a defeating bang, like shells from a mortar, each one hitting a dog square in its head, killing it immediately. One after another, they fell dead upon impact. It wasn't enough. More were coming.

He picked up a corpse, throwing it aside, then picked up another, tossing it behind him as he flung it into the horde of dogs. They scattered, confused, just like children caught doing wrong.

Alex lifted his hand before clenching the claw-like fingers as the dogs began to explode, one by one; all the corpses burst like flesh bags of dynamite, the bones shooting out like a fragmentation mine tearing apart the other dogs and causing a chain reaction of chaos and slaughter, as dozens died, hundreds of zombies turned to dust, leaving piles of rotting flesh and bone fragments.

Alexander stood tall as he surveyed his surroundings, checking if anyone was near, his eye sockets glowing brightly, a sign of his strength returning, as the last of the dogs ran past him, fleeing for life with a leg missing, only for its body to be torn apart by a stray blood lance piercing through it's rear and rupturing its organs, with a whimper.

-Congratulations to you...!

"Tsk... What good is a fucking level-up when Mildred is gone, and Samantha is about to fade too!!" Alex snapped with a bellowing shout, losing his cool for the first time in a long while. His shout caused the system's level-up voice to stop halfway, his feet rushing rapidly towards the stairs; loot didn't matter, coins didn't matter.

In his heart were only Samantha and Mildred.

Samantha was still alive. She crawled sideways, moving carefully as her whole body hurt from being beaten and abused. There was dried blood everywhere, some still wet, as her vision blurred. All she wanted was to sleep, but she knew that would never happen. Not yet, anyway.

"Noo.... please....!? Arggh!!" a woman's cry sounded as the light faded from her terrified eyes.

As she tried to stand, her knees buckled underneath her, and she collapsed onto her stomach.


Her dazed eyes watched as the always kind and solid leader of the younger Vesta was devouring the same victims of her abuse, the women now cold and dead, torn apart by the berserk Mildred while Samantha's left arm was hanging from the wall, heavily damaged. Her face was twisted, snarling at nothing, as her mouth opened wide, revealing teeth stained red with fresh blood.

The sound of snapping jaws echoed throughout the room, accompanied by the crunching of meat. Some pieces had been bitten cleanly in two; others were chewed to shreds.

Despite being a ghoul herself, the sight horrified Samantha.

'My body... please move... I have to snap her out of it... Milly... isn't this kind of person!'

Desperately, Samatha's body pushed herself off the ground, taking the blunt and damaged dagger gleaming as she staggered towards Mildred, desperate to awaken her comrade and the friend she began to care for deeply.

The outside of the enormous glass windows began to shudder, the thick rain pelting against the windows, with a loud pitter-patter and rumbling in the sky as thunder and lightning churned in the dark grey skies.

"Mildred... I will stop you because I know you would hate for Alex to see you this way... when you wake up, the self-hatred you will feel for killing these girls who were just like you. Don't worry... later we can tease Alexander together, haha! How he got eaten by some dogs!"

"That's why Mildred! Look at me!"

Her loud voice sounded in the room now void of life, walls painted with blood and guts, the white carpet now blood red with only her and the mutated Mildred left alive inside this room.

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