(Brain Storageԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ))

"Damn, this is the finale, the next two seasons are too boring."

Ling Chuan, who had just come out of the Internet cafe all night, complained about the plot of (Tokyo Ghoul) as he walked.

""Young man, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, the people around him fled and shouted.

Ling Chuan was startled and turned his head quickly, only to see a huge truck rushing towards him like a wild horse! The truck was very fast and was approaching in the blink of an eye, bringing a suffocating sense of oppression.

Ling Chuan's face turned pale in an instant, his mind was blank, but his body reacted instinctively-running desperately! He spread his legs and ran forward with all his strength, hoping to escape this terrible disaster.

However, although he had tried his best, he was still a step slow. The truck hit him mercilessly and knocked him out. Ling Chuan felt a sharp pain, as if all the bones in his body were broken, and then his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.……

""It's over. The browsing history on my phone hasn't been deleted yet. My innocence in life is going to be gone."

Lingchuan shouted and opened his eyes. Suddenly he found something wrong. This didn't seem to be a hospital. He saw more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at him.

With a dizzy spell, Lingchuan soon understood that, yes, he had traveled through time and space to the world of"Tokyo Ghoul".

He sorted out the memories in his mind and knew that this was Tokyo, Japan. The original owner was also called Lingchuan. The university he was currently attending was called Kamii University, which was also the university where the original anime protagonist Kaneki Kensho attended, and he was a classmate of Kaneki Kensho.

In this world's modern cities, there is a kind of weirdo who regards humans as food. They are called"ghouls".

The strength of ghouls is basically far stronger than that of ordinary humans, so this is a very dangerous world.

"Shit, there are man-eating ghouls everywhere here. Why don’t I just find a truck to crash into again? At least it will send me to a cool novel. No, my browsing history hasn’t been deleted yet. Ahhhh……"

"Ding, the host from another world has been detected, and the auxiliary system has begun to bind."

Ling Chuan was shocked to hear this sudden voice, but then he was filled with uncontrollable excitement. He thought to himself,"Sure enough, it's just like what is written in those novels! There must be a golden finger to help after crossing! This time it's really going to soar to the sky!……"Thinking of this, Ling Chuan couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself relying on this magical system to travel through another world, marry a beautiful and wealthy woman, and reach the pinnacle of life.

""Ling Chuan, are you okay?"

Just when Ling Chuan was secretly proud of himself and had a smug look on his face, he suddenly heard a soft question from behind.

Ling Chuan turned around and looked at the shy boy with black hair and a handsome appearance. He was a little surprised and thought to himself.

"I met the protagonist so soon."

Then he calmed down and replied,"I'm fine, I just had a nightmare. Thank you Kaneki-san for your concern."

"You're welcome, we're classmates, I hope you're okay." Kaneki Ken said with a smile

"Kaneki-san, how are you doing recently? Has anything unusual happened?" Ling Chuan knew the plot of the anime, but he didn't know how far the plot had developed so he asked.

"Hey, everything is fine recently, Lingchuan, what's wrong?" Kaneki Ken replied in confusion

"It's okay, Kaneki-san, I just asked casually." Ling Chuan said with a smile."Ding, the system is successfully bound." Hearing the notification of successful system binding in his mind, Ling Chuan immediately turned around and studied the system.

""Start the system"

Ling Chuan said silently in his mind

"Ding, the system is activated successfully... The host gets to know the protagonist of this anime, Kaneki Ken, and is rewarded with a novice gift pack (SSS-level upgradeable Scale Feather Pack). Do you want to open it now to receive it?"

""SSS-level upgradeable scale-feather kagune" Lingchuan was a little shocked. You know, there are eight levels of ghouls, including D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and SSR for Kaneki Ken's angel form. Generally, ghouls can only become stronger by training kagune and eating together. This one starts with an SSS-level kagune, which is invincible.

Like the"killer whale" Kamishiro Haru in the original work, as an SS-level ghoul, he doesn't use kagune very much, because as a ghoul, he has super high physical strength, so he usually fights with fighting skills.

The violent attack power and almost teleportation speed once abused Kaneki, who evolved into an SS-level ghoul through eating together in the later period.

SSS level is already the level of the antique coffee shop manager"Unkillable Owl" Yoshimura Kozen and his daughter"One-eyed Owl" Takatsuki Izumi, which is almost invincible.

"System, I am at school now, so I won’t open the novice gift pack yet. Please tell me what the upgradeable gift pack is first." Ling Chuan thought to himself while asking the system in his mind.

"The upgradeable kagune package is that the host can get kagune proficiency and various body enhancement values by getting to know important characters in the original work. When the proficiency accumulates to a certain level, the kagune can be strengthened, and after the system transformation, the host will not be disgusted by ordinary food after becoming a ghoul."

The cold mechanical voice of the system replied in Lingchuan's mind

"Damn, isn't this taking off from the spot? I originally thought about becoming a ghoul and wanting to become stronger and eat others, but I was still quite scared. After all, I am also a flower of the motherland who has received nine years of compulsory education and grew up in a society ruled by law. This system solves these problems at once, and I don't have to rely on cannibalism to survive in my daily life. Long live the system!………"

The response given by the system made Ling Chuan very satisfied. At least when choosing between eating people and not eating people, not eating people is undoubtedly the better choice. Now Ling Chuan can't wait to finish the class early and go home to open the novice gift package.

���He Bao, Ling Chuan certainly would not hesitate to choose to be a human or a ghoul. You have to know that in this world, ordinary people who have no strength can only be hunted by ghouls.

"Ding ding ding……"

Just as Ling Chuan continued to fantasize about holding Takatsuki Izumi in his left hand and Fueguchi Hinami in his right hand, and reaching the peak of his life, a radio ring interrupted his fantasy.


(ps: Introduction to the types of kagune

: First kagune: grows on the arm, connected to one shoulder blade, thick and sharp, with strong penetrating power, and can also be used as a shield, but the disadvantage is that it makes the user's movement bulky.

Winged kagune: after unfolding, it looks like wings, grows on both sides of the shoulder blade, characterized by fast speed and strong explosive power, suitable for quick battles, but not suitable for close combat.

Scaled kagune: looks like several huge tentacles, moves freely, attacks powerfully, and kills two birds with one stone whether attacking or defending.

Tail kagune: grows on the coccyx, and its shape is mostly common in tentacles or blades, large in size, and has strong impact.

There are some special kagune in the anime, I won't go into details.

I'm a new author, please be gentle with your readers.ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ))

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